Warhammer Online- an update...


Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
I don't know how many of you are planning on playing this. I think a lot of you are still playing AoC, but for those of you who are interested, a lot of new information was released over the past week.

Firstly, the game has been dated! WAR will start on September 18!!! Everybody who preorders will be able to participate in the Open beta/stress test, have access to the Head Start, and recieve 2 exclusive in-game items. People who have preordered the Collector's Edition will be getting invites to the closed beta and the head start will be a full week instead of just three days.

info on the preorder program: http://www.warhammeronline.com/preorder/

Minimum system req's are out too.


For Windows XP

? 2.5 GHz P4 (single core) processor or equivalent
? 1 Gigabyte RAM
? A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0
? At least 15 GB of hard drive space

For Windows VISTA

? 2.5 GHz P4 processor or equivalent
? 2 Gigabyte RAM
? A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0
? At least 15 GB of hard drive space

Supported Video Cards

ATI Radeon(TM) series

? 9500, 9600, 9800
? X300, X600, X700, X800, X850
? X1300, X1600, X1800, X1900, X1950
? 2400, 2600, 2900,
? 3650, 3850, 3870
? 4850, 4870

NVIDIA GeForce series

? FX 5900, FX 5950
? 6600, 6800,
? 7600, 7800, 7900, 7950
? 8400, 8500, 8600, 8800
? 9400, 9500, 9600, 9800
? GTX 260, GTX 280

Intel(R) Extreme Graphics

? GMA X4500

Laptop versions of these chipsets may work, but may run comparatively slowly. Standalone cards that are installed in vanilla PCI slots (not PCIe or PCIx or AGP), such as some GeForce FX variants, will perform poorly. Integrated chipsets such as the ATI Xpress and the NVIDIA TurboCache variants will have low settings selected, but should run satisfactorily.

Please note that attempting to play the game using video hardware that isn?t listed above may result in reduced performance, graphical issues or cause the game to not run at all.

The NVIDIA GeForce FX series is unsupported under Vista.

the req's page: http://herald.warhammeronline.com/warherald/NewsArticle.war?id=168

Gamespy has an interesting look at beta that seems pretty good.


I'm so getting this. Gonna be a greenskin and join da boyz in da Waaaghh!

Anyone else here getting it?
I am, but I don't know what class I want to play. They all look so good....
Dwarf Engineer for me. The buzz hasn't been very positive lately, but I'll prolly still get it at release.
I'll be getting it, I'm thinking I want to play as a Squid Herder, but I'm not sure yet rly.
I have the CE reserved and just picked up the rave card with the codes for open beta and early start today, can't wait.
About 6 mates and I have all pre-ordered and will hold a mega LAN over the holidays for it :P
I'll be getting it, I'm thinking I want to play as a Squid Herder, but I'm not sure yet rly.

I have a squig on my desk that I painted myself. He's orange. I call him Squiggy.
I have a squig on my desk that I painted myself. He's orange. I call him Squiggy.

They're just so cute! I found this on g00gle image search


So awesome! :D
I'm probably gonna get this... I'm a big PvP man and like a lot of their design choices (public quests and stuff). Graphics/animations are kinda weird from what little I've seen from like year-old videos, but still heaps better than boring-ass-humans-only-in-boring-ass-armor Age of Conan.

Probably be a chaos chosen. :P
The beta was meh at best. Still waiting for the one MMO to rule them all.
Already pre-ordered and just got into the beta. I'll post some impressions once it's downloaded in about a week's time...
I'm looking forward to this game, I guess. But the last time I was excited about a MMO, it sucked.
Client is available for DL on the 15th but thats not necessarily when the server goes up so ya. Im trying to find the collectors edition myself so I can get into the closed beta right now but I cant seem to find one.
try amazon or an online store? I'm pretty sure that most retailers are sold out of the CE.
I preordered this so I can play in the open beta and everything after reading up on it more... I'm ****ing excited! Sounds absolutely awesome.
I preordered this so I can play in the open beta and everything after reading up on it more... I'm ****ing excited! Sounds absolutely awesome.

Yah after talking to several closed beta testers Im really excited! And WAR is far from WoW its more like DAOC infused with WoW which is fine by me.
So i got my email for closed beta today!! W00t!!!

of course the game client can only be had through torrent... and it's taking forever...
So i got my email for closed beta today!! W00t!!!

of course the game client can only be had through torrent... and it's taking forever...

Lucky! All the CE are sold out so theres no way for me to get in the closed beta! ;( O well hopefully the open beta will start soon!
Download the "warpatch.exe" file and all other files with "patch" in the name through the torrent, delete everything else, and run warpatch. Downloads it all directly from their servers. Not exactly speedy-go-fast-fast, but better than the torrent.

You have to have set up an account using your closed beta key on https://accounts.eamythic.com/ for this to work, btw.
i've been keeping up on this mmo for years

they know what they're doing, it will likely be huge
Warhammer, love the fluff and it'll be more pvp and less raidyawn.

I think I can give this a go when its released.
Aw sweet generic evil emo elfses with generic good dwarves with horrible fake scottish accents and generic evil orcs who just hit stuff and....

Wow if you havnt seen screens from the latest beta build 3.3 they look absolutely amazing and the animations are very fluid now combat is almost identical to WoW! Really really cant wait for this game!
So the beta servers came up for about 6 minutes... And in those 6 minutes that I got to play my sexy Dark Elf Sorcereress, I felt instantly justified in shelling out for the collector's edition.

edit: even though it's beta, it felt more polished than some other recent games I won't name...
So the beta servers came up for about 6 minutes... And in those 6 minutes that I got to play my sexy Dark Elf Sorcereress, I felt instantly justified in shelling out for the collector's edition.

edit: even though it's beta, it felt more polished than some other recent games I won't name...

Name it, funcom mods can't lock threads here.
I'd be interested if it wasn't such a generic setting and if the pvp wasn't Faction based.
I'd be interested if it wasn't such a generic setting and if the pvp wasn't Faction based.

Faction based? It used to be that way but thats all been changed now its starts off faction vs faction (ie Greenskin vs Drawf) for each sides fortress then it all collaborates into two large city sieges between all factions Order vs Destruction!
So what makes it different to all the other MMOs where you do the same clicking about?
So what makes it different to all the other MMOs where you do the same clicking about?

Read here. It's all about Realm versus Realm combat. Instead of focusing on raids and arenas like WoW, Warhammer (and DaoC before it) focus on epic persistent scenario battles over territory and specific objects.
Faction based? It used to be that way but thats all been changed now its starts off faction vs faction (ie Greenskin vs Drawf) for each sides fortress then it all collaborates into two large city sieges between all factions Order vs Destruction!

So Factions then Meta-Factions. Big diff
Well shit since people already KNOW what score this game is gonna get and the "fact" that its basically gonna be the EXACT same thing as everything else out there already (which by law means that it simply CAN NOT be fun AT ALL) I might as well just throw my copy right square in the trash can when I pick it up. Hell I probably should go ahead and burn down Mythics building while Im at it for being such dumbasses as to spend all this time and money on something that we already know is gonna be a failure and is just a BIG GENERIC pile of F@#K! :rolling:

Anthraxxx wanna help me??
I'd be interested if it wasn't such a generic setting and if the pvp wasn't Faction based.

Your criticism of the setting only shows that your not the target audience, move along.

The game focuses on decent world pvp, great, I love world pvp, and regardless of your opinion, I love the setting, I've enjoyed Warhammer's setting in fiction and games for a while.

I dunno wether to make a stunty or a goblin squig herder!.

And only a nerdy game developer could realize the smexyness of a naughty S&M obsessed elf sorceress where GW's model sculpting department fails. :imu:
Your criticism of the setting only shows that your not the target audience, move along.
What's that supposed to mean? The target audience is people already fans of the setting? Or just people who prefer their fantasy generic?