Amnesia: The Dark Descent Gone Gold

just done the demo

OMG i'm terrfied! D:

that is sooo ***ing tense. It moves slower than penumbra and the atmosphere is done perfectly. In penumbra you can tell kinda at some times when ur safe but i never felt that here. Sanity meter is a nice touch and that water scene is one of the scariest things i've ever seen in any game D:
Yeah I just finished it myself. I was quite proud of the little system that I made up to
stay out of the water
and right at the end it blocked the door so I couldn't go through! How very clever of it.

Also, the turning system that they have for levers and such sucks horribly. I have to move my mouse miles to get even a little movement when turning those cranks. They need to jack up the sensitivity on that. That's the main reason I was stuck where I was for so long, I thought that the thing was jammed because all I could get to register for the longest time was a rough jiggle. :(

Still, I enjoyed it quite a lot and was not disappointed in the fright department either. :D
It really is. I saw that it was only $16 on Steam with the pre-release sale and had to get it!
argh i still cant preorder it on steam, theres no freaking buy button.
That's strange. I had no problem. I just added it to my cart and then went to checkout.
Well, I screamed like a little girl and gave up through the demo.
I feel like trying this cause i'm a huge wuss and a huge dumbass
Just got my email about how to get it when it comes out on Wednesday.
I'm currently on my sister's craptop (my laptop is broken--sigh), o chances are I'll be getting it back just in time to play. JUST.

Lucky, actually, otherwise I'd be playing the demo to death.
Heres the pre-order email, incase somebody didn't get it.

Dear pre-orderee,

On Wednesday next week it is time for the release of Amnesia: The Dark Descent. We are writing to you with the intent to inform you how to get the game.

Using your email address and the order number (starting with ST) you go to and login. If you do this before Wednesday, you will see an Amnesia: TDD section with only a release date, no download links, serial or Steam key. But, when you login on Wednesday you will see download links, serial and the Steam key.

If you login on Wednesday and for whatever reason do not see your download link, serial or Steam key. Email [email protected] and we will do our best to help you as soon as we can.

What do you get in your pre-order?

You get 1 serial and 1 Steam key.
You get download links for Windows, Mac and Linux - All will run with the same serial.
You can use the Steam key to activate the Windows & Mac version of Amnesia on Steam. You do this in the Game menu in Steam, using "Activate a Product on Steam...".

You can do BOTH, that is you do not have to choose between Steam or our download, you get it all.

But please, as bandwidth cost and is limited, only download the game for the platform you intend to play it on. You can always get all the versions later, there is no download limit or time limit.

We Thank You for the support, as you will notice there is a developer commentary function in the game. This was added as we reached the 2000 pre-orders goal.

Hope you enjoy the game, if you do, please help us and spread the word!

Horrific, but sweet regards,
Frictional Games
From the IGN review. This is the true spirit of the game, and it's what makes this game different from all the mainstream so-called horror games out there. And remember: Amnesia is from a small independent company and the game's engine is entirely home made.
The guys at Frictional should be hired by Valve, and given the money they deserve.

True survival horror games are rare these days. Games like Dead Space and the most recent Resident Evil titles can be scary but tend to be just as focused on action as they are on atmosphere. In Frictional Games' Amnesia: The Dark Descent, you get no gun. When a gruesome shambling creature rounds a corner on wobbly knees and its yawning rictus comes into focus, you can only succumb to its onslaught or flee in terror, hoping the shadows will provide safe haven. It plays more like a first-person adventure game than anything else
I'd rather Frictional remained independent of any other corporation/company to be sure their creative wings weren't tethered.
Just finished the demo and WOW. Awesome stuff there. Really terrifying. Just what the doctor ordered. Can't wait til the whole version is out!
I'd rather Frictional remained independent of any other corporation/company to be sure their creative wings weren't tethered.

Umh, you are right. The first thing a mainstream company would force Frictional to do would be putting a gun in the main character's hands.
Started playing a demo. Got to the part half way through where you start freaking out because its to dark and gave up. Seems like a cool game but kinda creepy..
I got to a bit where there are invisible things in the water, you can tell where they are only by the splashes in the water. The hard thing is I've gotten to a part where you have to stand in the water and turn a wheel to open a door, but the damn invisible thing keeps killing me. :frown:
Throw body parts in the water and let it eat on them, this will give you enough time (barely) to open the door.
Alternatively you could jump on a box and then pick that box up (how the **** you manage that I don't know) and put it in front of the wheel. Stand on box and turn wheel. Done.
Alternatively you could jump on a box and then pick that box up (how the **** you manage that I don't know) and put it in front of the wheel. Stand on box and turn wheel. Done.

Hmm, that's actually not a bad idea. I'll try that next time.
The player can't seem to clip the monster but I did manage to smack him in the face with the box whilst I was moving it. It was funny for the 5 seconds before he became unstuck and returned to eating my face.
Alternatively you could jump on a box and then pick that box up (how the **** you manage that I don't know) and put it in front of the wheel. Stand on box and turn wheel. Done.
That's how I did it. Not hard really.
"Amnesia is an experience you won't soon forget."

The player can't seem to clip the monster but I did manage to smack him in the face with the box whilst I was moving it. It was funny for the 5 seconds before he became unstuck and returned to eating my face.

Hahah, that reminds me, earlier in the demo when a door suddenly bursts open I just picked up a chair to defend myself: "I have a chair and I'm not afraid to use it!"
PCGamer review is up: 88%

"Rich in atmosphere and big on scares, Amnesia: The Dark Descent goes where survival-horror fears to tread."

Full review here.
I love how that PCGamer guy seems to have never heard of the Penumbra games since they were the same basic concept as Amnesia, by the same developers.

Honestly, he should at least have bothered to look up the company's(Is it companies's, company's or what, when speaking of a company's games?) previous games and he'd realize they already treaded where survival-horror fears to tread with their previous games.
Its company's when you're talking about one company's thing. I believe.

Personally I ****ing hate apastrophes, we don't have apostrophe rules in my language like English does, I find it really confusing in some cases.
Yeah, theyre dumb. I say we stop using them.
Well they're fine for stuff like "they're" etc, I just mean when it comes to possession etc.

Like "The Jones's House" or "The Joneses House" etc.
Well it wouldn't be "Jones's" it would be "Jones'." You don't put an "s" after a possessive apostrophe on a word that already ends in an "s."

Like if we were talking about budget reports for multiple companies, it would be "the companies' budget reports show..."
Krynn, but what if it's a family named Jones? Wouldn't it be "The Joneses House"?
By the way, Frictional just released Steam activation codes for those who pre-ordered through their site.
Ooo, thanks Paulaner!

EDIT: Err... apparently I'm allowed to play as soon as its done downloading. Maybe I'm mistaken, but it looks like I get access a day early :D

EDIT 2: False alarm, gotta wait until tomorrow *sigh*
By the way, Frictional just released Steam activation codes for those who pre-ordered through their site.

Were they emailed to us? Last email I got was early today reminding us it was being released tomorrow.