It's been a long five years...

I found it via a link from another Half life forum (which I found via google). Lurked for a while, then abandoned the other and came here. Its safer here.
congratulations I suppose :), may you be on here still when half life 4 comes out
I found this website while finding information about Half Life. I lurked around the forums, then decided to join after my birthday.

These forums and everyone on it feels like a very large extended family, helping me out, letting me down when my "ego" got the better of me, and generally being a funny place to be. I know I normally pop out of nowhere, but there's a lot of interesting things to do here.

My grammatical skills were generally okay, but I learned more about computers and how to type faster before Pi closes a derailed thread.

All in all, [you won't hear that again] I enjoy posting and reading here on my free time. Thank you all.
Goodbye posts suck. I doubt I'll ever leave this place for more than a few months at a time.

Also, I sigged the highlight of toaster's post. THERE IS NO ESCAPE.
I thinkl I just found this place on Googleh. Back when I was a total HL fanatic. I can't believe how ridiculously stupid I was when I first joined. At least now I have a bit of common sense.
I don't remember how I found this place, but I lurked a really long time before I joined. And by "a really long time" I mean a rather short four to five months-ish.

I really like, though. You guys are all very nice ladies.
I randomly found my way here while trying to find out info about the release date of HL 2 when the original, sacred date of Sep 30 was pushed back... I think.

Normally I lurk potential forums a few years but for some odd reason I registered here right away.

Not that I'm overactive or anything, with 260 posts through five years and such... There aren't a lot of 03'ers to be seen, not with their original accounts at least.
...but I've loved every day of it.

That's right, I registered exactly five years ago today, at the ripe young age of 14. I typed "" in the address bar on a whim after reading an article in Surge magazine about the HL2 source code theft. There was no frontpage, just a link to the forums. I joined and the rest is history.

So thanks for five long years of friendship, intellectual stimulation, and occasional irritation! This is my favorite forum ever <3 :D

How'd you find / come to join

Was it really like that in 2003?

For a couple of years I just had /forums/ bookmarked and never looked at the front page. I found this site after speaking to fragmaster before he went mental
I googled half life 2 (or something like that) and the rest was history :D

Also, from the title, I thought for a second that Ennui was leaving. I was like D: D: D: D: D:
Heh i think i found this forum when i googled for HL2, just seen a bunch of pictures from it and i was really excited.. Lurked for like forever, and yeah still lurks :P

still find this the greatest place :)
Was it really like that in 2003?

For a couple of years I just had /forums/ bookmarked and never looked at the front page. I found this site after speaking to fragmaster before he went mental

Not for all of 03, there was a frontpage for a while, but in december when I regged it was down pending a new layout. It said "new page on jan 1 2004" although I remember that the new layout wasn't up till at least february (in typical fashion).
Well, is related to Valve.

I should really wait till 15th January to post this...but I won't! I've nearly been here for 2 years and it's been great! I joined because I couldn't get the game working. It took a long time to get a response, but in the meantime I posted in other threads and became hooked on the forum! I've been here ever since!!
And I love *nearly* all of you!!! <3 <3
I found the forum through a link on the steam forums, I think it was an interview about ep2 that was done by one of the staff. Then I joined after playing through ep2 because I wanted to talk about how awesome it was.
I was thinking up some "big moments" that I remember from this site and realized a majority of the memories I have from this site was actually the IRC channel.

Guess that was always more my thing.
Was looking for release dates and other info after buying a new vid card.

I <3 ennui. You don't know how ****ing long it took me to figure out how to pronounce your screenname.
I still call him en-you-ee, that's the right way in my books.

I've associated that pronunciation with his personality, so now saying on-wee just doesn't seem to fit him.
I still call him en-you-ee, that's the right way in my books.

I've associated that pronunciation with his personality, so now saying on-wee just doesn't seem to fit him.

I'm pretty sure that if I ever actually "called" him in real life, it'd be by en-oo-ee
I needed help getting out of a square water sewer in the beginning of hl2. I was pissed after i learned that you had to crouch jump
I joined for HL2 story speculation. Good times were had.
I miss some of our fallen comrades though.