Final Gothic 3 Patch - Released


Mar 24, 2007
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Ok, I seem to be batting a .0 here with my re-posts. So this time around I took 5 mins to search first & unless it's in another post, I think I might actually have some *new* info here. At least I hope so!

A new patch has been released for Gothic 3 which brings the game up to v1.71.

This is definitely the final version. For Patch 1.71 the Community Patch 1.7 is required. The Community Patch 1.7 for Gothic 3 has a size of 880 MByte. The changelog lists more than 700 improvements and bug fixes. After more than one year of working on the update, the result is worth the effort. The Community Patch 1.71 for Gothic 3 is a hotfix and has to be installed on Patch 1.7. Savegames are still available afterwards.

I just reinstalled Gothic 3 & at it's original Retail version, I did the following & had zero problems starting the game & creating a new game. Of course I just applied the patch as of 15 mins ago & have yet to actually play for any given period of time. ( Which I will be doing the second I press "Submit." ) On a clean installation of Gothic 3, all you need is the v1.70 & v1.71 Patches. Regardless of what the Readme may say, I am a strong believer to apply the patch over a NEW installation of the game. This way you get to see ALL the fixes as you progress from the very start.

Soon as you start Gothic 3 after you apply both the v1.7 & 1.71 patches you WILL notice a difference immediately.

Fast Download Servers with ALL Patch Versions. (Just 1.7 & 1.71 Needed though)

Full v1.70 Change List: Over 5 pages of changes!!

Update: Played for over an hour. With all settings ( Both original & new with v1.7+ ) maxed out to their highest setting in-game, both with AA & AF at max, the game ran twice as smooth. Of course there was some minor stuttering upon loading & randomly as I explored. This could be due to my ancient ( 2002 ) & used-when-I-got-it HDD. The game looks fantastic visual wise, with a noticeable increase in overall poly's. Of course the game is still built on the Genome engine, it just now seems to be fully tweaked.

I have one problem, but this was present BEFORE I installed the v1.7 & v1.71 patches. My HD4850 does not render the shadows correctly. @ Medium & Max quality, my chars skin flickers. Not very bad, but noticeable. A driver issue I believe. Still with Shadows off, the game looks surprisingly good. Still much better than Pre-v1.7.

I realize that an hour is not long enough to really test the improved A.I. but I will say that the enemies I faced blocked my attacks with their shields & melee weapons MUCH more often, which was very nice. Made combat much more enjoyable. I also noticed that enemies that were fighting my allies, would turn to face & engage me if I got to close to them or if I attacked them. This seems to be new, as earlier today, I was playing pre-v1.7 & was attacking an enemy that was fighting an ally & that enemy never once tried to defend himself against my attacks.

I have not tried Magic yet, nor an Archer character. That's the next test.


Main Menu

Coastal Town - Night

Coastal Town- Day

So, since release, it has taken the time it takes to write an entire game from scratch to fix this waste of space. Assuming this last patch does fix it. Serious lose. :laugh:

btw, you have full dynamic shadows switched off, which may explain why it is running smoother...
btw, you have full dynamic shadows switched off, which may explain why it is running smoother...

Sorry you didn't like the game.

Without Full Dynamic Shadows = 105+ FPS ( Original SS )
With Full Dynamic Shadows = 60+ FPS - However, with them on, all I notice is that all NPC's skins flicker. The Below SS is with FDS on. But like I mentioned above, i'm not sure if the FDS are working correctly on my HD4850, so the 66FPS shown in the SS is most likely not accurate. Regardless, the game still looks great. At least IMO.

