judgment thread...you and Earth...for those who think they care


Aug 6, 2004
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so recently i've been thinking a lot how we screw our poor planet, specifically about, if i'm being a hypocrite.

i want you to list all the good things and bad things you do (going to do) to save/harm OUR planet. obviously this thread is for the ones who care, to all others...i hope you get cancer :angel: (it's scares me because i'm not that joking at all... :| )

let me start (the more detailed the list is the better)


-i have two computers...a 6 year old PC with a 350W PSU (run on weekends) and a 2 year old laptop that barely ever turns on it's cooling fan (it's a celeron M), haven't bought anything for them since i got them
-i drive a old (it has injector technology) Citoren Ax that has a relatively low consumption despite it's age. and i'm not even interested in big cars...heck even in regular cars. bikes may be a different story tough :)
-90% of the time i use bicycle in the city i go to uni, i drive only for weekends when going out with friends or other activities
-i don't make a lot of non organic trash (for every day life) ...maybe 2kg a week tops
-my normal shower is 5-10 minutes and i only run water when washing the soap off (i shower every other day or every third day...and i don't smell)
-we grow a lot of vegetables in our garden (at home)
-if i'll ever own a house, it'll be a small one and i'm gonna sacrifice indoor space for outer, because i don't mind cramped spaces (hell i'm writing in one right now)
-i'll invest in thick insulation, heat pump, solar collectors (not photovoltaic but water heating ones...i've heard they work like a charm even in poor weather)
-if i'll have one, i'll have a small family...can't be bothered with damn kids
-i don't eat that much meat as i used to
-i don't leave the tap running when brushing teeth
-i don't buy that many electronics at all (my cellphone is 3 years old and i'll have to change it because it's falling apart...once i smashed it against the floor and once i drooped it in beer...yes i was drunk both times)
-i don't own a lot of clothes and usually never throw one away while still usable (that's why i buy natural non trendy clothes...i'm more of a casual, sporty type)

Bad habits:

-i use a lot of paper towels...way too much
-i tend to often leave lights on
-i use a fan heater even while central heating is on...but that's due to my fan noise addiction (i have it on a timer and at low power, so i'm guessing it's not that bad)
-i tend to wash a things even if it wouldn't be really needed (e.g. washing hands when cleaning bread crumbs off the table after eating...totally unneeded)
-use a bit too much soap/detergent when washing stuff
-i use an unhealthy amount of plastic bags, where's i could easily go without them
-i don't sort garbage

hmm...i'm sure i could find many more but my memory is conspiring against me)

anyway it will greatly differ depending upon if you live in a city, suburb or country...but let's try not to compare dicks, but focus on yourself and your situation

sure you can laugh at me...but i tend to cherish nature and would like to see it not be destroyed. i'm sure there is a way we can integrate technology and nature together and make the world a nice place to live in. we just need to get rid of so many people and the consumerist society.
but maybe tomorrow, a truck loaded with the newest perfume line from Paris Hilton, will crash in my house, ass raping my ideals. :x
but it's safe to say that my goals are realistic, because most of those things are not that impossible to practice or implement (referring to the list or course).
i only use my electric sex toy 4 times a week
-my normal shower is 5-10 minutes and i only run water when washing the soap off (i shower every other day or every third day...and i don't smell)

Are you sure? I don't mean this in a mean way, It's just that I can't see how someone doesn't have some kind of BO after not showering for a day.
Positive Habits
-I own very few clothes and use them for as long as possible.
-My family has two cars, a sixteen year old toyota camery and a one year old Highlander. Both get reletively good gas mileage and we drive as little as possible.
-I aviod using the AC when at all possible (I live in Texas, and it can get HOT here) in favor of a ceiling fan.
-I keep all my old computers and re-use the parts when at all possible.
Negitive Habits
-I typically take very long showers (15-30 minutes) and shower twice a day at the least, and still smell kinda bad.
- I have a tendancy to leave lights and computers on much more than is neccisary.
- I definitly produce a lor of non-biological trash. To much to guess at right now.
- I waste a lot of paper.

It should be noted that I am something of an enviomentalist, in that I am somewhat aware of the damage I infilict upon nature and almost feel bad about it.
Are you sure? I don't mean this in a mean way, It's just that I can't see how someone doesn't have some kind of BO after not showering for a day.


you do realize that 50 years ago people washed maybe once a week. sure they smelled worse but their skin was pretty much diseases free as now. washing each day...especially with soap is damaging to the skin, because you destroy it's normal protective layer. of course it depends on the activities you do...after doing sports i always take a shower...that's why i plan physical activities the day i plan to take a shower...hence...every other day.

-I recycle.
-Family owns a minivan and sedan Honda. Both get good MPG.
-I don't waste water.


-I take 15 minute showers. Kind of long.
-Electricity used for computers and other stuff.

I can't really think of anything else, I feel pretty average in terms of how "green" I am.

California needs desalination plants. This mild drought is a real drag.
The most I do is fill up a recycle bin and leave it at the street for pick up. :D
-I recycle plastic, glass and paper
-My car gets really good MPG, not sure on the exact amount, but I spend half as much as I did on my previous car! \o/
-Me and my housemates have started to grow our own veg
-I try to shower as quick as possible. Usually in there for a max of 15 mins. Started to take cooler showers rather than really hot ones too.
-When brushing my teeth I only use water when I need to rinse my mouth.
-Start work next week. Going to ride my bike there.

-My computer is pretty much on as long as I'm awake. If I go out I shut it down though...
-I drive a car
-Can produce a lot of non-biological waste which cant be recycled

I don't think I'm that bad to be honest. I dunno. I guess everyone is bad unless they live completely off the land. :P

Is it really common to leave the tap running when brushing your teeth? I don't think I've ever done that...
i don't exterminate any animals intent on killing farrowlesparrow, i guess that counts
I don't think I'm that bad to be honest. I dunno. I guess everyone is bad unless they live completely off the land. :P


nah man...nobody want's to live like they did 200 years ago. the point is to have a high standard but trying to minimize those really bad habits. like leaving lights on, running water, extreme waste...basically, unnecessary pollution/consumption.
after doing sports i always take a shower...that's why i plan physical activities the day i plan to take a shower...hence...every other day.

Okay, phew. I thought you meant that you shower every other day, no exceptions. There are a few kids at my school that do that, including during sports seasons.:eek:
Let's just say that no one likes to sit by them
I sleep with my computer on at night which makes my room really hot so I have the AC cranked low and turn on two fans.

As for good stuff... uh...
I sleep with my computer on at night which makes my room really hot so I have the AC cranked low and turn on two fans.

As for good stuff... uh...

You use a screensaver!

That trumps all that bad stuff.
I'd like to think that doing stuff like recylcing and using less energy, etc... is going to "help" our planet but I honestly believe we are too far into it to be able to fix it. Even if the world's carbon emissions were to stop tomorrow, and I mean every possible man-made carbon emission, the planet will still continue to warm up by 2 maybe 3 degrees over the next 100-200 years or so because of all the emissions that we've already put out. That change alone is so major it will probably kill off all life or at least a huge portion of it. And that is the absolute best case scenario.

So I won't attempt to lie to myself that I'm being a good ol' lad by recylcing. Lets just all continue our wasteful ways because its the easy thing to do, shall we? It's also the best way to live, I mean who wants to live like a stinker showering once a week, am I right?
I don't do shit... I'd buy an electric car or a hyrbrid if they didn't cost a fortune... I'd install solar panels or a windmill if it didn't cost a fortune...

For the the little, little stuff, though, I just don't care. I don't leave stuff on or water running, but I don't think that should count!

Oh, did anyone else watch that special that was on network TV the other day? Earth 2100 I think it was called? Was kinda interesting... pretty much assumed our tech would stand still, though.
Good Stuff

-at night time i use headphones and turn off my surround sound/speakers
-i shut off my PS3 in the summer at night because it makes my room too hot
-I unplug my cell phone charger, Wii, electronics I don't use
-I have a solar charger for my iPod
-I have a crank flashlight-radio, and a shakable flashlight
-rechargeable batteries in almost all my devices
-I leave my window open at night to cool my room, and close it during the day in the summer time
-I tend to play games and watch movies in the dark
-I take off clothes when I get hot
-I reuse the same cup and wash it only once a week or even longer
-I don't wash my car ever (the rain does it for free)
-I download most of my data now, it saves money on gas, and packaging
-I charge my iPod and phone in the car if I can
-I recycle when I can
-I carpool when i can, but I don't drive around that much anymore
-I don't have children

Bad Stuff

-I take 10-15 min showers
-i use a lot of Toilet Paper
-I use a lot of water to clean
-I leave my PC on all the time
-I have a pool which uses a lot of local water (but we live near the Great Lakes)
-I throw out plastic bags a lot
Whenever I recycle, I always make sure to right-click and empty it.
Good things:
--I plant trees and native plants. I used to work on a veggie plot at an organic community garden until it was stopped by rules and bureaucracy.
--I stopped leaving my computer on during the daytime when I'm in class. If it's on and I'm not using it, I turn off the monitor and speakers.
--I've been better about unplugging my cell phone charger when not in use (it still drains some power while plugged in).
--I turn off restroom lights in public places if no one's there (one time someone taped a note next to the lights on one of the restrooms I use, saying to leave them on since having to turn on the light is a "security hazard" :rolleyes:)
--I mostly walk or take the bus everywhere (although I don't have a car so it's not like I have a choice not to)
--I don't leave the water faucet on while brushing my teeth.
--I rarely use heating or air conditioning, even when it's 90+ F outside (my room was in a dorm hall so it wasn't that necessary although people visiting my room always complained)
--I worked on research/jobs in air quality and remediation (and will continue working in that field).
--I used to be on BOINC's ClimatePrediction.net program until I switched to a new computer.
--I recycle and have helped out with recycling programs involving emptying barrels full of other people's recyclables, digging trash out of the recycling bin, and sorting through recyclables. It's a stinky job.
--I wash clothes in cold water (I don't even know what the warm water option is there for).
--I occasionally go to those websites where you click on things and the ad revenue supposedly goes to saving animals and stuff.
--I reuse plastic bags from the grocery store as trash bags (although getting plastic bags instead of using reusable bags is considered by some people to be bad. I have no idea what those people use to put their trash in though.)
--I generally produce less garbage than other people I know.

Bad things:
--I accidentally fall asleep with the lights/computer on.
--I take warm showers. Sometimes pretty long although I've never timed myself or anything.
--I probably use more water than necessary when rinsing dishes.
--I still use trays at the cafeteria despite knowing that it wastes a lot of water to wash them.
--I still eat meat despite knowing that it takes a lot more energy, fertilizers, etc. than a vegetarian diet.
--I opt for conventionally produced foods rather than organic/fair trade because it costs less.
--I use a lot of toilet paper, but usually only in public restrooms
I do quite a bit of the good stuff you guys listed but I don't even consider it :P
If it started for climate care, its just habit stuff now.
I could care less about the climate because the Sun dictates life on Earth. Its all about how Toxic our Earth has become.
i don't exterminate any animals intent on killing farrowlesparrow, i guess that counts

This is the most half-assed trolling I've ever seen. COME ON HARIJ


My dad manages a resource consultancy business, which audits and manages waste-stream data for every major city council in our area.

I recycle but only because its a law or something.

Mostly I don't give a shit because the vast vast vast majority of eco-moronity is moronic and misguided dumb.

I do however appreciate nature, so I'll leave cutting my lawn longer between cuts in summer to let the flowers in the lawn grow, and generally not being needlessly destructive. I opposed the plans by Donald fagget Trump to build a shitty golf course resort and homes on a nearby estate that partially covers some rare sand dunes. Not because I thought it would destroy the planet and cause global ice age/burning up/whatever people seem to think is going to doom us all but because it was highly destructive of a reasonably rare and beautiful bit of coastal terrain.

I hope he gets cancer. I cannot begin to describe my contempt for that "man".

So no, I probably don't care by your standards but then I don't care how much you care so we are all living in a nice circle of apathy. Which is nice.
I'd say I'm pretty good to the environment

My house:

I recycle plastic, plastic bags, paper, cardboard, metal, glass and electronics.

I take quick showers

I catch the water in a bucket as it's warming up and use it for my iguana.

To light my room I use only a 14 watt fluorescent lamp behind my monitor to keep my room pretty dark and cool without damaging my eyes (don't use a monitor in the dark guys)

I use a towel for drying my hands instead of paper towels

I don't use the max detergent when washing clothes, only about half is necessary

I wash my clothes in cool tap water

I turn things off when I'm not using them

I use a fan and I don't use A/C in my house (my house stays pretty cool in the summer)

I don't eat meat at all

I try not to waste food

I try to buy food in bulk or with less packaging

I don't use paper or foam plates and utensils

I try not to drive around much and If I travel, I generally car pool.

I buy and care for plants bitches.

My car:

I don't use A/C in my car, in fact I removed it.

My car is very small

I took hundreds of pounds of weight out of my car to make it lighter, faster, more fuel efficient

car is turbo (the exhaust gasses turn a turbine that forces air into the engine giving it more power, i.e. recycled power)

I keep my tires inflated properly

Drive sensible most of the time, doing a lot of coasting and predicting traffic patterns.

5 speed manual transmission saves fuel

I almost always drive with my windows up on the highway

Unless I'm late for something, I drive about 62 MPH on the highway (65 limit)

I work at home so there is no commuting at all.

I combine errands to make one trip

I have no children

My grave will be a pine box so that the box and I are biodegradable

I usually just wear more clothes if I'm cold, instead of turning up the heat.


I use my computer all the time.

I take very hot showers

I wash my hands a lot

Sometimes I accelerate in my car very quickly for no apparent reason (for kicks)

I have a 200 watt stereo in my house that I play really loud.

I own a pet iguana that requires at least one 40 watt UV bulb in the summer, but at least 2 more 40 watt bulbs in the winter.

Because I have no body fat, I like my house and especially my room very warm. However, my monitor, stereo, and iguana lights heat up my room as a bonus, so I don't need to turn up the heat.
I would kill myself before I lived like you virus. That all sounds horrible.
What makes it horrible? My life is the best

Maybe some people enjoy throwing trash on the ground, I enjoy picking it up and cleaning up my land. I live along the river and find it beautiful.
this thread is for the ones who care, to all others...i hope you get cancer :angel: (it's scares me because i'm not that joking at all... :| ).

I'll live a long life thank you. :devil:


VirusType2 said:
I use a towel for drying my hands instead of paper towels

So I take it most people in the US use paper towels? I always use thick cotton towels to dry my hands after washing.
I don't use the max detergent when washing clothes, only about half is necessary

Haha, I do that too, but mostly so I don't have to buy more detergent.

I also remembered, I used to volunteer to pick up trash along creeks/beaches.
Remus said:
So I take it most people in the US use paper towels? I always use thick cotton towels to dry my hands after washing.

Oh, I don't know dude. When I was young I used to waste everything including paper towels, but when I started using a towel in my kitchen, it got a lot easier. Less wasted trees, less trash to take to the dump, save money by not buying paper towels. There really is no reason to use paper unless you work in food service where it's required.

Krynn, If you care to elaborate why you think my life would suck I would love to explain to you why it doesn't suck. For one, I take some pleasure in conserving. When it comes to water, I like to conserve because sometimes my well runs dry...
I dont feel responisble for warming up the earth after watching "the great global warming swindle". but i try and live in peace with nature and try to do as little harm as possible.

I take quick showers

I use a fan and I don't use A/C in my house (my house stays pretty cool in the summer)

I don't eat meat at all

My car:

I don't use A/C in my car, in fact I removed it.

5 speed manual transmission saves fuel

Unless I'm late for something, I drive about 62 MPH on the highway (65 limit)

I work at home

These are the the main points i wouldnt be able to stand.

you do realize that 50 years ago people washed maybe once a week. sure they smelled worse but their skin was pretty much diseases free as now. washing each day...especially with soap is damaging to the skin, because you destroy it's normal protective layer. of course it depends on the activities you do...after doing sports i always take a shower...that's why i plan physical activities the day i plan to take a shower...hence...every other day.

Holy **** someone doesn't have a girlfriend.
I dont feel responisble for warming up the earth after watching "the great global warming swindle". but i try and live in peace with nature and try to do as little harm as possible.


That's the program that was so wrong that a bunch of scientists filed a 176-page complaint against it.

For example, they presented falsified or manipulated graphs, sometimes where they cut off the timeline early at 1990 (and even 1975) and labeled it "now", and in some cases adding in data that they just made up.

The report also goes through the entire script and comments on everything, which is pretty amusing.
