Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

You look like a proud uncle about to put a baby into a giant washing machine.
Cool. You're the alto player, correct?

Indeed I am. I'm normally a tenor man, and that was my first time playing alto in a jazz performance setting in years.

I could be clutching at straws, but is your profile name of any reference to Lester Young?
Indeed I am. I'm normally a tenor man, and that was my first time playing alto in a jazz performance setting in years.

I could be clutching at straws, but is your profile name of any reference to Lester Young?

No. It's a self reference. I play brass in my school bands. Maybe I can find photos...

edit: No, nothing from the jazz bands.
This thread sucks. I always pictured Vegeta to look like this:
Yes Brick I'm wearing lipstick do you think it's pretty?
This is Chase. Destroyer of worlds. Wearer of sunglasses.

havent posted in a while, mostly because i have been traveling the world as you can see here:
