Brink Previews

Few updates for ya:

New Official Brink Wallpapers

Techland Hands-on with Brink

Brink beta news - A non public Brink beta is in testing now, here's what badman from SD had to say:
The rumors are true! As noted by Matt over on the Bethesda boards, there's a private beta currently going on for Brink to help us track down bugs. Strict non-disclosure agreements are in effect and there are currently no plans to make the beta available to the public or the press. Should anything change there, we'll of course let you know.
*See all the people excited for Brink, saying they're going to purchase it for the PC*

*Remember earlier in the year when friend at Bethesda Studios said he didn't want his name in the credits because he didn't want people to associate him with the game at all*

It's the funniest experience, you know, working in games. You get to watch all these people getting all excited about games, and you sit back and you're like, "Oh man. These people. These people. They have no idea."
Depends who you want to believe - the evil publisher, or my mate who works at Splash Damage. He says it's great. Then again, he would say that ;)

I think it looks good regardless :p
I'm not really invested in the game at all, so I hope it turns out good for those of you who want to play it. I'm just relaying what my man on the inside has said about it. If I remember correctly he said it needed a whole lot of work. I usually trust his opinion on these things. But, y'know, however it turns out I'm sure there'll be people who like it. There was a project I worked on where everyone in the building hated coming to work on it, threw insults at it, called it a piece of shit every single day...and the game was just released last month and it's selling. I've seen user reviews of people loving the goddamn thing.

Maybe Brink will turn out like that. :)
I do have some doubts. The gold within their games has always been the ghost of RTCW - let's see how much of it is left in Brink.
I do have some doubts. The gold within their games has always been the ghost of RTCW - let's see how much of it is left in Brink.
If they get some of that Enemy Territory magic in there, could turn out pretty good.

Darkside, I never knew you were a developer!
I'm not, I'm in community relations these days.
Hi Darkside, when did your source tell you this about Brink? was it recent?
It wasn't recent. It was either earlier this year or last year. I don't recall to be perfectly honest; it was just something mentioned in passing in our IRC channel one day.
That's good to know it wasn't recent, Splashdamage delayed the game as they said themselves that it needed more work, I think its on track now tho as everyone who's played it is giving great feedback. There's a load of hands on previews HERE if you ain't seen them.
a couple of updates for ya:

GameReactor Interviews Senior Designer Ed Stern


G4TV - The Future of Shooters


Most shooters utilize teamwork in some capacity, Brink takes it to a whole new level. This first-person shooter is based on a series of multiplayer missions where up to 8 players fight their way through a former Utopian city on the brink (get it?) of civil unrest. The game also features four different character classes for you to experiment with and a variety of missions, all designed to earn you XP.

Did I mention that this former utopia is built in the middle of the ocean? Oh yeah, it is. The entire game is based on the idea of Seasteading: humans building entire towns in the middle of the ocean, outside of the jurisdiction of world governments. That gets a big thumbs up from us, because we’re not big fans of “The Man.”

The other fascinating thing to look forward to is Brink’s SMART system. SMART stands for “Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain,” which will essentially enable you to jump around any kind of terrain and the system will try and interpret where you are trying to do and what you are trying to do as it happens. It’s a fancy version of the parkour mechanic we’ve seen in other games and it will be interesting to see how it fits into a shooter. Plus, parkour is all the rage these days and since we’re fat and slow in real life, we’re all for being nimble masters of our tattered environment in video games.

Defining Feature: Multiplayer-based missions, an awesome setting and the SMART system might make this one of the most dynamic shooters of 2011.


+ - Games to look out for in 2011

The latest shooter from Splash Damage, the independent UK developer behind Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, is set on a huge manmade island – the Ark – constructed after an ecological disaster and now descending into civil war. Players can to choose to join either the resistance or the Ark security, and all their missions are dynamically generated based on decisions within the game. The developers have also added a SMART button, which apparently evaluates where you're trying to get to, "and makes it happen" – so if you're confronted by a huge chasm, instead of having to make a pixel-perfect leap, the SMART system guess what you need to do and works out the details.

We're also promised an integrated experience that merges multiplayer and single-player components, allowing gamers to developer their characters across both modes. This would appear to be a growing trend in game design, with Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit, Test Drive Unlimited 2 and Square Enix's Mindjack all offering similarly seamless off- and online functionality. Whatever, let's hope the game can survive the inevitable comparisons with Kevin Costner's damp sci-fi flop, Waterworld.
Release: spring

Is there no date yet? I'm getting tired on waiting on this one tbh
No still no official release date as yet unfortunately (apart from the Spring date). They should be giving it out soon tho IMO.
Same, i'll be buying the hell out of it.
Day one purchase for me. In need of a new shooter.
There are no words to describe how much I want this game, I desire it more than all the material wealth and human females in the world..
I wonder how exploitable will all the freerunning moves be in terms of evading fire.

Remember Battlefield 2 and the dolphin diving? Here with all the slides and wallruns and whatnot, this can go to a whole new level.

The hitboxes better stick to the model.
Yeah as long as the hitboxes stick to the model it'll be fine. Obviously latency will come into play and all that, but with some good netcode it should be a fun shooter! :D

I'm hoping anyway!
I love that the games customisation model is effectively a slider that goes from Inbred mongoloid to vaguely offensive racial caricature.

Also where are the women in this struggle?

The movement model = great, but the premise of the storyline behind the game is let down by it's presentation.

I'm not convinced that it has enough going for it with the movement model alone to sustain a large community in the long term.
If it nails the speedy arcade of things there should be enough demand. My concern is the core gameplay will be too similar to the CoDs of this world (i.e slow and random) to stand out, and not enough RTCW (i.e fast and awesome) for the ex quake/rtcw/et junkies.
Is this game more MP orientated? Haven't really been following it.
Brink Release Dates announced

Brink has finally got an official released date:

May 17th in North America
May 20th in Europe

It was announced on Bethesda Blog and on their Twitter

In a press release that just went out, we’ve announced the release dates for Brink (May 17th in North America, May 20th in Europe)

Brink, an immersive first-person shooter under development at Splash Damage, will be available in North America on May 17th and in Europe on May 20th. Brink was named as the ‘Game of Show’ at Eurogamer Expo 2010, while declared “Brink takes shooters to a whole new level.” Blending single-player, co-op, and multiplayer action into one seamless experience, Brink features dynamic battlefields, extensive customization options, and an innovative control system.
Do you work for Bethesda, or what?
Thank you Jammy, this is excellent news!

I was expecting it to come out after summer at least, so very happy about these positive news.

P.S. if it is delayed again I will hold you responsible.
The same day as witcher 2 and LA Noire???

Great job bethesda, great job :dozey:

you're going to get thrashed in sales now; bring forward or push back the release by a couple weeks if you know what you're doing
It remains to be seen how well The Witcher 2 is received by the console market, so I'm not sure I fully agree with your assessment, Lambda.
I meant purely on the pc side there as witcher 2 is still a pc exclusive for now.

so yea brink vs witcher 2, i'd say witcher 2 will win in sales
Some new info regarding the SMART system from 1 of the Devs:

Bezzy - Tentacle Game Dezino
Probably the biggest single speed boost you can get in the game is due to a "reflected" wall hop. These get you higher and further than wall hops used to scale straight up the same wall you wall hopped off.

Although reflects can occur using the SMART button (when in air and next to a wall, pull the left stick away from the wall while holding SMART), chances are, you'll want to use this all over the place to keep your speed up, and put yourself into the air manually (jump), rather than waiting for the few occurrences where there's a drop with a wall at the side.

So yes, doing things semi-manually will get you there faster.

On console, wall hops give a temporary turning bonus away from the wall so that grabbing ledges behind you is possible i.e. you can jump into a north facing wall, wall hop, and turn to grab the ledge of a south facing wall.

Also, there's nothing like closing in on a heavy by wall hopping into melee.

Oh, and sliding, if I recall correctly, inherits your current velocity, so wall hopping into a slide is a pretty good speed boost tool.