Portal 2 Achievements Revealed

Hectic Glenn

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Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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Over on the xbox 360 achievements site, all 50 Portal 2 achievements have been revealed. There has been no official release by Valve so they may have been leaked. A few of the more interesting achievements are listed below [warning spoilers!] :
Ship Overboard - Discover the missing experiment[br]Good Listener - Take GLaDOS' escape advice[br]Tater Tote - Carry science forward[br]Narbacular Drop - Place a portal under your co-op partner while they are gesturing[br]Rock Portal Scissors - Win 3 co-op games of rock-paper-scissors in a row[br]You Saved Science - Complete all test chambers in all courses of co-op ('35' in achievement image).
Ship Overboard...the Borealis? See the entire list of achievements here.
off course is the goddam borealis,maybe it will have a reference to episode 3?
I think we're about to receive our first piece of information we've all been waiting for since the ending of Episode Two. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
I think I know what's inside the ship. I saw a concept art.
Must resist urge to read these. Why did I even open this thread? I haven't read even the OP :P
off course is the goddam borealis,maybe it will have a reference to episode 3?

Given that Ship Overboard echoes the Borealis, and that there is an achievement Final Transmission which could suggest the beginning of the Ep3 Viral, along the lines of Transmission Received in the Portal 1 Update
Want. Now.

Thank God this comes out on a day I don't have class; I think I'll get up at midnight and just play straight through until I have to go to work.
how bad are the spoilers? I'm not sure whether to look or not?

Want. Now.

Thank God this comes out on a day I don't have class; I think I'll get up at midnight and just play straight through until I have to go to work.

this, I'm actually really thankfull for the delay as it's the easter holidays at the time; no school :D
Glenn, did you have to make the first one you list the spoileriest of all?
Glenn, did you have to make the first one you list the spoileriest of all?
Just in the order of the achievements in the list! You should do what the others are doing and not visit my thread of spoil! p.s. Wheatley dies according to 3rd one.
I got a deep feeling that something we will never thought will happen when he get to play Portal 2. who knows? Valve may be trolling again.
Ship Overboard - Discover the missing experiment

Good Listener - Take GLaDOS' escape advice

Upon discovering the missing experiment you take GLaDOS' escape advice, thus starting Episode 3. Upon escaping, you are transformed and you find you are really Freeman and have been the whole time.
mmm, I really dunno whether to look or not? how bad are the spoilers?
They're just achievements, man. I don't get why everyone is so scared to look through a bunch of vague messages. At this point, we have no idea what they mean, and for all we know, they could change before the game is released. It's not like any of them are obvious like, "KILL GLADOS," etc.
Lunacy. Oh my freaky deity of rampaging nether's. Please. Please, please, please. Let me put a portal on the moon!
****it, I looked anyway; no major spoilers, I was just concerned about potential Episode 3/borealis references.
I'm calling it now, Portal 2's ending unlocks an Episode 3 trailer that announces its release holiday 2011. And you get a 20% discount for buying Portal 2.
I'm not getting exited enough :( I hate it when I'm not exited about something I wanna be exited about.
When Portal 2 is released I hope people keep all spoilers and such in the Portal 2 subsection, because I won't be able to play this a month after it's release due to my exams. :(
When Portal 2 is released I hope people keep all spoilers and such in the Portal 2 subsection, because I won't be able to play this a month after it's release due to my exams. :(

I'm not going to use the internet from the moment I buy it until I completely finish it, no mather how long it takes (well, it's not going to be very long I guess). It's the only way to avoid spoiler trolls, specially with something like Portal 2, with all the hype etc..

Remember the launch of the last Harry Potter book? There were spoilers literally everywhere...
Damn you valve, i wasn't going to even bother buying portal but after this borealis reference I'm forced to.

Weren't there people who ranted and raved that there would be no more half-life and portal 2 connection because valve said so?
yeah but Valve may be lying, I really doubt somehow that they'll totally discontinue the connection.
Since Valve has tried to separate both franchises despite them being in the same universe there has to be some importance to them being connected in the first place. If valve knew that portal 2 would try and stay as far from half life as possible then they could have said the Borealias came from a different science company.... thus there would be no special need for connecting the two. But since they did connect them, I think they realize a obligation to put something in Portal 2 to hint at Hl3(?) or else get flammed by their fan community. And yes they do feel obligations because if we arent happy and dont buy their stuff....they're out and done.

Please don’t hate and say I am trolling but I gotta say this. In relation to the Borealias, honestly I used to be a huge obsessive half life fan (being as it was one of my all-time favorite things in life) but the fact that its been so long without anything has really made me not care anymore. I really don’t feel any emotion towards this. Not to rant, but Valve never mentioned during the last 4+ years that they were even working on it…and its not like they are the only good developers out there. Some developers have made amazing gameS (no typo) in between that time. Look at the mass effect trilogy. Its gonna be done before hl3(?) and it started right when Hl2Ep.2 came out. Look at Bioshock Infinite. Not even a reveal that they were even WORKing on it. Its been so long that the story relevance and general excitement dwindles. That’s why some developers only keep secrets and mysteries for so long.

But then I look at Lost and I see how Season 4’s ending felt like, to me, a proper ending but still myself and the rest of the community wanted more AND the creators had already promised more and it just went downhill after Season 4. Maybe Ep. 2 had the best possible ending one could except for.

With all these teases and trolling and whatnot that valve does….if Valve was a stripper/ho****…it wouldn’t get a dollar from me.


A through and through valve fan.
