The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

I don't think cutting the whole known world is necessary. In 1.8 the Biomes will be MUCH larger and so it should be no trouble at all to find a place for what we want to keep. Based on activity these past few months I would imagine that each member will only have a few structures that they will want to keep.

I have maybe two or three. and Two fo them are part of the main city.
Yeah I think Raken is most likely correct about the attitude people will have with a new world. I don't mind losing things like smaller projects and stuff that I do for fun. I can always do similar stuff again and it's part of the fun exploring the world.
I do care about my massive projects that I've dedicated a lot of time too. Like my half completed mansion. I'll work on it SP side until it's complete so I don't have to worry about losing it, then it can get imported wherever I want.
It really would be easier to move individual structures or chunks rather than huge portions of the map. The only exception I can think of is the main city and even then we could rearrange or spread out the buildings in that city to give us some more rom to work on some areas (move the walled in area away from the big road infront of the castle with he sandstone arches.
i got nothing that cant be rebuilt, if we get a new world, the one thing i wanted burned down so its not of concern anymore. more on 1.8, not sure, but notch said he might raise the height of minecraft, thats the one thing im looking forward to the most.
He's not raising the height limit. He's only made it easier for moders to alter the height limit. Map height will remain at 128.

EDIT: Also. One precaution I think should be taken is making the map file available for download to forum members. That way if something goes wrong we will have plenty of backups and people can play with the world in SP if they want.
I agree with raken, i have some experience with mcedit, so if i was given the map, i could help cut out what we want to keep and send the files to who ever is going to put the server together
i could host the server if you guys want. i have about 2gb of ram on my vps ( which is a piece of my 48gb dedi ) if people want to donate i guess. or i could sell the owner a 1gb for 20$ a month :D pm me. my current server is: the site for it is made specifically for minecraft
You're offering to host the server on a puny 2gb machine, and you want donations?

Go away.
naw i dont want donations actually lol. i mean u guys can use it if u want to. its basically a server i get to use that isnt for reselling
naw i dont want donations actually lol. i mean u guys can use it if u want to. its basically a server i get to use that isnt for reselling

Maybe start your own thread?

It seems mighty inappropriate to advertise your server in the thread for the server that I'm already running.
My little brother has been pestering me to let him use my account for multiplayer, would you guys be averse to having a 12 year old on the server?
not sure how much im actually allowed to claim before im labeled as a land greedy dwarf, but I found a mountain chain(4 mountains) in the top right of the map that i am claim as my own.....don't think it will be a problem because A. nobody cares and B. its so far away it does not matter.
News flash! 1.8 got leaked! Mojang has since sanctioned the leak and now you can play 1.8! I know I am!

We may want to wait to update the server. The new terrain features are AWESOME! The swam and mountain biomes look amazing! and if you want to make an underwater city, there is room for that now!

However the OVERALL feel of the new worlds is... borring. Each feature is amazing in its own right but together the effect is *meh.

Let me compare. On our server currently, the first city is situated on a plain that surounds some low hills (The castle sits on one of them). The coastline is intricate with manny little inlets and bays. The land around is made of rolling hills, flat planes, sudden ridges, and mountain peaks that clim out of the planes, hills forests and deserts. In 1.8 you see almost none of that. Because mountains have become their own biome the large variety in topography we saw in every biome is no more. Now you either have a very flat biome, or you face a treeless mass of mountains. There is no middle ground.

Now this is the prerelease so there is good chance this stuff will get tweaked (Enough people are upset for Mojang to hear about it). It could also be that this prerelease versions was designed to show off the new stuff rather than balance the world out. We will see what happens Monday.

If they are able to combine the new an old terrain generator things will be awesome!

Edit: I was mostly wrong. Pictures of new terrain generation are coming in and the overall look is amazing! Floating Islands are in evidence, Spires, Valies, all of it seems to be there. They look different from previous worlds because they are so much bigger. I'm just generating worlds for fun now!
Im pretty sure the "leak" was to find all the glitches and try to fix them before the official 1.8

now then, I love the new mountain terrain, its freaking amazing!! found an ocean so deep i drowned before i could reach the bottom of it. love the endermen, teleporting ninjas who troll your buildings
Nice job destroying my tower, Raken. You're a real mature server admin.

That one was me. If you want something intact then I suggest:
1. Don't leave a 10% finished eyesore in place for 2 months without signs or SOMETHING indicating you intend to finish it
2. Don't build a giant tower in sight of city
When is 1.8 going official? I might start playing again.
When is 1.8 going official? I might start playing again.

It will be released tomorrow, but this current version works well. The performance is much the sam on my Mac. I get more lag spikes but the game is still playable.

This update had revolutionized the gameplay and the day to day experience. Its still Minecraft but there the hunger, sprinting, and combat updates add a new layer of immersion. Creative mode is a godsend and Survival is much more survival oriented.

The game has been given new life. Definitely give the game another go.
Bought Minecraft today because of all the fantastic 1.8 screenshots on /v/. Visited the server, holy shit it was mind-blowing. Felt like walking in an MMO.
I played a bit of the pre-release and I like it. Found a small village and even some underground ruins (?) - I didn't really follow all the releases, but I don't think that was present earlier? Also I think there are either more biomes or they are more detailed now; and I saw rain for the first time in-game.

Regarding the server, I'm not a frequent visitor, but I connected to it yesterday and it's pretty impressive. Still, I miss the old server, where everything was built by hand - maybe it's not as aesthetically pleasing, but I enjoyed it more.
It's been about 10 months, but this update has finally gotten me back into Minecraft. I downloaded the leak just to zoom around in Creative Mode for a bit, but I'll hold off on starting a new survival map until tomorrow when its officially released (more bug fixes and whatnot).
Apparently Jeb is working on getting 1.8 features to spawn in 1.7 worlds. This means we may not have to generate a new world and copy over the buildings we want. This could give us a few more options. We could keep the map as is and just explore more. or we can delete the chunks that no one has developed and let the space between our projects be filled in with 1.8 terrain. Or we could go with the old plan.

Either way we should wait and see what happens before we mach a choice.

What would you rather do?
Well, seeing as I don't have much time invested in the server, I'd be ok with a new world, so it really doesn't matter so long as we get some 1.8 action going.
I personally think the best solution is copy the building we want over to a 1.8 world because its easier to move those few chunks that delete the many chunks we won't want.

The simplest solution is just do nothing, but then we would have to walk a HELL of ways to get new stuff.

We should still wait for the official release and the bug fixes before acting.

Trust me, 1.8 is TOTAL worth the wait.

Edit: It may not be until 1.9 that we see the biome code finalized so we could just update and continue with the current map. Kaz, perhaps one of us should run a test to see if the old world works with 1.8. The way you install the prerelease allows you to manually switch the Jar files so if the 1.8 jar does not work with the server we can just revert back to the 1.7 jar.
well 1.8 is official now, time to go find a stronghold.......if thats even possible.........3 per infinitive area maps.........
It might be a better idea to wait until 1.9 if there are going to be biome fixes and the limitations of strongholds being removed.
Removing content in a patch is not cool. Snow is gone bros, returning in 1.9.
Yeah, yeah, beta etc.
Server is updated to 1.8. No bukkit at the moment (so no features like warp, supply etc) and 1.8 runs like ass, much like notch said it would on his twitter. He's working on armour next, since that's clearly the most pressing issue.

Shit game is shit.

I'll let you know once other people have provided the usual fixes for this godawful trainwreck of a game.

PS: I would stick to building anything you might hold dear near to civilisation right now.
While I never had serious problems with the previous versions, 1.8 is pretty crap on my laptop. Not only it performs badly, it also runs out of memory after a few minutes.
While I never had serious problems with the previous versions, 1.8 is pretty crap on my laptop. Not only it performs badly, it also runs out of memory after a few minutes.
I'm getting this problem too. I think 1.8 is probably just a buggy piece of crap. I have 4GB of DDR3 on my desktop and I am getting the "run out of memory" screen where you have to restart the game after 2-3 minutes of playing, every single time.

I lowered some of the graphics settings and it seemed to help, but it's annoying (I like having Far viewdistance). It also seems to lag a lot more in general than previous versions.
Has anyone seen structures spawn? I have not.

You'll have to go generate some new chunks if yo want to see the new terrain features. Its a long walk. We are waiting for the complete terrain generator that will come with 1.9 before we transition to a new world. Don't worry we'll keep the buildings.

I'm getting this problem too. I think 1.8 is probably just a buggy piece of crap. I have 4GB of DDR3 on my desktop and I am getting the "run out of memory" screen where you have to restart the game after 2-3 minutes of playing, every single time.

I lowered some of the graphics settings and it seemed to help, but it's annoying (I like having Far viewdistance). It also seems to lag a lot more in general than previous versions.

I'm running on a 3 year old Macbook Pro running Snow Leopard. I run on Far render with fast graphics and I get 25 to 45 FPS. The FPS isn't stellar but is barely noticeable most of the time. On servers its even better. I get 45 steady on the server and almost no lag spikes.
I was referring to in general. I created a SP world and flew/walked around forever and didn't see anything special.
I have found a couple of villages, a bunch of ravines, but no strongholds. That's to be expected though, since there are only 3 strongholds per map (quite rare)

It's worth noting villages only spawn in flat areas, so look for a grassland biome. You'll probably find one there.
Found 2 villages, they're not so interesting. Still looking forward to a stronghold find.
do you people still have the server?
Are we going to be deleting the world and starting over? (save for the spawn area, and some other chunks)