The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

I really want to try it but I have no idea where to get those cheap glasses. :/
I very much prefer the ability to see in color. More than 10 minutes of anaglyph for any game makes me annoyed.
Server's upgraded guys. I'll be on for a few hours later if anyone wants to join me.

EDIT: Should probably say 'updated'.
Cheers kazsy!

Impressed by the continuing work on whoever's doing the castle (you? Raken?). Like the arena especially.

Two questions regarding communal space:

1) How do we handle mining rights? I was exploring around, seeing what people had done, and found myself in a cave system where I mined about two stacks of gravel (useful scaffold material) and a few blocks of iron. Although I doubt anyone cares too much in this instance, I don't want to establish a precedent of poaching. We could assume caves are 'claimed' if they have torches in them, but all that might mean is that somebody explored them - so should we say it's okay to take materials unless A) there's a sign that establishes a claim (this could be maliciously destroyed, but you can't enforce everything and we're nice people) or B) it's clearly part of an existing building project?

2) I'd like to site a large neoclassical/Georgian building - wide front, lots of windows and archways - somewhere around the main plaza (where there's currently a fountain). Does anyone have any preferences on location and facing direction? I was thinking of putting it near the coast, so that it can face the sea if we do indeed (as a sign on a castle wall suggests) build a harbour. Another option would be to position it beyond the fountain, facing the castle, or even make it L-shaped so it encircles two sides of the plaza.
I'd also like to note that I am building a covered canal tunnel for easy boat access between the two large water bodies east of the city/castle.
Cheers kazsy!

Impressed by the continuing work on whoever's doing the castle (you? Raken?). Like the arena especially.

Two questions regarding communal space:

1) How do we handle mining rights? I was exploring around, seeing what people had done, and found myself in a cave system where I mined about two stacks of gravel (useful scaffold material) and a few blocks of iron. Although I doubt anyone cares too much in this instance, I don't want to establish a precedent of poaching. We could assume caves are 'claimed' if they have torches in them, but all that might mean is that somebody explored them - so should we say it's okay to take materials unless A) there's a sign that establishes a claim (this could be maliciously destroyed, but you can't enforce everything and we're nice people) or B) it's clearly part of an existing building project?

2) I'd like to site a large neoclassical/Georgian building - wide front, lots of windows and archways - somewhere around the main plaza (where there's currently a fountain). Does anyone have any preferences on location and facing direction? I was thinking of putting it near the coast, so that it can face the sea if we do indeed (as a sign on a castle wall suggests) build a harbour. Another option would be to position it beyond the fountain, facing the castle, or even make it L-shaped so it encircles two sides of the plaza.

It's all Raken. I haven't been on very much, I have a new job that's very demanding. Once I can spare the time I'll be back full time :D.

1) There are no mining rights, and there shouldn't be any as far as I'm concerned. If you want minerals, dig them out. Finders keepers.

The obvious exception is where your house is a cave, people shouldn't be digging around in your shit. If your house is a cave, you have to clearly signpost it as such, but expect that people will probably dig there by accident (e.g when they are in another cave and dig through by accident).

TL;DR I don't want caves to be owned by anyone. Cave are a free for all area.

2) Sounds cool. I don't have any particular preferences apart from the obvious don't build it upside down or 500ft up in the air. Apart from that, it would be a welcome addition.
Any chance we could sticky my thread and un-sticky the others?

It's not a status thing, just my server seems to be the only one still going.


There seems to be an issue. I cannot place blocks in the Nether. Is this a glitch or a server setting?
There seems to be an issue. I cannot place blocks in the Nether. Is this a glitch or a server setting?

More info? Any messages come up?

I'm tempted to make a lovely little house with a pretty garden down there. Would be awesome.
when kazsymond or lord_raken gets a chance.. could one of you clear some area for me in front of the build site for Isengard? I have the perimeter marked out for you already.. if you could clear from sea level up, it would be very appreciated! thanks!
More info? Any messages come up?

I'm tempted to make a lovely little house with a pretty garden down there. Would be awesome.

while in the neather, if I attempt to place a block the block appears where I placed it for a fraction of a second and then returns to my inventory. It's like trying to place a block around the spawn if you are not an Admin. Oddly though I can destroy all the blocks I want.

when kazsymond or lord_raken gets a chance.. could one of you clear some area for me in front of the build site for Isengard? I have the perimeter marked out for you already.. if you could clear from sea level up, it would be very appreciated! thanks!

I cleared the area for you. I do have a request and that would be for you to work to make the cleared section look natural. Good luck with your tower.
So I find myself itching to build a lot of urban structures, streets, streetlamps, squares, big buildings, really huge urbanisation. Problem with that is that for such things we'd need a lot of space. And the question arises: where? Many people may prefer to keep some wilderness around what is currently the city, and indeed others may have built mountain fortresses or countryside retreats that could potentially be swallowed up by urbanisation. So I would like to petition for us to decide a VERY LARGE area which can be fully urbanised if needs be. The obvious place is the wilds 'east' of the current city, but many people have built widerness structures there and it will somewhat diminish the charm of the huge sand pyramid if it is actually surrounded by buildings.

I realise there's already that large grid where people have built skyscrapers and a spleef arena, but that's not quite what I'm talking about. I want to build loads of more archaic structures, something like an 18th-century city dotted with older landmarks and remnants, something distinct from skyscrapers or the straight-laced grid pattern that American cities follow. I'm not really sure if this is a popular notion, and possibly someone will totally shut me down, but I figured I'd post!
So I find myself itching to build a lot of urban structures, streets, streetlamps, squares, big buildings, really huge urbanisation...but many people have built widerness structures there and it will somewhat diminish the charm of the huge sand pyramid if it is actually surrounded by buildings.
I think it will be okay :thumbs:
I think picking a new cite is a good idea. Though I would like to get the city we currently have organized first. There are a couple more buildings going up in that fountain square without being part of a plan.

Fair warning to everyone: That area is in the planning process. anything build there is subject to removal. building experimental buildings is fine especially is you are making suggestions for how to lay out that section. Still, even test buildings will probably be removed when the plan is finalized.

Kaz: next time we are on we should work on expansion of the main city. I'd like to add a naval district and get fountain square set up.
So I find myself itching to build a lot of urban structures, streets, streetlamps, squares, big buildings, really huge urbanisation. Problem with that is that for such things we'd need a lot of space. And the question arises: where? Many people may prefer to keep some wilderness around what is currently the city, and indeed others may have built mountain fortresses or countryside retreats that could potentially be swallowed up by urbanisation. So I would like to petition for us to decide a VERY LARGE area which can be fully urbanised if needs be. The obvious place is the wilds 'east' of the current city, but many people have built widerness structures there and it will somewhat diminish the charm of the huge sand pyramid if it is actually surrounded by buildings.

I realise there's already that large grid where people have built skyscrapers and a spleef arena, but that's not quite what I'm talking about. I want to build loads of more archaic structures, something like an 18th-century city dotted with older landmarks and remnants, something distinct from skyscrapers or the straight-laced grid pattern that American cities follow. I'm not really sure if this is a popular notion, and possibly someone will totally shut me down, but I figured I'd post!

I've scouted around and set a warp "freebuild" at a relatively flat area north west of the main city, and on the same landmass as the quarry. I've deemed it an unregulated area (mostly to keep myself from interfering). Feel free to start you endeavors there.

Congrats Sulkdodds! You are now a Mayor!
Oh great. Now everything's my fault. Is terrain modding okay and will I get eco-protesters banging on my door if I fill in the lake to the east of the quarry?

That area's pretty good, though. It's separated from castle zone by what looks like a kind of river - and all great cities need a river. Prepare for bridges. [strike]Jeff Bridges.[/strike]

Not that progress will be very fast. If it's just me building, expect to see the city grow at about the speed tectonic plates move.
Oh great. Now everything's my fault. Is terrain modding okay and will I get eco-protesters banging on my door if I fill in the lake to the east of the quarry?

That area's pretty good, though. It's separated from castle zone by what looks like a kind of river - and all great cities need a river. Prepare for bridges. [strike]Jeff Bridges.[/strike]

Not that progress will be very fast. If it's just me building, expect to see the city grow at about the speed tectonic plates move.

Terraforming is fine. Yes you can fill in the lake (I think its cool). I do think it would be best if you build to the edge of the lake and focus expansion to the north and north west. There are some really cool natural bay's to the north that would make excellent ports.

I would like to preserve a sense of distance between the different projects. Eventually I'd like to link them with trade roads.

Moving on: This is for everyone

I set up another warp call "NewStart" This takes you far to the west and the cite of a failed outpost. I set this up as a survival area, so when you go, don't take any tools or supplies with you and no trips back to the supply depot. I can't enforce this, but this area is meant for people who would like to do some SMP survival or Legit projects. I have set up a few "secrets" for you to discover, and I will add more. There aren't very many, so maybe waiting a few days would be a good idea. There will a be a reception area at the spawn with starting supplies, and I've enhance the landscape to give the place an adventure feel.
Yeah, I posted before I actually looked at the area. It extends much further north than I thought, so I'll concentrate up there for now.
So, Raken has sent me some interesting ideas.

Firstly, does anyone want to be a mod? I like the idea of having as many trusted people looking after the server as possible, especially those that have proven they aren't dicks. I might consider having a good few moderators that can do simple things like set warps and give items / add to whitelist, along with 1 or 2 admins ( I had made ennui an admin, and he hasn't been on much since!)

Secondly, It seems time to re-visit the supply depot issue.

Can you guys post if you have a problem with it existing? There is no middle ground on this one and people bitch no matter what I do. If I take it away people moan that they can't build without it and constantly ask for items. If I leave it there people moan because the items are basically spawned in.

I'll need to make a decision as to whether to remove it or not, so if enought people moan in here, I will remove it.
Thirdly, what do we think about warps? Raken has suggested using a warpgate system instead of the warps. This means that you will need to walk to an actual spot in order to tp somewhere else. I think the idea is to make everything more immersive in terms of hax travel. What do we think? Is warping a bit nubish?

Fourthly, I have no broadband at the moment, i can still reset the server when it needs it, but can't do much else (including playing). Hopefully I'll be back online in a week or so. Until then, Raken will be able to handle whitelist requests, help in the server and the like.
So my broadband is fixed, so I decided to update all the plugins and pay a visit.

It's awesome how much the world changes every time I look. Here's just a couple of new things that are ****ing awesome that I found in the 30s I spent on the server.




You guys are awesome.
I've been working on my mansion project in SP that was started and almost complete from Hokey's server. Work on it is slow, very slow, but once I finish it I want to know if it could be imported to the server. If so I would be motivated to spend more time working on it and then start doing other stuff on the server too.
I've been working on my mansion project in SP that was started and almost complete from Hokey's server. Work on it is slow, very slow, but once I finish it I want to know if it could be imported to the server. If so I would be motivated to spend more time working on it and then start doing other stuff on the server too.

Yeah, I'll just need you to send me your world files and I can import it for you. You'll just need to make sure you give me proper directions to it / its co-ordinates in the world.
Okay. Can I get whitelisted? I guess I never requested it for this server.
Can I also get whitelisted? It's Shamrock13.

Thank you good sir.
Don't know about anybody else, but I am currently unable to build or destroy blocks, let alone warp. I get a "you do not have permission to use this" dialogue.

As for whether we should have supply and warping...I personally no longer wish to have to gather materials endlessly in order to build things. The time I can allocate to Minecraft is limited and if I'm mining my own shit I wouldn't have time to build anything at all (which is my priority). If people want to do legit projects, they can, whether in the special 'adventure zone' Raken set up or in the main areas, but I don't have the patience for it myself and would prefer to be able to concentrate on creation. One compromise would be to have ordinary materials like stone and wood in the supply depot, but leave exotic materials like lapis, gold, redstone and obsidian to be mined.

As for warping, again I don't mind it and if people want to walk around on foot they're welcome to. Warpgates would make a nice compromise between immersion and convenience. Note that without some form of warp transport it will be inconvenient and irritating for me to get to my freebuild site (as lag and internet issues make boats and minecarts a patchy solution at best).
sounds like a permission problem. The issue is that if you are on the whitelist you should be able to build. There was a similar problem with the neather, but that seems to be fixed. Maybe the two issues are connected.
I've cleared the users file which should fix the permissions problem. Let me know if you have any more problems guys.
So, when can we expect the server to be updated. It looks like most bugs in this update are minor.

I have a hankering to try out the pistons but I can't find slimes in my SP worlds. :(
I just pressed update on my iPhone and it assures me that the server and bukkit are updated.

This is the same tool that tells me that the latest Minecraft version is 1.7_01 but at the same time I am on 1.7.2, though.

Feel free to assess the damage for me.
Hey guys. I made another Painterly Texture pack for the update.

As usual, just copy the text in the spoiler box and then paste it into the text box at this link and then click the button "load this pack" to download.
