The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

Sweet, thanks Raken. I was skimming for a link, guess that's why I missed it :)
can Doomination be whitelisted? (i'm not referring to myself in the third person per se, that's my minecraft username as well

Are friends allowed on the server? If so would you mind adding EnigmaToad? He's one of my RL friends, he spent quite a bit of time on Raz/Hokey's server back in the day (he built that big pagoda in front of Emporius and Bob's castle, among other stuff).

It's totally cool if not, I just get lonely alone in the server all the time :(
Monsters are back on. I've kept creepers off, though.

You can find weapons and armour in the supply depot.
I'm so glad there are no creepers, I've been terrified while playing before I checked this thread.

Ennui, I'm very enamoured the tavern you've built (although you might want to overhang the roof parts over the edges of the walls - merely a suggestion). I wouldn't mind knowing who built some of the other stuff - whose is the great big lighthouse? Whose the tiny desert customs house with the moored boat? I think this summer we should definitely try and get together to do some community projects (me and toaster built us a cottage but that's small fry). I'd love to try and establish our town and area in a bit more of an organised sense - with roads leading to various locations, smaller townships branching off, etc.
In fact, I think we should update this thread regularly with our activities so that we can all chip in and coordinate things. For example, I'd like to know what the plans are for this big 'central avenue' that's near the town, where someone appears to have built an inn and an unfinished 'tomb of knowledge'. I'd like to try out terraced housing and proper streets, something which is sadly not quite in evidence in the main town (which has some great buildings individually but looks kind of like a toytown).

My only current project is to make sure there's a safe and easy way from our cottage to the spawn point. I might see if I can build a road around the 'south' (by the map) end of the castle and a small bridge over the river there. Alternatively there's always boats from the jetty east of the castle.

Props to whoever expanded the sewer system, by the way. It'd be badass if someone could devote their time to making it more twisty and complex, but that might be a big job.
Did you find the little bomb shelter / refuge from mythical creature attack I put in the sewers? It was primarily an excuse to make bunk beds.

I would personally love to make a proper harbor. We do have a small jetty area but I imagine something with a couple of storage warehouses, mooring for very large ships, etc.

I'm also thinking about building a little town some distance from the castle that I can build a road to or whatever.

In fact, I'm going to hop in the server now.

PS: Sulk, are you and toaster using the custom Painterly textures raken posted?
Those are all awesome suggestions. I'd definitely like to see out city grow according to a plan of some kind. Feel free to lay out markers and signs to describe what you are thinking and post ideas and pictures here so we can discuss them. It be awesome if we could get a bunch of people on at the same time (and on the Teamspeak server) to do some of this.

I'm the one who put the avenue in front of the castle. The idea was to have a main thoroughfare with shops and things. The inn's bonfire will have to go and the tomb of knowledge might have to be connected to the sewer system to make way for a building on the surface. I think that big hole that goes down to bedrock at the end of the thoroughfare should be buried and turned into a giant cistern where we connect all the sewer pipes.

Making the sewer more maze like and less square would be a great thing. Adding features like the waterfall that drops down from the moat into a deep hole under the castle is a good idea. While I think that the build-as-you-go approach has its charms, I would like for the capital city to have more of a plan. I'd like to see the city set up into districts. I think the one section we already have should just be for houses of the server members. Then the main road area should have the cathedral and stuff on it. The mountain just (think its west of the city) could be an acropolis like place where we put governmental buildings surrounded by mountain side villas.

I've gains a lot of inspiration from watching the Yogscast videos and this one

I've been playing Killing Floor a lot so I'm kinda gamed out, but I'll return to start on these ideas.

Also: here is the Raken MK 7 texture pack. I changed the zombie skin to something much creepier and pumpkins now appear as ornate stone lanterns. Other than that its much the same as the last one.

Ah, that's very interesting. I'll post more on what I'm thinking soon.

Did you find the little bomb shelter / refuge from mythical creature attack I put in the sewers? It was primarily an excuse to make bunk beds.

PS: Sulk, are you and toaster using the custom Painterly textures raken posted?
No and no! I shall have a look at the former and what does the latter look like?
Here you go:
Yea we do. I posted it a ways back but here it is again. You go to the Painterly site and select the share feature. You then coppy pate the text from the spoiler into the box and it will bring up the pack.

I've done some work on the castle. The outer walls have been laid out and I'm working on filling the compound. I'm dividing the castle into military and imperial sections. The main thoroughfare needs some regulation implemented soon. There are some interesting buildings going up in that area but they don't fit with the theme of that section of the city. No one should worry though, we won't tear them down. We may chose to keep them there or find a new home for them (admin can copy and past buildings).

Anyone have experience with doing shipyards and harbors? the area between the walled city and the docks currently set up should be our shipping and trade center. I think the theme should have high quality shops near the walls and rough wooden buildings nearer the water. Feel free to rework the docks to whatever you want as long as they are not too massive. We don't want to fill up the little ocean space we have there.

I've turned that large hole in front of the castle into a cistern and have directed a few sewer tunnels to pour water into it. Fair warning: monsters spawn down there now (which I think is a good thing). For the sewers I think we should have an organized grid-work for the upper level (like we already have) and then a winding and unorganized labyrinth like system below that. We could incorporate the natural caves in this system and place old ruins, tombs, and other surprises down there.

By the way, who set off the temple of altruism? you missed the real treasure....
I'm still not whitelisted.. can I be added please?

my username on Minecraft is: Doomination
uhm, in classic, there's something one can access called cuboid.. basically, you put a block at two corners of a hypothetical cuboid (basically a rectangular prism) and the game places whatever block you're holding in all the spaces in between

here's a video of someone using cuboid:

We have an admin tool that is similar. As of now its unaccessible to non-admin, but if you wan't a space cleared just ask either Kaz or I. Alternatively you could place signs at the corners of the area you want cleared.

what are your ideas?
Looks to me like just an easier/lazier way to build walls and stuff. And also without having to mine the resources to build them.
vegeta: this server has a supply depot with infinite supplies anyway, so not having to mine the resources isn't really an issue

raken: I was going to clear a large hill next to the rail system going to the quarry, so people could see my pyramid from the rail, not that big of a deal, but I was just thinking that cuboid would make it much easier
vegeta: this server has a supply depot with infinite supplies anyway, so not having to mine the resources isn't really an issue

raken: I was going to clear a large hill next to the rail system going to the quarry, so people could see my pyramid from the rail, not that big of a deal, but I was just thinking that cuboid would make it much easier

I'll be on tonight, probably between 9pm and midnight (GMT). I'll help you if you're on.
Guys, 1.6 has just been released.

Please don't update to it yet if you would like to play in the server. I'm not updating the server until it's properly fixed and Bukkit is updated (probably about a week).

Minecraft went from 1.6 to 1.6.2 in 30 minutes, no way I'm updating until it settles down again.

TL;DR If you upgrade to 1.6 you wont be able to get into our server for about a week.

EDIT: Here's a short article about the changes. I read the first line and I was like "meh, bug fixes", then I read the rest. Looks awesome, it will be area specific maps (like IRL) with a kind of 'fog of war' (in that it won't update until you re-visit an area).
how does one play without updating? When i click on the minecraft client and log in, it starts updating automatically
Minecraft is now on the Xperia Play, so soon on Android devices too :D

can't wait to play on the go with you guys
how does one play without updating? When i click on the minecraft client and log in, it starts updating automatically

It will ask if you want to update when you log into Minecraft from your desktop.

I didn't think and updated. So now I'm temporarily banished :(

As always the major drawback for SMP are increased lag and larger CPU and memory requirements. Those should be moderated as more patched come out. 1.6.4 seems to have fixed a lot of the SMP issues. Some major bugs include dropped tools braking after one use and opening chests causing the game to crash. I haven't had these problems yet, I'll let you know how it develops.

In the meantime, we should lay our a street plan for the waterfront districts (keep it more random) and the central district (more organized).

Maybe we need another admin. Someone who is good at planning, plays quite often, and won't abuse the powers to make giant or ugly structures.

I'll post a new texture pack once the painterly updates.
LOL, you guys are so pro updating.

It's been out a few hours and we are already on 1.6.4.
LOL, you guys are so pro updating.

It's been out a few hours and we are already on 1.6.4.

I can't decide if the quickness of the updates is good because of their speed on getting the patches out or a bad thing because they were necessary.

To be honest, each update has eventually resulted in a smoother game with less lag issues.
I can't decide if the quickness of the updates is good because of their speed on getting the patches out or a bad thing because they were necessary.

To be honest, each update has eventually resulted in a smoother game with less lag issues.

Its a bad thing. It means the process went like this;
1.6 - Totally broken
1.6.1 - A bit less broken
1.6.2 - Still broken, but not so much
1.6.3 - Slightly less broken again
1.6.4 - ???!?!!!!!??!!!

It's not a good thing by any stretch of the imagination. It means the Bukkit devs will get butthurt again and refuse to work on it until they are sure Notch has finished fixing things (like they did with 1.5).

Just to be clear, the extra versions haven't been adding any functionality, they have been making the game less broken.
The fact that this is still beta means they can break the code whenever they want to, but yeah, wish they had taken the code through some more test runs before they put it all out there. The server my friend and I build on will remain firmly at the old version until things settle down.
Thandurin - you won't be able to connect as I'm not updating the server yet. If you want to play you can downgrade your client (at least, I seem to recall that you can).

Google is your friend.
The fact that this is still beta means they can break the code whenever they want to, but yeah, wish they had taken the code through some more test runs before they put it all out there. The server my friend and I build on will remain firmly at the old version until things settle down.

Doesn't mean anyone has to be happy about it. Also, it's not so cut and dried as the normal situation given that people have paid money for the game, but I suppose they paid a smaller amount of money than whatever the end product will be.

It's not the fact that broken game is broken, but, as the Bukkit guys and Fragnet keep pointing out, he doesn't appear to test anything.

v1.6.3 for example had bugs in it that hogged so much CPU it kept crashing Fragnet's servers. You would have realised this 5 mins after starting your server.

I know, I know, Notch is the second coming of jesus and we should be so grateful to him for bestowing this game upon us, but I can't help wishing there was a bigger company that would fix the thing and then charge £50 for it.
Waiting for Painterly to update its pack... Right now the grass sprites are just solid squares.
Sorry for the double post but this merits a warning. As it stands now, perviously safe fireplaces may not prevent fire spreading after the update. People have reported their fireplaces jumping to blocks previously our of reach of the fire. Apparently this has less to to with a change in fire's behavior, and more to do with either a bug or a glitch from the update that somehow allows this to happen.

Kaz, you might want to turn fire off before updating the server or making it not spread. most likely this will be fixed before you will need to update, but I though it fair to warn you.