New Pacific Rim teaser

Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Now I just need Gareth Edwards to release the NY Comic-Con teaser for Godzilla 2014 and my kaiju film needs will be sated.

Also if you don't know what this movie is I'm gonna have to ask you to kill yourself via poop injection.

I feel like I've seen this movie already...
who the fuk greenlighted cloverfield 2~

edit: can't find my rig to shoot poop into my arm, brb
this is a movie about people in giant robot suits fighting giant monsters UHMMM ARE YOU GAY? LOL?


When legions of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, start rising from the sea, a war begins that takes millions of lives and consumes humanity's resources for years on end. To combat the giant Kaiju, a special type of weapon is devised: massive robots, called Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge. But even the Jaegersprove nearly defenseless in the face of the relentless Kaiju. On the verge of defeat, the forces defending mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes - a washed up former pilot (Charlie Hunnam) and an untested trainee (Rinko Kikuchi) - who are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the past. Together, they stand as mankind’s last hope against the mountingapocalypse
Do they call the mech pilots Jägermeisters?
Germany's already got a bunch of Panzerjagers, why not just ask them for some? I thought the Germans and the Japanese were pretty tight?
I ain't feeling it. I love giant robots. I love giant monsters. I love giant robots fighting giant monsters. For whatever reason, a reason I can't articulate, I am just not about Robot Jox + G Gundam + Big O with that rocket punch at the end + Evangelion + Cloverfield + that axe-headed monster from Dexter's Lab, you know the one, it looks JUST like the monster in this movie + GLaDOS.

When you look at that formula on paper, it looks like it should be awesome, but something went wrong in execution. Horribly, horribly wrong.
The people aren't in the mechs
This looks like a Del Toro self satisfying piece really, or a monstrous piece of pandering. Was that a dojo I saw? Yep I can see the mechs pull out an enormous katana which is the only way to kill space monsters obviously. Not like we can just use drones with nukes and shove them up their asses. For the record to hollywood, I love games, but despise Japanese pop culture anime crap, please pander in a manner actually effective.

So, Mountains of Madness cancelled for this turd? I cant wait for the merchandise to come arolling in. Nice bit of playing it safe and stupid Del Toro, this reeks
In an interview he stated that he wanted to make a movie that would have made his twelve-year-old self's head explode.
This looks like a Del Toro self satisfying piece really, or a monstrous piece of pandering. Was that a dojo I saw? Yep I can see the mechs pull out an enormous katana which is the only way to kill space monsters obviously. Not like we can just use drones with nukes and shove them up their asses. For the record to hollywood, I love games, but despise Japanese pop culture anime crap, please pander in a manner actually effective.

So, Mountains of Madness cancelled for this turd? I cant wait for the merchandise to come arolling in. Nice bit of playing it safe and stupid Del Toro, this reeks
Both films were in development at the same time. Madness was cancelled because Universal are retarded. Has nothing to do with this.
In an interview he stated that he wanted to make a movie that would have made his twelve-year-old self's head explode.

Yeah but this looks just uninspired, he seems to be becoming like Tarantino, hiding behind camp and losing relevance to most. Remember Hellboy? That movie definitely carried his love for Lovecraft and other influences but was not shameless and didnt try to hide behind camp.

His twelve year old self is not why this movie is being made, he bounces around between a lot of stuff after all. The real reason this was greenlit is as follows

15' plastic robot toy with little Idris Elba complete with dopey slackjaw expression-kaching!

Giant monster toy to fight robot-kachingx2

Its also got enough pandering in it to make it sound like a "sure thing". Maybe Im being to hard on him as this is definitely NOT what he wanted to do at first, but it is still crummy
I just really hope either Universal stops being retarded and stops forcing a PG-13 rating and gets the show on the road, or someone else takes it up with him. Madness needs to happen.
I will not rest until I see Cthulu being katana raped by Big O.
Someone with a lot of money is taking "children are our future" far too literally.