Merry Christmas, Kwanzaa, Festivus, Hanukkah, and Nothing (for the Athiests)

Warped Dan

Mar 9, 2012
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Just want to say Happy Holidays everyone. What is everyone's plans for this week?

I'm going to my girlfriend's parents for Xmas Eve today, then to my aunt's tonight for a party, then back to my girlfriend's parents to unwrap gifts. We'll be sleeping there, then in the morning heading to Rochester for Xmas with her sister, then back to Buffalo to visit my family on Xmas day. We're then heading home to celebrate Xmas between my girlfriend, my dog and I and that will be the best part of the day I believe. :D

I got my girlfriend an iPod touch nano in pink and also Adobe CS6 plus many other gifts. Lets just say I'm a broke broke man with plenty to be happy about
I'm going to my aunt's cousin's best friend's son's wedding anniversary so we'll have a double whamy xmas holiday cheerfest in Vancouver, then will be traveling to Albuquerque for my friend's sister's dog's birthday xmas bananza blowout for drinks and strippers before finally ending the day in Lorkshirevilleborough, U.K.K. with my boss's aunt twice removed who's having her liposuction-ectomy on her youngest kitten's second hairball anniversary. It's going to be a blast, man.

Actually just staying home with the family. **** traveling yo.
I just moved to Toronto to be closer to my family, so I'll be spending Christmas Day with them for the most part. (I'm on my little brother's laptop right now at my mom's place :) ). The rest of the week will be spent alternately on Dota 2, learning to cast Dota 2 matches, and playing Halo 4 with my bro. Alcohol will be involved on at least three occasions.
Sitting here in my new polo neck tee and jeans, sniffing the veg that's cooking in the christmas roast, sipping some Thornbridge Raven Black IPA and waiting to feast. The beer is a pale ale but it's black have I blowng ur mindyet


And don't forget the most important thing about Christmas: that it celebrates the birth of Sinbad the Sailor, 30 years ago this day in Easter, born to an immaculate union between Allah and Santa. I can't remember exactly what it was that Sinbad did but wasn't there like a giant tiger. I always get him mixed up with Jason and the Argonauts and Clash of the Titans (original ver.). Which one had the owl? I don't think it was Sinbad? Either way, thanks to him now we don't have to worry about sinning bad.

Merry Christmas, everyone! I know the forums are quieter nowadays, but it doesn't mean I'm not always thinking of every single one of you. Always. Wishing you all a Christmas of serene debauchery.
It was raining a lot last night. Made the comment to my dad that I wonder if it'd turn into snow.

This morning.

Merry Christmas, butts. This was the first thing that popped up when I typed "Christmas" into Youtube, so enjoy some leopards with fancy-ass watches.

'Bout time (a.k.a. welcome back)! Get back to Toronto so it can be even more merry.