Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

Why is it specifically the 2nd Shrek?

Edit: My producers are now informing me that this is in fact the joke.
Its sick is what it is. Why would you want to eat a beloved cartoon character? How would it make you feel if that was you?
Crazy Golf in fursuit! I managed nine out of twenty holes without a break and also beat my mum who was my handler!
IMG_2042 resized.jpg
Forgive my ignorance, but what is a handler? Was there a group of people in suits, or did you just go yourself?
I went by myself. A handler is a person who looks after the suiter, making sure kids and stupid people don't damage the suit, provide water, answer peoples questions on behalf of the suiter and take photos.
What's peculiar?
A human playing minigolf in a fursuit with her mom protecting her costume, explaining to confused people wtf is going on, and carrying water for her since she can't do it herself because she is pretending to be a jean wearing, mini-golf playing, 9 holes and needing to take a break... fox.

Couldn't possibly see whats peculiar about that.

I mean, yeah be happy with the things you do, but don't pretend its not weird as shit.
I went by myself. A handler is a person who looks after the suiter, making sure kids and stupid people don't damage the suit, provide water, answer peoples questions on behalf of the suiter and take photos.

Cool, thanks for the info! Seems like it would take a lot of courage to go out like that on your own, and especially having your family know about it.
Aw man.

Were you routing that keyboard's audio into your EMX for processing?
Not right there, but I tried it and couldn't get it to work. :/

Edit: I got it to work! It's awesome.
My best friend of 4 years and I have been in a long distance relationship since May and she came back for 2 weeks in December and is moving back here thanks in part of me and my family convincing her to do what she wants with her life and not what her dad or anyone else she fears wants and now I am gay.
I know this is kind of random, but you remind me so much of this dude from a video I used to watch when I was younger.
1. What in the name of Brian Christ have I just watched?
2. YROC stop looking at the camera that's like so unprofessional gosh.


I'm a horrible human being

EDIT : This image was too big, I had to change it. >_<
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