Recent content by MekoFox

  1. MekoFox

    New Dashboard & Hero Picker for Dota 2 (Ogre Magi Added)

    Oh dear God what have they done to that interface? I like the layout of it a lot better but wow... Sort of a step backwards in terms of it's graphical appeal.
  2. MekoFox

    Counter-Stike: GO Update Adds 15 v 15 and More Chickens

    Do consider that Valve has already successfully implemented this in Team Fortress 2 a long time ago. More than likely they're going to use a similar method for it.
  3. MekoFox

    Portal 2 Puzzle Creator Fixes & Changes

    Ah, thank you for the correction, that certainly would make much more sense in that respect. ^^
  4. MekoFox

    Portal 2 Puzzle Creator Fixes & Changes

    I believe the "goo" that allows portals to be made on it is actually considered to be paint. Though I could be drastically wrong as it wouldn't make much sense for buttons if that was the case.
  5. MekoFox

    The results you've all been waiting for!

    Was an interesting contest all the way through. While personally there are things I don't like about the winner's submission I'm sure he could say the same for mine. :P Anyway, realistically I got what I wanted! beta GO! :D
  6. MekoFox

    Design A Logo For ValveTime - Win Valve Goodies + CS:GO Keys

    Very true, I can only judge based on the people who have submitted via these comments so there may be some very dedicated individuals out there who aren't as public with their submissions.
  7. MekoFox

    Design A Logo For ValveTime - Win Valve Goodies + CS:GO Keys

    By no means am I asking you to sugarcoat a critique since critiquing means to find flaws in something, but there is no reason you can't be respectful to someone and the work they've created at the same time. Regardless this isn't the place to talk about something of this nature so if you'd like...
  8. MekoFox

    Design A Logo For ValveTime - Win Valve Goodies + CS:GO Keys

    I must admit Tinckerbel is quite possibly the most dedicated person in this. Even taking "critique" from a person who needs to learn how to critique with a bit more respect to the other person.
  9. MekoFox

    Design A Logo For ValveTime - Win Valve Goodies + CS:GO Keys Probably going to end up changing the logotype at some point since I'm unsure about it currently, but I'm happy with the logo itself so that would be my entry. The concept behind it, though not exactly hard to understand, can be found...