Recent content by oldi1knoby

  1. oldi1knoby

    HL2 Retail or Collectors-Cd in Drive

    Multiple Questions: 1. Must you have the CD in the drive if you buy the Retail or Collectors Edition? 2. If you buy the Retail or Collectors edition, will you be able to upgrade to get Day of Defeat? I know with the retail someone's answer was no, but what about the collectors edition...
  2. oldi1knoby

    any recommended (system) preparations for hl2?

    Umm, defrag and disk cleanup??? Maybe new load of Windows if you're really bored? (Only if you burn all of the Pre-load to a CD)
  3. oldi1knoby

    Why does america have to be so slow?

    Thanks for the correction. I knew it sounded familiar and I knew it had to have been an English author. :)
  4. oldi1knoby

    The Day of Reckoning!!!!

    The Day of Reckoning is nearly upon us, my wayward children. We have all struggled with our souls, craving what may have never come, but LO and behold: The Great Gabe will tonight finally release upon the world the greatness that IS Half-Life 2. If you come upon those who were heritics to...
  5. oldi1knoby

    Why does america have to be so slow?

    That was brilliant. It sounds like something Douglas Adams would have said, God bless his soul. I kind of agree with you 100%. You Europeans need to get with the program. Everyone is migrating to America's standards. Did you know that the international language in the sky is English? And it...
  6. oldi1knoby

    Do professors not understand that HL2 is coming out tonight?

    I have a test tomorrow morning at 10am. I cannot stay up past 1am if I intend on making it to class. Why don't professors play videogames? Bastards! Anyone else going to only be able to play it two or three hours tonight? /me goes off to study for test so he may be able to play HL2 when it...
  7. oldi1knoby

    International Simultaneous Release Times of HL2

    HAHA bitches! We get HL2 a day before you do! First time EVER for Hawaii to get a game a day before the rest of the world! WOOT! November 15, BABY!!! YAh! Note: I do understand we will all be getting it at the same time, but this is also a reason for me to be excited. We get...
  8. oldi1knoby

    HL2 MIGHT be being sold in Colorado....

    Yeah, they are down so they can announce HL2's release because people have gotten the game on retail. Only ONE person has to have it before they can release it on steam!
  9. oldi1knoby

    Updating 63%

    CS source now out, but it seems the pre-load was only 60% of the game....
  10. oldi1knoby

    Problems leading to delay?

    No, no, no. The second sign of the apocalypse is the the death of our prophet Gabe. "For Gabe shall lead the children into the wilderness, whence a heretic yelling, 'OMG YOU CHANGED THE RELEASE DATE ON HL2' will strike him down." Damn those "OMG YOU CHANGED THE RELEASE DATE ON HL2" newbies...
  11. oldi1knoby

    Just got my copy of Hl2/CS:S beta preloading!

    Five dollars? You suck. I didn't get the video card, I bought the COUPON that came with one.
  12. oldi1knoby

    Steam updating?

    Yeah, their... there... they're most likely adding HL2 content to the servers. Not a biggy, since we won't be playing it for at least a month.
  13. oldi1knoby

    Problems leading to delay?

    No, no, no. I'm sorry if I led you to believe I was Pre-loading Hl2. I am pre-loading CS:S. I just put the key in, and I want to load it tonight before I go to bed.. 60% and it's 1:45 Am. Aloha
  14. oldi1knoby

    Steam updating?

    My guess is that they either: A. Got hacked B. Set the servers to update this early so they would not get slammed. or C. Someone is downloading the Paris Hilton video and the entire Bangbus collection all at the same time. I am guessing B. The content servers are most likely updating...
  15. oldi1knoby

    Problems leading to delay?

    I think I broke it. I was entering my CD key for Hl2 and it froze up. I am now pre-loading and hogging all the bandwith. I am at 37%, so bare with me people. I am downloading at 1Mb/s.