Why does america have to be so slow?


Oct 10, 2003
Reaction score
Its been the 16th here for AGES!!! Hurry up america!! :P

Or at least next time release on the internation date line :D
You my friend are a complete moron. If you cant figure out how time works then most likely you arent even old enough to play this game. It amazes me how rediculous some people can be.
It's a joke, blachole.

Bla Chole?

Blac Hole?

Blach Ole?

... err. Nevermind.
?? What are you on about.

I completely understand how it works, why its being released at -8 GMT etc, I'm just making a joke.

If anything that post makes you look like the moron.
It's because 65% of us are overweight, we can't help it!
Maybe be the 16th where you are, but your still not playing HL2, do ou?
Hmm, blachole's first post. What a great way to join the community. :D
diluted said:
Hmm, blachole's first post. What a great way to join the community. :D

Agreed. He aparently dosent get it that Peleus was kidding.
WhiteZero said:
Agreed. He aparently dosent get it that Peleus was kidding.

I guess we know who the real moron is now :rolling:
blachole said:
You my friend are a complete moron. If you cant figure out how time works then most likely you arent even old enough to play this game. It amazes me how rediculous some people can be.

lmao you just pwned yourself.
Peleus said:
Its been the 16th here for AGES!!! Hurry up america!! :P

Or at least next time release on the internation date line :D

They're called timezones...
i love stupidity on the internet it always makes me smile :cheese:

ps. not refering to the first post hehe
Americans are never late. Nor are we early. We arrive precisely when we mean to!
The 16th will be 3 hours away from being over where I live by the time this game comes out.

It's so irritating.
i like how some people in other countries act like they are in the future, when in reality they have waited no longer than the rest of us since HL2 was delayed.

and yes, i know the original thread starter was joking.
Mountain Man said:
Americans are never late. Nor are we early. We arrive precisely when we mean to!

That was brilliant. It sounds like something Douglas Adams would have said, God bless his soul.

I kind of agree with you 100%. You Europeans need to get with the program. Everyone is migrating to America's standards. Did you know that the international language in the sky is English? And it is NOT England English. It is American English, which is much better, seeing as we remove all those extraneous U's in words like Humor and pronounce Aluminum correctly by accentuating the U instead of the first I and leaving out the second I altogether. We are considering removing said first I from the word in the near future, so be ready you crazy Europans... It will not be pronounced and spelled "Alumnum." :farmer:
it's not "something douglas adams would have said"............ it's a quote from lord of the rings
alan8325 said:
It's because 65% of us are overweight, we can't help it!

Its all that extra gravity that makes time flow slower in america :)
it doesnt really matter to us aussies casue we dont have to stay up till 12 at night we get it at 6pm.
DrunkPanda said:
it's not "something douglas adams would have said"............ it's a quote from lord of the rings

Thanks for the correction. I knew it sounded familiar and I knew it had to have been an English author.

oldi1knoby said:
That was brilliant. It sounds like something Douglas Adams would have said, God bless his soul.

I kind of agree with you 100%. You Europeans need to get with the program. Everyone is migrating to America's standards. Did you know that the international language in the sky is English? And it is NOT England English. It is American English, which is much better, seeing as we remove all those extraneous U's in words like Humor and pronounce Aluminum correctly by accentuating the U instead of the first I and leaving out the second I altogether. We are considering removing said first I from the word in the near future, so be ready you crazy Europans... It will not be pronounced and spelled "Alumnum." :farmer:

*cough*Metric system*cough*

Yeah, the rest of the is is already using it asshole.
Doesnt really matter where it's the 16th and where it isnt - everyone will get to play it at the exact same time :)

colour is spelt with a U
neighbour is spelt with a U
aluminium is pronounced WITHOUT excenuating the U ("al-I-mininum")
metrtic system 10x better and easier than any other system!

screw all who oppose!

lol :P

(not european)
bleh. I've been browsing the boards for months...sorry for lashing out..ive been so wraped u with all the dumbasses from steampowered forums and other sites I just lost it. I'm sorry...