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  1. G

    CS:S stand alone or CS upgrade ?

    Orgianal CS is to outadate for CS:S
  2. G

    CE only DVD?

    But i dont plan to buy a Dvd Drive just for Halflife.
  3. G

    CE only DVD?

    Dvd Will and HAVE caught on.
  4. G

    Half-Life 2 gone too far?

    mmmm Kiera My honey. I have a Athlon64, 8channel sound card, 280 watt 5.1 surrond system, geforce 5900xt 128mb, 1gig pc2700, 2 80 gigs in raid 0, a 200 gig IDE, a fan controller, 6 fans, a black case, with a see through panel, and tv a tuner card. Including shipping, i paid 1150$...
  5. G

    So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

    I've read a few pages, But this thread is to long, I dont give a damn about whats being done to break it. I want to know, What the reward is? so to say? Whats this last "test" Login/Pass. I'm not looking for a history of how its being cracked. But whats being cracked, and why.
  6. G

    So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

    Ok, i'm totaly lost about what this "Test" is. I under stand its something to decode, and etc. But what are the pass/login for? a webpage? A file? I dont understand. Can someone give me a quick summary?
  7. G

    Ok I'm confused of the hl2 stress test

    I'm still waiting. Do you masters find my comp midrange? 5900xt, 1gig pc2700, A64 3000
  8. G

    Ok I'm confused of the hl2 stress test

    Its def not midrange. But back to the benchmarking. I saw a recent posting of benchmarks on some website, They placed my card 20 fps below what i get on full settings. I get 55-60 fps, on my.... Athlon64 3000+ OCed to 3200. 1 gig kingston 2700 ram. accidently bought 2700 instead of 3200...
  9. G

    Old school....HL3 SPoiler!!***

    congrats you made me laugh
  10. G

    The Source engine technical and recent events FAQ

    I had to download Dx9 for Hl2 to even start. Would not start with 8.1 cause it needed d3d9.dll