Half-Life 2 gone too far?

alehm said:
Yup, but when you consider the unwritten rule of "If you really want to play the game well make sure your system is twice the minimum specs" then the gap widens


  • 2.4 Ghz Processor
  • 512 Megs of Ram
  • DX 8 Card

Doom 3
  • 3 Ghz Processor
  • 768 Megs of Ram
  • DX 9 Card

Where do you get these numbers from? Out of your ass?

You should probably want a DX 9 card for HL2 since it is using a bunch of PS 2.0 shaders. Doom 3 uses the grand total of 1 DX 9 class shader in the entire game. On top of that, there is no benefit from adding memory over 512 MB for Doom 3. You just grabbed that out of thin air. For processor, I would say around 2.4 GHz as well. Doom 3 is more video card dependent, not processor dependent.

I would give you links from www.xbitlabs.com right now, but there site is down.
I built myself a great computer for only $1600, minus the video card, just to play Doom 3. I'll settle on the video card when the benchmarks come out. But seriously people need to stop crying about the specs in order to play. If its slow for you well then keep on doing what you are doing or upgrade.

Shold Valve really be held back technically and creatively because some of the paying consumers don't have the best machines to play? My opinion is 'no'. This is not an add-on for Half Life 1. So I suggest everyone think and then spend some money carefully to upgrade.

I'm poor like everyone else but at least I work hard and choose to have a great computer instead of a semester of school.
Orcone101 said:
I don't know about you, but, you could call my technological equipment "lacking".
I wonder, has Valve taken HL2 just a little too far on the basis of raw processing speed? I for one live in Australia, in a small city called Sydney, don't know if you've heard of it, and it seems that all my friends are just like me computer wise.
Our computers suck ass. I will say that much, Condition Zero raped our machines.
If you are like me, you come home from school/work and just want to relax for a while, turn on your tv or computer, and entertain yourself. Now, I'm no expert in Hardware, no implications there, but I do understand one thing, the system requirements for HL2 are big. I still use the machine that powered Half-Life when it came out.
So I was just wondering, has Valve forgotten that a very large number of people who play video games do not have the latest hardware? My '97 IBM Aptiva works fine and I have no intentions on replacing it, I don't have the time nor the money to start over.
Australia seems to be behind in the computer scene, no one, I mean no one in my grade (216 kids) has a computer that meets the borderline system requirements of HL2.
I know no one with an advanced sound card, surround sound, massive screen or has upgraded their computer. These addons simply cost too much.

So I was wondering, is anyone hear in the same boat?

It sounds like Australia really sucks ass. You still have a computer from '97? wtf is that? for the 50 bucks your gonna spend on the game you should take it and get a new computer, because i've sold computers 2, 3 years old for 300 hundred.
blahblahblah said:
Where do you get these numbers from? Out of your ass?

If you actually read my post [Spoiler- who I was quoting] you would have answered your own question. But I can't help you with that.
Here in Ireland I know very few people with a sub-2Ghz P.C. Also you could easily build a computer, capable of playing hl2 on high settings, for a couple of hundred Euro, I'm sure computer parts can't be that much more expensive in Australia.
Buy stuff with a Credit Card. So you would pay back in the next several months.
my cousin lives in Australia he has a pc which is extremely powerfull. i think sydney is more known than your capital becouse of the the opera house
bayaraa_us said:
Buy stuff with a Credit Card. So you would pay back in the next several months.

Now there's a good idea... NOT

If he doesn't have money now, he probaly won't have it later.

I know it's the american way and all, but that doesn't make it less stupid.
maybe the xbox version will end up being good and you could get one or use a friends.
kaf11 said:
maybe the xbox version will end up being good and you could get one or use a friends.

Without mods what is even the point of getting HL2.

And Valve is not forgetting the HL1 users that still hold on to their 386's, they are sending them to the CAMPS! The days of 500mhz, 32mb ram specs are OVER, if you want to play any game today you better upgrade.
Ok, you beat HL2 on the xbox, what waits for you at the end (besides a cliffhanger)

blahblahblah said:
Where do you get these numbers from? Out of your ass?

You should probably want a DX 9 card for HL2 since it is using a bunch of PS 2.0 shaders. Doom 3 uses the grand total of 1 DX 9 class shader in the entire game. On top of that, there is no benefit from adding memory over 512 MB for Doom 3. You just grabbed that out of thin air. For processor, I would say around 2.4 GHz as well. Doom 3 is more video card dependent, not processor dependent.

I would give you links from www.xbitlabs.com right now, but there site is down.

I'm sorry, but Doom 3 does benefit greatly from more than 512MB of RAM. Granted, your framerate isn't likely to change, but overall, the game will run smoother, as the initial load "jerkiness" will go away. That, and, new areas will cache much faster and you won't see the jerkiness as with 512MB.
Dalamari said:
Ok, you beat HL2 on the xbox, what waits for you at the end (besides a cliffhanger)


Multiplayer? :) I heard the Xbox might be getting a co-op mode, as well as any other multiplayer portion Valve decides to include (which will no doubt have online support).
when it comes to technology i don't understand why people choose to sit at home with their pentium 1's or 2's,

I think the intent of the original poster is for him and his friends to get a brand new computer donated to them

uhh thats not gonna happen

if you are below the poverty line so you have no money or a house or work then don't look at games
if you are living at home i don't see a reason why you shouldn't be able TO SAVE>... maybe if you stopped spendning money on drugs or something

i m sorry this is the 200th post i have seen with this type of a topic. i can understand you being upset not being able to play
but 2 years ago i couldn't play splintercell one on my shit rig cause it was too old so i waited and upgraded when i had the cash

and now it i m ready to take on any game and you know what with the new rig i have the power to MOD STUFFS NOW too cause oyu hl2 is never coming out

CS::S is bringing half life 2 down.

it usually helps if you have a skill and you USE that to get a job that pays well

and EA has excellent coders they just don't have the time to fully optimize the games like valve does ... they have money to make people. fiscal quarter records to break..

get with the times.

shit dude my uncles in remote parts of PAKISTAN have better computers than you do.
Wow, that was the most incoherent, nonsensical post I've read in awhile. And, EA is a publisher, Citizen. I'm not sure what that even has anything to do with anything..
EA is a publisher and a game development company dude

i was replying to one of the posters here

and it makes sense man just use the brain god gave you.

plus its getting frustrating that the game is not out so i am gonna start snapping at people cause its my week off

yay.. lol

good times everybody..

even for you trolls. :cheers:
EA is a publisher. They don't make any games. If I'm wrong, please point me in the direction of a game that EA has created.
Just like to point out that he is complaining that the garphics are to good :O

This is a first on me but being slightly saddistic I like it. :E
Fair enough. Citizen, I don't know why you felt the need to PM me, but whatever. Your post was still rather incoherent.

And, for the record, I wasn't talking about the crap that EA puts out for their sports games. I knew they made sports games. I didn't know they made NFSU.
people in Australia aint gonna spend loads of money for new pc, they dont spend enough time in front of pc to make it valid. Should be happy to have nice weather and spend your time outside all time having a real life rather than fantasy world on pc.
Murray_H said:
pfff skinny bitch needs to grow some tits ;) :p
Nice. And I'll bet that's what you'd say to her if she came onto you?
Hmm I live in Switerland and I've a very good comp (at least the X800XT ;) ) , but i worked 3 months for it to earn enough money (I'm learning application creater or i don't know how you call this art of job in the IT-Branche) ...

I live in Australia, not in Sydney but in Perth which is on the opposite side of the country (and a lot smaller than Sydney). The guy that started this post is not giving the correct indication of what PC hardware costs are like in Australia. It is a little more expensive here than the US, but not that much. Probably the only part that is right up there are video cards (ASUS v9999 6800 Ultra at around AUS$1100 atm). But the generation of cards before these are much cheaper (9800pro around AUS$300). We often get good shipments of stuff from Asia at very reasonable prices too.

The guy who posted this topic is not the average PC gamer in Australia. I must say though that there probably aren't as many of us that play games on the PC. I have a few mates that do (but I am about to turn 30 I guess) and their machines are "capable".

We also have many gaming cafes and lan bars (at least here in Perth we do). I have around 10 that are within 15 minutes of my house. You can rent PC games out from video stores here, so getting into the hobby isn't too expensive.

And yes Spring has just begun down here. 20 degrees Celcius, beautiful blue skies, and nice warming sun. Thank god winter is finally over.

PM me if you'd like to crash at my place fro all those of you who are about to head into winter and want to escape to our awesome Summer :)
Shuzer said:
I'm sorry, but Doom 3 does benefit greatly from more than 512MB of RAM. Granted, your framerate isn't likely to change, but overall, the game will run smoother, as the initial load "jerkiness" will go away. That, and, new areas will cache much faster and you won't see the jerkiness as with 512MB.


pwned newb. :p

PS - Please don't hurt me shuzer. :monkee:
Orcone101 said:
I don't know about you, but, you could call my technological equipment "lacking".
I wonder, has Valve taken HL2 just a little too far on the basis of raw processing speed? I for one live in Australia, in a small city called Sydney, don't know if you've heard of it, and it seems that all my friends are just like me computer wise.
Our computers suck ass. I will say that much, Condition Zero raped our machines.
If you are like me, you come home from school/work and just want to relax for a while, turn on your tv or computer, and entertain yourself. Now, I'm no expert in Hardware, no implications there, but I do understand one thing, the system requirements for HL2 are big. I still use the machine that powered Half-Life when it came out.
So I was just wondering, has Valve forgotten that a very large number of people who play video games do not have the latest hardware? My '97 IBM Aptiva works fine and I have no intentions on replacing it, I don't have the time nor the money to start over.
Australia seems to be behind in the computer scene, no one, I mean no one in my grade (216 kids) has a computer that meets the borderline system requirements of HL2.
I know no one with an advanced sound card, surround sound, massive screen or has upgraded their computer. These addons simply cost too much.

So I was wondering, is anyone hear in the same boat?

It hasn't gone too far dude, i'm 17 and i've got friends who aren't really into PC games as much as me, but still have better PC's then me that are more then capable of running HL2. Also, they are trying to meet the needs of lower end users, more so then some or most other PC games on the market today. I'd say don't worry about it, or if you still worry about it, just ask your mum or dad to buy a more up to date computer.
Orcone101 said:
Australia seems to be behind in the computer scene, no one, I mean no one in my grade (216 kids) has a computer that meets the borderline system requirements of HL2.
What are you in grade 6 or something? I think you should figure out a way to convince your parents to buy a new pc (about a $1000), 1997 technology is ancient man. www.msy.com.au for probably the best prices in aus.

Australia isn't behind in the slightest. I don't know anyone who's a gamer that has a sub 2ghz machine.
If you dont have the money to upgrade then don't buy the game. .:SIMPLE:.
please, stop insulting our good country.

i haven't read the whole thread, in fact i only skimmed the main post, but i know that it's crap.

you are trying to say that it is unfair of valve to make a game that is too advanced to run on a 7 year old piece of crap. i am 17, live in melbourne, and have no job. from money i get around the place, i've pieced together a p4 1.7, 512mb of ram, radeon 9600xt. i could name at least 15 people at my school with better computers than me, and i don't know what computers most of the rest of them have. i have 2 computers myself that will be able to handle hl2, as well as a bunch of other components that could just about build another.

australia is behind as far as internet is concerned, but we still get excellent PC prices. you could build a computer capable of hl2 for under around $600 (off the top of my head)
To the original poster, get a new ****ing computer!!!!!!!!!

fbuko said:
people in Australia aint gonna spend loads of money for new pc, they dont spend enough time in front of pc to make it valid. Should be happy to have nice weather and spend your time outside all time having a real life rather than fantasy world on pc.
What in the name of ****!!! :LOL:
Originally Posted by Orcone101
I don't know about you, but, you could call my technological equipment "lacking".
I wonder, has Valve taken HL2 just a little too far on the basis of raw processing speed? I for one live in Australia, in a small city called Sydney, don't know if you've heard of it, and it seems that all my friends are just like me computer wise.
Our computers suck ass. I will say that much, Condition Zero raped our machines.
If you are like me, you come home from school/work and just want to relax for a while, turn on your tv or computer, and entertain yourself. Now, I'm no expert in Hardware, no implications there, but I do understand one thing, the system requirements for HL2 are big. I still use the machine that powered Half-Life when it came out.
So I was just wondering, has Valve forgotten that a very large number of people who play video games do not have the latest hardware? My '97 IBM Aptiva works fine and I have no intentions on replacing it, I don't have the time nor the money to start over.
Australia seems to be behind in the computer scene, no one, I mean no one in my grade (216 kids) has a computer that meets the borderline system requirements of HL2.
I know no one with an advanced sound card, surround sound, massive screen or has upgraded their computer. These addons simply cost too much.

So I was wondering, is anyone hear in the same boat?

What the hell are you talking about? We aren't that behind in computer hardware at all. We get CPUs and GPUs about 1-2 months after America at the most. I have a 3200 A64, 1gb Pc3200 ram a 9800xt (soon to be X800 XT PE) and I know many people who have similar specs ( at least a P4 level)
You cant use the prices over here as an excuse either, becuase we pay about the same price as most other countries, in fact you can pick up a system that meets the recomended system requirements for about $1000 (about 600 US)

If you expected every game to accomodate for systems that are 7.5 years old non of the ground breaking games including the original halflife would have ever been created.
mmmm Kiera My honey.

I have a Athlon64, 8channel sound card, 280 watt 5.1 surrond system, geforce 5900xt 128mb, 1gig pc2700, 2 80 gigs in raid 0, a 200 gig IDE, a fan controller, 6 fans, a black case, with a see through panel, and tv a tuner card.

Including shipping, i paid 1150$

Computers are extremly cheap now.

You can get a computer that would run half life 2 on lowest settings, for 300$ tops.

BTW, I'm 19. I'm a college student, and I dont even have a full time job. Making money isnt hard.

when I was 14, i got my frist computer my mom bought it, needless to say the 466 mhz was obsolete 3 years ago. I bought my own 1.8 gig Dell. Cost me 700$. It can still run half life 2, all i did was add a geforce 4200.

Noone buys shit from stores son, order online. Find the aussie equiv of newegg.com
Orcone101 said:
So I was just wondering, has Valve forgotten that a very large number of people who play video games do not have the latest hardware? My '97 IBM Aptiva works fine and I have no intentions on replacing it, I don't have the time nor the money to start over.

A system from '97 is so old and antique that it isn't even funny. Valve has said that HL2 will scale very well and should run on older systems (older=two to three years old).
"AMD Athlon XP 2400+ (2ghz)
1 gig pc2700 333mhz
Radeon 9800 Pro 128"

Dude, I got the same specs as you :) only diff is I have a 3000+ barton

Trust me our rigs will play games good to great for a while yet, as long as your system is well looked after with latest driversfor chipset/graphics and lots of useless services disabled etc (system restore is a big one,drive indexing etc)

- Jarin
That's another good point; Sydney isn't "small", it's freaking huge.

fbuko said:
people in Australia aint gonna spend loads of money for new pc, they dont spend enough time in front of pc to make it valid. Should be happy to have nice weather and spend your time outside all time having a real life rather than fantasy world on pc.





Hee hee...

<Deep Breath>

I live in Melbourne, Australia, a place where we're lucky if we can see the sun for three months every year, a place where the usual weather forecast is "Oh no, not more rain!", the conditions could be said to be "clammy" (the clam in question being the sort that can eat deep sea divers whole), and the temperature likes to hover around "irritatingly chilly".

Honestly... they see Australia on the TV and they think it's all sunny weather and kangaroos hopping down the streets :E...