Half-Life 2 gone too far?

Brian Damage said:
That's another good point; Sydney isn't "small", it's freaking huge.





Hee hee...

<Deep Breath>

I live in Melbourne, Australia, a place where we're lucky if we can see the sun for three months every year, a place where the usual weather forecast is "Oh no, not more rain!", the conditions could be said to be clammy (as in the sort of clam that eats deep sea divers whole), and the temperature likes to hover around "irritatingly chilly".

Honestly... they see Australia on the TV and they think it's all sunny weather and kangaroos hopping down the streets :E...

lol so true, Melbourne is one of the only cities that I know of that can go from boiling hot to raining and freezing cold in the same day.
Brian Damage said:
<Deep Breath>

I live in Melbourne, Australia, a place where we're lucky if we can see the sun for three months every year, a place where the usual weather forecast is "Oh no, not more rain!", the conditions could be said to be clammy (as in the sort of clam that eats deep sea divers whole), and the temperature likes to hover around "irritatingly chilly".

Honestly... they see Australia on the TV and they think it's all sunny weather and kangaroos hopping down the streets :E...

It's true, I tell ya', every word. Honestly, a week ago it was beautiful and sunny, and then by the next day it was pouring and bloody miserable. Weather with hormones.

Orcone's computer sucks, and he knows it. I mean it's really REALLY bad. It's had problems with displaying colour in mspaint!
=Coy0te= said:
lol so true, Melbourne is one of the only cities that I know of that can go from boiling hot to raining and freezing cold in the same day.

good ol melbourne... :LOL:
Yeah, that's another thing about Melbourne. One of those places that gets all four seasons in one day sometimes, with a preference for Winter...
fbuko said:
people in Australia aint gonna spend loads of money for new pc, they dont spend enough time in front of pc to make it valid. Should be happy to have nice weather and spend your time outside all time having a real life rather than fantasy world on pc.
That's funny as
You simply cannot expect them to make dumbed down games for people who can't afford to upgrade. It's more important to push the envelope and make something bleeding edge than to maintain compatibility with slow systems.

GRRR.... i'm so mad. I had to throw out my 486DX system so I could play Half-Life.

I run D3 on 680X400 on my PC with lowest graphic settings, and still a bit slow, while I can run HL2 1280X960 very smoothly.

HL2's preformance/graphics combination is way better then doom.
Let's build us a decent system shall we??

from newegg.com (I know it's not UK, but shipping shouldn't cost more than 100$, or just add 20% to the price for an est. price in the UK)

53$, A very nice case:
40$, motherboard w. everything you need:
38$, 256mb memory (maybe get 2x?):
85$, Processor (learn how to overclock it to a 3200xp )
8$, CPU fan:
63.75$, 60gb Hard Drive:
24.50$, CD-RW:
111$, ATi Radeon 9600 PRO:

Let's get our calculator shall we?? :)
423,24 $$ for an upper-middle performance system

That's about a weeks salary for me, and if you can't find 400 bucks I don't pity you :D
Orcone101 said:
Now, I'm no expert in Hardware, no implications there, but I do understand one thing, the system requirements for HL2 are big. I still use the machine that powered Half-Life when it came out.

The world goes on. Did you hear what the next gen. windows os requirements are? :)
Koookooo UHUH Kooookooo

*drowns in his own sweat*
=Coy0te= said:
lol so true, Melbourne is one of the only cities that I know of that can go from boiling hot to raining and freezing cold in the same day.

Heh. Try living in Hobart :(

To be on topic..
I'm a student on government benefits and have not had a steady job before. My machine will run HL-2. Of that I can be sure. My machine from '97 has been surpassed 6 times in my house. Get with the times...
Don't slate Orcone101 for having no money (aimed at no-one in particular btw), the kids at school ffs. Agreed it isn't Valves fault the game needs high specs to run, but that doesn't mean PC upgrades are cheap, and those who think they are must be pushers or pimps, have rich parents to carry them, or are in uni with big fat loans or grants to pay their way. [/stereotype]
Try the real world and see how far you get.

I've been in the web design industry for 6 years and am pretty comfortable, but still struggle to upgrade every year or so - a new graphics card costs a months rent and then there's bills, food and a car to run on top of that.

Hardware is ridiculously expensive considering it becomes redundant within a matter of months, and considering a PC is primarily a gaming platform - a toy - prices of hardware in an ideal world should be seriously re-considered if the industry is to last much longer.
CR0M said:
Hardware is ridiculously expensive considering it becomes redundant within a matter of months, and considering a PC is primarily a gaming platform - a toy - prices of hardware in an ideal world should be seriously re-considered if the industry is to last much longer.

That's because you aren't supposed to upgrade every year, no flame intented, but I think if you feel like you have to upgrade every year then it's your personal decision (obviously)... what I mean is that you should rather upgrade every two-three years instead, because;

- you save more money.
- you learn to tweak your pc to its' fullest capacity.

I'm running on a P4 2.2 from two years ago almost exactly, and my benchmark scores are sometimes the same as guys with brand new P4 3.2 processors. That's because they don't know how to tweak their pc ;)

But if you have the money, sure, why the hell not! I mean you're a working man and if you've got the cash, then go for it! it's your hobby after all hehe :)
Keira you are truly amaizing.

Brian Damage said:
<Deep Breath>

I live in Melbourne, Australia, a place where we're lucky if we can see the sun for three months every year, a place where the usual weather forecast is "Oh no, not more rain!", the conditions could be said to be "clammy" (the clam in question being the sort that can eat deep sea divers whole), and the temperature likes to hover around "irritatingly chilly".

Honestly... they see Australia on the TV and they think it's all sunny weather and kangaroos hopping down the streets :E...

Well, dunno about you but the weather here in Perth is generally always sunny (that's why we have a continuous water shortage / water usage restrictions)..

/gets on kangaroo and rides off......
CB | Para said:
That's because you aren't supposed to upgrade every year, no flame intented, but I think if you feel like you have to upgrade every year then it's your personal decision (obviously)... what I mean is that you should rather upgrade every two-three years instead, because;

- you save more money.
- you learn to tweak your pc to its' fullest capacity.

I'm running on a P4 2.2 from two years ago almost exactly, and my benchmark scores are sometimes the same as guys with brand new P4 3.2 processors. That's because they don't know how to tweak their pc ;)

But if you have the money, sure, why the hell not! I mean you're a working man and if you've got the cash, then go for it! it's your hobby after all hehe :)

Well, if your referring to your 3dmark03 score: 3dmark03 almost only tests your 3dcard, yours is quite good. The processor doesnt count that much in the score at 3dmark03, so thats why you might get same score as 3.2 ghz.

But NO WAY you get the same scores as systems with a 3.2 ghz and the same graphic card in 3dmark01se.
denlife7 said:
Well, dunno about you but the weather here in Perth is generally always sunny (that's why we have a continuous water shortage / water usage restrictions)..

/gets on kangaroo and rides off......

Ah, well my problem was with people always assuming we have permanent beautiful sunny weather all over Australia.

A more accurate assessment of Australia's general weather would be to say that most of it usually falls into two categories: "Too Damn Hot" and "Too Damn Cold"...

I used to live out in the 55-degrees-in-summer desert, I now live underwater in Melbourne, and I've been all over the joint (in fact the only states I haven't been to are the NT and Queensland, and one of them's not even really a state), so I've got a wide range of experience.

I quite enjoy my occasional visits to Perth... 'cos the drivers there are better than the ones in Melbourne.
i had it with all pc games exactly for the upgrade every 6 months bullshit,thats why im buying an xbox and ill have better games to play(halo1 and 2,fable)and "if" they come out at all doom 3 and hl2.
Halo 2 good? LOL. It may be playable but not to the level of HL2 and other next gen PC titles.

I live in Australia, you can find cheap as compute rparts on the net and just get them mailed to you. My most recent upgrade was buying a Athlon 2800+ and new Mobo to replace my 1700+ and it only cost like $435AUD and that was last year so prices would have come down. I should be play HL2 just fine on my system, CS:S runs decent on my system which is:

Athlon 2800+
768meg PC2700 DDR Ram
128meg Geforce 4 TI4200
80Gig HDD
perhaps from now on when somone is being sarcastic they should type in 80 sized font in bold underlined letters the word "sarcasm" Would that help?
Small village named Sydney?

What the hell? Im from sydney. The city that just won best city on earth isnt small city.

Also, computer prices arnt crazy. Get a job, budget your interests. If your posting on an inbraweb forum about a game that hasnt even come out yet, your a fan. And as such, you should be putting money twards a good computer. Its cheapasses who whine about their crappy computers that hold back high quality graphics in games.
Orcone101 said:
I don't know about you, but, you could call my technological equipment "lacking".
I wonder, has Valve taken HL2 just a little too far on the basis of raw processing speed? I for one live in Australia, in a small city called Sydney, don't know if you've heard of it, and it seems that all my friends are just like me computer wise.
Our computers suck ass. I will say that much, Condition Zero raped our machines.
If you are like me, you come home from school/work and just want to relax for a while, turn on your tv or computer, and entertain yourself. Now, I'm no expert in Hardware, no implications there, but I do understand one thing, the system requirements for HL2 are big. I still use the machine that powered Half-Life when it came out.
So I was just wondering, has Valve forgotten that a very large number of people who play video games do not have the latest hardware? My '97 IBM Aptiva works fine and I have no intentions on replacing it, I don't have the time nor the money to start over.
Australia seems to be behind in the computer scene, no one, I mean no one in my grade (216 kids) has a computer that meets the borderline system requirements of HL2.
I know no one with an advanced sound card, surround sound, massive screen or has upgraded their computer. These addons simply cost too much.

So I was wondering, is anyone hear in the same boat?

Shape up, or ship out. The requirements are pretty low as it is compared to some of the new games coming out.
Australia seems to be behind in the computer scene, no one, I mean no one in my grade (216 kids) has a computer that meets the borderline system requirements of HL2.
i don't know WHAT part of sydney you live in, but everyone i know would be able to at least play hl2 at minimum requirements.

australia is in no way behind in the 'computer scene'.

my friends are just like me computer wise
I still use the machine that powered Half-Life when it came out
My '97 IBM Aptiva works fine and I have no intentions on replacing it
anyone see anything wrong here?

how can you expect any progress in technology if companies have to make games for a 7 YEAR OLD COMPUTER.

what part of sydney are you in, anyway?
ok, let's talk through numbers

Ok, numbers speaks for themselves better than we do.
I live in Italy, and these are an example of retail prices taken from an on-line computer store (www.essedi.it) right now.

(All prices in Euro)

ABIT KV7 KT600 AGP8X SATA Raid Lan: 57.24
AMD Sempron 2400+: 82.80
DIMM 512 MB DDR 400Mhz (PC3200): 86.40
SAPPHIRE ATI RAD9600 128M DDR TvOutDVI 8X: 113.40

For a total of: 339.84 euro

With these specs you'll meet the minimum requirments for both HL2 and DOOM3...
They'll suck ass in performance... but they'll work.

And if you can find someone to sell your used parts for, say... 80-100 Euro....
Orcone101 said:
My '97 IBM Aptiva works fine and I have no intentions on replacing it, I don't have the time nor the money to start over.

I read in your other posts that you have a 1ghz machine... I know for a fact that a 1ghz processor wasn't even created in 97. I bought top of the line computer in 98 and that was a Pentium 2 350mhz.... What's the deal man?

Orcone101 said:
..crap :(

i have 1ghz, 256ram, 32mb Intel Graphic Card

condition zero lags so badly on my computer!

Checked up a little bit on a random '97 IBM Aptiva, the specs here.

233 mhz AMD processor
256k of external cache
32 meg. of memory
a 4 gig hard drive
integrated 2 meg video card
sound card

I'm confused....
BlazeKun said:
I read in your other posts that you have a 1ghz machine... I know for a fact that a 1ghz processor wasn't even created in 97. I bought top of the line computer in 98 and that was a Pentium 2 350mhz.... What's the deal man?

Checked up a little bit on a random '97 IBM Aptiva, the specs here.

233 mhz AMD processor
256k of external cache
32 meg. of memory
a 4 gig hard drive
integrated 2 meg video card
sound card

I'm confused....

Wow, BlazeKun!... :eek: you should change your nickname with "James Bond"... :)
I can't believe you bothered yourself with such research... :LOL:
denlife7 said:

I live in Australia, not in Sydney but in Perth which is on the opposite side of the country (and a lot smaller than Sydney). The guy that started this post is not giving the correct indication of what PC hardware costs are like in Australia. It is a little more expensive here than the US, but not that much. Probably the only part that is right up there are video cards (ASUS v9999 6800 Ultra at around AUS$1100 atm). But the generation of cards before these are much cheaper (9800pro around AUS$300). We often get good shipments of stuff from Asia at very reasonable prices too.

The guy who posted this topic is not the average PC gamer in Australia. I must say though that there probably aren't as many of us that play games on the PC. I have a few mates that do (but I am about to turn 30 I guess) and their machines are "capable".

We also have many gaming cafes and lan bars (at least here in Perth we do). I have around 10 that are within 15 minutes of my house. You can rent PC games out from video stores here, so getting into the hobby isn't too expensive.

And yes Spring has just begun down here. 20 degrees Celcius, beautiful blue skies, and nice warming sun. Thank god winter is finally over.

PM me if you'd like to crash at my place fro all those of you who are about to head into winter and want to escape to our awesome Summer :)

Perth weather is the best in Oz...lucky b@stards. I dunno where the original poster lives in Sydney - but one PC shop? Surely you jest? I built a P4 3Ghz, 1.5Gb DDR, x800Pro, Audigy 2 Plat Pro, DVD burner, 19" Sony CRT, etc etc for about AU$2.2k. You've just gotta be prepared to look around - ALOT. Or get a really good paying job like I did :p .
Ken5h1ro said:
Wow, BlazeKun!... :eek: you should change your nickname with "James Bond"... :)
I can't believe you bothered yourself with such research... :LOL:

Hehe... The post amused me so I checked his other posts and found that... figured I'd follow up on it :LOL:
yeah, BlazeKun should be halflife2.net's official spy. we'll send him into valve undercover to find out the release date.
redundant said:
yeah, BlazeKun should be halflife2.net's official spy. we'll send him into valve undercover to find out the release date.

You know I could too... I live in Seattle... Don't ask me why I've never gone... >.> Was supposed to with a couple people a few weeks ago but it fell through.
Ken5h1ro said:
Ok, numbers speaks for themselves better than we do.
I live in Italy, and these are an example of retail prices taken from an on-line computer store (www.essedi.it) right now.

(All prices in Euro)

ABIT KV7 KT600 AGP8X SATA Raid Lan: 57.24
AMD Sempron 2400+: 82.80
DIMM 512 MB DDR 400Mhz (PC3200): 86.40
SAPPHIRE ATI RAD9600 128M DDR TvOutDVI 8X: 113.40

For a total of: 339.84 euro

With these specs you'll meet the minimum requirments for both HL2 and DOOM3...
They'll suck ass in performance... but they'll work.

And if you can find someone to sell your used parts for, say... 80-100 Euro....

HL2 won't suck ass in performance wit those specs. It will work fine.
Cybernoid said:
HL2 won't suck ass in performance wit those specs. It will work fine.

Well... Ok, I agree... It'll work *just* fine.

But surely not at the quality at which both games are intended to give the best entertaining experience.... and, sadly, not the quality they deserve to be played at.
Ken5h1ro said:
Well... Ok, I agree... It'll work *just* fine.

But surely not at the quality at which both games are intended to give the best entertaining experience.... and, sadly, not the quality they deserve to be played at.

It's possible that HL2 will run at maximum detail on that hardware. You just need to let go off antialiasing and anisotropic filteirng (which are useless anyway, I've never been able to tell a difference between AA and non-AA), maybe lower the resolution to 800x600.
I've had my gateway since 2001, and it's run me decently over the past 6 months. what I mean is, it's definitely showing age; now when I upgrade, I usually do a big upgrade such as a video card but hopefully this christmas will be a big one. I look at the types of high-end machines they will be selling tomorrow, and go for something like that. I've got a friend of mine who has been upgrading his 80's PC since he got it, only thing he hasn't replaced is the case, up until about 6 months ago.
Cybernoid said:
It's possible that HL2 will run at maximum detail on that hardware. You just need to let go off antialiasing and anisotropic filteirng (which are useless anyway, I've never been able to tell a difference between AA and non-AA), maybe lower the resolution to 800x600.

Mmmmh.... don't want to go off-topic here but, I think you need to change monitor... or glasses... or both :dozey: ... if you can't tell the difference between 4xAA + 8XAF and not at whatever resolution, don't ya?