Search results

  1. Geno

    Hottest Video Game Character

    guys guys guys, the HOTTEST game character is Fire Leo, from Viewtiful Joe.
  2. Geno

    Game comparisons

    ROFL, are you kidding? Marines have the best story, Predator has the best graphics (vision modes), and he totally pwns the alien. you phail :p
  3. Geno

    Your love of shadows

    yes, that is a good point, they also help to alert you when someone's coming behind a corner.
  4. Geno

    Game comparisons

    Graphics: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Gameplay: HL2 Storyline: HL2 Overall: Perfect Dark
  5. Geno

    Your love of shadows

  6. Geno

    The Antlions

    hmm, i suppose so. Lionhearted doesn't really mean that you have a lion's heart, so i suppose i'll let it slide for artistic use *rolls eyes* yeah they are related to lacewings, and above ground an ant could kick its ass, but underground.... is another story.
  7. Geno

    The bink your least impressed by?

    uh, it's in the media section
  8. Geno

    The Antlions

    does anyone else find it stupid that they're called antlions, and behave like... ants? antlions are solitary insects that burrow underground and draw ants to their death, paralyzing and then eating them. the "antlions" in this behave colonially like ants, look like starship troopers bugs...
  9. Geno

    Coast Bink question...

    i think it's a car.... <_< >_> ...well i do
  10. Geno

    The bink your least impressed by?

    my fave so far is anything with rollermines, they're my new favorite enemy... i'm gonna hold onto a rollermine for as long as i can and go shoot a strider with one.
  11. Geno

    The Antlions

    that would be SCARY if they could fly.
  12. Geno

    Ugly water in HL2?

    i like the water in wave race. <_< >_> what?
  13. Geno

    Custom Forum Smilies

    we need combine smilies!
  14. Geno

    The Hydra

    you can't kill it, that's the secret twist at the end, it KILLS gordon. DUN DUN DUN!!!! ...*lying*
  15. Geno

    The I-Rifle: Primary and Secondary shots

    what i'd like is a rollermine launcher..... but seriously, can i get a vid link, they had it on IGN at one point...
  16. Geno

    The I-Rifle: Primary and Secondary shots

    can someone link me to the vids that have the house? i can't find it.
  17. Geno

    If you could design a sword-fighting game, what would your combat system be like?

    i'd put it on the DS and have you drag the stylus across where you wanted your sword...
  18. Geno

    Neglect of 'casual' gamers?

    Alien vs. Predator isn't based on a movie, the movie is based on it.
  19. Geno

    What are all the RTS games worth playing?

    Command and Conquer Generals (plus the Zero Hour expansion). wow, that has got to be the most balanced command and conquer i've ever played.... and i love it. CHINA PWNS YOU FOR FREE!!!!