Ugly water in HL2?

flo_Orian said:
Edit: WTF? Why does the ': E' smiley become :E ?? : D = : E ? ROLFORLFORFLR LOLOLO

i dont understarand ita. arrrf, i bietter go to beed noew.

whoa ... ure psycho man lol
Platinum said:
whoa ... ure psycho man lol
Aye... I mean... it looks like how it's supposed to...

Anyway, I always thought Half-Life 2's water looked beautimus in them movies... haven't played Counter-Strike Source, though... :(
Art_Crime said:
When I loaded up the latest custom map for CS:S, I noticed it had arse-ugly water.

Will the same water texture be in HL2?

At first I was like, "nah, they're two different games, I mean, just because splintering wood isn't in CS:S doesn't mean it won't be in HL2..." But then I realized, nice looking water had already been shown in CS:S, in the aztec map video.

So, if there are any CS:S mappers out there, why the ugly water texture? Is it the official texture for HL2 water?

You probably loaded up astroidmine. Try bada_aztec, The water is AWESOME. for some reason asteroidmine has crappy water, I have no idea why.
Homer said:
You probably loaded up astroidmine. Try bada_aztec, The water is AWESOME. for some reason asteroidmine has crappy water, I have no idea why.

because the map maker doesn't know what he's doing.
yea, the mapping did seem pretty bad all around.
i like the water in wave race.


Farcrys graphics were fantastic in every respect.

But I like HL2's more, because they seen less plastic. The main character in Farcry shines like a polished doll!

But the interactivity is what is truely amazing.

The water looks great too though, we'll have to see how well they implement that in the full game though. Hopefully we'll get plenty of chances to marvel at the engine.
Animal said:
Farcrys graphics were fantastic in every respect.

But I like HL2's more...


I'd have to agree. Farcry's graphics were excellent, in fact, so were Doom 3's (although I was disappointed with the darkness, and gameplay was repetative).

I too, however, prefer the look of Half Life 2. Not from a technical standpoint, but from personal preference.

I also liked Morrowind's graphics (with a texture pack and the Better Bodies/Better Heads mods). Morrowind's water effects were excellent. They didn't look very realistic (not the kind of water you see in real life), but it looked good. So does Half Life 2's.

If you want realistic looking water, there's a new Submarine game for which I forget the name which has water that looks truly realistic. Not released yet, but there's a video out there somewhere.
css hacked maps have horrible water because it uses the hacked hammer that was 1 year old, nuff said, end of discussion
ktimekiller said:
css hacked maps have horrible water because it uses the hacked hammer that was 1 year old, nuff said, end of discussion
How does that logic work, considering that Valve used that very version to create the nice looking water that you see in all the videos.
ktimekiller said:
css hacked maps have horrible water because it uses the hacked hammer that was 1 year old, nuff said, end of discussion

End of discussion? I disagree, considering what you said is completely untrue. The fancy looking water can be made with the older version of Hammer, if the mapper knows what he's doing.
The fancy water is on bada_aztec. get on steam and you can see people playing it.
ktimekiller said:
css hacked maps have horrible water because it uses the hacked hammer that was 1 year old, nuff said, end of discussion

incorrect, sir.
iamaelephant said:
What level is that Bio? I don't think I'm up to there yet, I'm on Boat trying to kill that Crow guy, who is rapidly diminishing my love for the game.

Its the River lvl right after you try to kill crow.
That level is NICE!
iamaelephant said:
HL2 is water is nice, but I prefer Far Cry's water. Maybe not as fancy from a technical viewpont (I don't know) but just an "art direction" viewpoint if you will.

You mean in the way FarCry's water aids gameplay right?
Well I think this particular discussion is more focussed around the look of the water, rather than the functionality. I've never been a fan of "swimming" in games. I don't like the idea of moving really, really slow with no weapons. The boats are hella fun though.
Just to bring this up, Pikmin 1 for the Gamecube had some amazing looking water. I know it sounds weird, but it had just pure awesome water junk...
It was alright, kind of goopy looking if I remember correctly...something about it just didn't look right.
guinny said:
Tredoslop, it's not that. It's that he thinks the waters ugly for hl2. You can clearly see in vids the water does not suck. He's referring to the several pathetic attempts of custom mapping some idiots have done, where the water looks like garbage.

I dont know what you're so pressed over...reflective water is not very impressive anymore. Every other game has it now and Far Cry's water effects blow HL2 away...well...Far Cry blows HL2 away period ( graphicly )
TheHitman5 said:
reflective water is not very impressive anymore. Every other game has it now and Far Cry's water effects blow HL2 away...well...Far Cry blows HL2 away period ( graphicly )


Good one.
Homer said:
The fancy water is on bada_aztec. get on steam and you can see people playing it.

Nooo... It's this map that I was originally complaining about...
Well then ur complaining about the wrong map, because its the only custom map to actually get the reflective water right.
Erm, graphically, Far Cry kicks HL2's ass, no two ways about it. Thats just a simple fact.
iamaelephant said:
Erm, graphically, Far Cry kicks HL2's ass, no two ways about it. Thats just a simple fact.

Hahahahahahaahahahahaha.....Ahhhh, hahahahahahaha. That brought a tear to the eye.
iamaelephant said:
Erm, graphically, Far Cry kicks HL2's ass, no two ways about it. Thats just a simple fact.

No use arguing with these HL2 fanboys, its like talking to a wall. If it aint HL2, it aint good. :rolleyes:
I fail to see this "plastic" everyone is always talking about. The cut scenes (0.0001% of the game) look a little "plasticy," but the game itself looks very, very nice. The jungles and islands look very believable, the mercs look realistic and the trigens look pretty freaky (at least the first couple of times you see them). Far Cry is an extremely graphics focused game, and in that respect, it beats HL2 hands down.
iamaelephant said:
Erm, graphically, Far Cry kicks HL2's ass, no two ways about it. Thats just a simple fact.

Far Cry is much prettier than HL2, but it's also less realistic looking. So whichever appeals to you more...
iamaelephant said:
Erm, graphically, Far Cry kicks HL2's ass, no two ways about it. Thats just a simple opinion.

There you go - I fixed your statement for you.
iamaelephant said:
I fail to see this "plastic" everyone is always talking about. The cut scenes (0.0001% of the game) look a little "plasticy," but the game itself looks very, very nice. The jungles and islands look very believable, the mercs look realistic and the trigens look pretty freaky (at least the first couple of times you see them). Far Cry is an extremely graphics focused game, and in that respect, it beats HL2 hands down.

Well I think the Cryengine or whatever is way more impressive than the source. FC was just one example of what the engine can do...
Maybe if Crytek had made a decent game with the engine, people would be more impressed.
I didn't like the water in farcry. Looks too fake. Hl2 water looks much more realistic.
Art_Crime said:
Nooo... It's this map that I was originally complaining about...

Then I have to assume your not playing with a dx9 card, or if you are it isnt working o turned on or something.

As far as farcry looking better, if you factor in how it plays halflife2 is a much more impressive. I think even from a non-gameplay standpoint hl2 still has a leg up, it just focuses more on looking real than making sure everything is bump-mapped to hell and back. Water looks better in halflife2 by quite a bit, the reason farcrys water looks better is because 1. Your reflecting a beach with palmtrees instead of a shabby dock, and 2. you have SEEN it. the blinks dont do the water justice, load up bada_aztec with a dx9 card if you want to see the really good water.
To me HL2 looks better. I like their art direction. The way they use lighting, colour, architecture and animation I just find amazing.

In comparison I felt that FarCry did not have as great an art direction (in this case the water looks too much like a jello with continuous repeating ripples- kind of how I used to represent water when I drew as a kid... but on a computer; I also thought how the shadows were just a grayscale on all the object did not help the look of the game because colourful scenes usually have colourful lighting effects; the character models also seemed unatural; overall things didn't fit together because everything seemed done seperately like when children draw- red is always red even though the lighting should change the colour or too much detail is put in one area while others have too little, etc).

Of course, since I am obviously biased in favour of HL2 (because I feel like I relate more to the Valve artists), I am over looking shortcomings apparent in HL2 media. Things like lack of texture detail, lack of model detail, etc I dismiss as placeholders but I could be wrong. The shadows (arguably the main focus of negativity) I over look because 1. nobody has perfect shadows yet, 2. shadow errors are not easily spotted unless deliberately looked for, 3. computer resources had to be diverted to other areas like AI and physics, 4. HL2's environment doesn't have a specific need for perfect shadows, 5. real-time shadows can be modded into the engine and 6. effects like HDR and stuff more than make up for any shortcomings.

Technically I can't say much as I both do not fully understand graphics technology or have access to the Source engine. I just can't wait until games get to the point where we have one super high standard of graphics and we can start concentrating on how the art direction was done instead of how many graphical features a game has.