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  1. FreemanHL2

    Female Character 416,116 Polgons

    The left leg is noticebly thinner than the right leg.
  2. FreemanHL2

    Viewing HL2 Models in hlmv

    you are probably using a different file directory than they are... you could rewrite the script... lol
  3. FreemanHL2

    HL2 story is ingenious

    you see i can tell you the story of Half-life 2. One day this guy called gordon freeman wakes up out of stasis and arrives at city 17. He deosn't know whats going on, all he knows is everything has changed. there are these combine soldiers he knows nothing about and this wierd ass freak on a V...
  4. FreemanHL2

    HL2 story is ingenious

    VALVe say they are going to reliese HL3 on SOURCE so good news is the time between HL2 and Hl3 should be much like HALO and HALO2, considering they don't need to create any large game engine. So we should get a lot more story a lot quicker, it will be like going to the store and picking up the...
  5. FreemanHL2

    HL2 story is ingenious

    VALVe say they are going to reliese HL3 on SOURCE so good news is the time between HL2 and Hl3 should be much like HALO and HALO2, considering they don't need to create any large game engine. So we should get a lot more story a lot quicker, it will be like going to the store and picking up the...
  6. FreemanHL2

    Hammer Editor

    o ok, so the SDk is just the whole PACKAGE of editor viewer etc...
  7. FreemanHL2

    HL2 story is ingenious

    The story in HL2 is not told directly to the player, you have to SEARCH and DISCOVER new elements of the story in the gaming environment. This can become an extremely addictive process and soon enough you will probably find yourself searching all the levels for new story elements. This was...
  8. FreemanHL2

    Hammer Editor

    Damn. How big is it? I'm on 56k... I wish i could get broadband! But i'm gonna have to dl it anyway... Anyway, what is the VERSION of the editor if anyone knows it?
  9. FreemanHL2

    Hammer Editor

    I haven't been able to get my copy of HL2 yet... :| So i don't know if Valve shipped the hammer editor oir thye SDK with the game??? And if they did can anyone please tell me the version of the hammer editor so i can try and find a download before i get the game??? Thanks. :cheers:
  10. FreemanHL2

    Experienced Skinner AND Coder AND Modeler for ONE MODEL ONLY needed!

    A steam engine? I could do one of those... But the question is, am i patient enough to spend all my time on one steam engine? Firdtly i need to ask you a question, why do you want help building a single steam engine?
  11. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    I don't really care what game supports normal mapping, as long as SOURCE deos! lol. Probably because i am working with SOURCE and not halo2. although i can't wait to get my hands on unreal 3...
  12. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    HOLY SHIT! source supports normal mapping! I will remeber this day forever!
  13. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    thanks man... I just model for fun and it would be good to actually do something with all that art...
  14. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    umm those screens were just what i knocked up now to show what im doing... im not going to reveal the map... lol. Yes Unreal 3 deos do things better than source... atleast with normal mapping. hopefully VALVe can incorperate normal mapping features into future SOURCE updates? Anyway...
  15. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    I don't contradict myself, I'm just not very good at bewing specific when im saying shit. O an why are you beating me up man? a MOD a MAP call it what you want i don't really give a shit. I don't care if its innovative, it isn't, i don't care weather im good, im average. I want to create a MOD...
  16. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    It would be an entire MOD if i had a MOD team. Instead I am creating ONE BIG MAP out of several different maps. So basically if you explore far enough you will have a load screen and it will load the next map. Or something similar. O and i can't brag. I said I was an intermediate modeler, but...
  17. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    OMG hahahaha! Hey yogibbear how old r u??? im 16.
  18. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    yes... But DOOM III took 5 years to make, hahahahahaha!!!
  19. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    There is one thing I find extremely disturbing... It took them nearly 6 years to make HL2! I mean this game rules, it has over 20 hours of gameplay, it has awesome graphics, the engine is extremely advanced, the animation is incredable. BUT why did it take them 6 years? I think this game could...
  20. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    Yogibbear you really are a die-hard fanboy! Koopa, you are an idot. All you did was list all of the source engine features and tell us that valve are lying! SOURCE deos support facial animation, it deos support advanced AI, all you can do is tell us that valve are lying. :flame: I have...