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  1. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    You are wrong. When creating models for half-life or quake 2 the max texture resolution is 256x256 pixels. Now i have the ability to create a model with 2048x2048 pixels. Source is obviously more advanced. Here is some of the new technology that source has to offer over previous engines...
  2. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    not at all... If maya can render shadows real-time with penumbras then so should modern engines. HOWEVER modern 3d utilitese do take 2min to render because they are processing raytraced lighting/shadows and extremely high anti-aliasing samples wich aren't the same as real-time gaming engines...
  3. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    I only need coders to finish the mod off, I am going to model and map the lot. But thats not a big deal because it isn't that big... if it was any bigger than it wouldn't run. Actually it's really only 1 big map. Basically it is a deserted mantion modeled down to every last detail...
  4. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    Yes i can! but first you are going to have to translate all of that into english so that i can read it properly... what language are you typing in anyway? i think i've seen it somewere... o yeah! i remember this 7 year old kid writting something like that! :laugh: O and by the way... you...
  5. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    HOLY SHIT!!! I just watched the Unreal 3 demonstrations again... AMAZING! The main difference between source and Unreal is Unreal 3's Normal mapping technology that makes a low poly model appear as though it is infact a highpoly model. So source can push more raw power around than unreal 3, but...
  6. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    It may come as a shock to you but HL2 has actually been in production for nearly 6 years now... It would be good to know if source supports penumbras for shadows... I know any graphics card can render shadows with penumbras reletively fast. If MAYA can use high quality rendering real-time...
  7. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    I am planning on making my MOD fun... Basically I want to be able to destroy everything, that sounds like fun to me! O and ofcourse you can shoot things too! lol. It's fun alround. Anyway older engines cannot support higher poly counts, or we would all be making half-life MODS with characters...
  8. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    O yeah and it's going to have FULLY REFLECTUVE MIRRORS, just for you critics who are upset about the REFLECTIONS in Half-Life2.
  9. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    EXACTLY... Source deosn't look as good NOW, but under the hood it is capable of rendering MORE than unreal 3! It really deosn't have many technological boundries... Anyway I am creating a MOD with BETTER graphics than unreal 3, and it will run on source... Yes you will need about 1gb of RAM...
  10. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    I don't really see what other engine can compete with SOURCE??? Can anyone even think of a competing engine?
  11. FreemanHL2

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    Source Engine no limits??? Yesterday i sent an e-mail to rick about the poly counts and texture res the source engine can support. I got this e-mail back... From what i read you are really only limited by your hardware, wich means we can almost create anything on souirce... I'm a really happy...
  12. FreemanHL2

    Temporal Anti-Aliasing

    hahahaha.... he's right!! You can't take a screenshot of temporal anti-aliasing... I AM SUCH AN IDIOT, next time I should think before posting images. Temporal anti-aliasing tricks the eye by changing the patterns of anti-aliasing on each frame, when you capture a screen you are seeing a SINGLE...
  13. FreemanHL2

    Temporal Anti-Aliasing

    It increases the performance too... It's good all round! Except maybe on lower frame rates, although i have been running it on lower fram rates and i can't see a big difference... At least it looks better enabled than not enabled.
  14. FreemanHL2

    Temporal Anti-Aliasing

    i know shrinking the res of screenshots getsrid of jaggies... But i can't really help it. Can anyone host a large 1280x1024 FarCry screen with Temporal Anti-Alaising? Then i can show everyone how this rules!
  15. FreemanHL2

    Temporal Anti-Aliasing

    ATI have invented a new form of anti-aliasing with their latest set of drivers. Instead of using the same pattern of Anti-alaising the card actually changes the pattern each frame to make it look as though you are running at a higher level. However it only works well at high frame rates, because...
  16. FreemanHL2

    Da Physics Room

    I don't know weather i am overdoing it... It's rendering very fast and i'm not adding anything unnecassary but the bathroom has already reached 100,000 triangles already... I don't know EXACTLY what source can render at one time... This is really going to kill our computers HAHAHA I LOVE IT...
  17. FreemanHL2

    Info received from Valve ONLY - NO questions/discussion

    I wrote this e-mail to rick ellis and got a reply: "It is becoming increasingly difficult to create a new graphics engine from scratch. Creating a next gen engine would prob take about a decade now. I believe the future is in expanding and updating current engines to GROW with the demand for...
  18. FreemanHL2

    Da Physics Room

    mmm... What should i assign my slaves! Har Har Har... I got your e-mail, i hear you are good at modeling weapons. So that is why you wanted a weapons wharehouse! Well there are two key areas you will be modeling in, objects and weapons. If you want to model objects, then you can start with...
  19. FreemanHL2

    Da Physics Room

    prob not... but soon as it's very easy to create deathmatch we may aswell chuck it in anyway. I have nearly done the bathroom... there are pipes and cracks in the wall everywere! This is going to be good, i also have this mirror smashed all over the floor and the reflection looks really kool...
  20. FreemanHL2

    Cars in Mods!

    I am going to make a mod were you can run over zombies! PS: I am not kidding.