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  1. FreemanHL2

    Da Physics Room

    Alright I have made ANOTHER decision. The house is almost finished, we are creating an abandoned mantion. You can walk outside with dynamic wheather and skybox effects and volumetric fog on the ground. We will have a gun wharhouse out the back packed with guns. We will have an old car you can...
  2. FreemanHL2

    Da Physics Room

    I have made a decision. With the level of detail we are trying to create it is going to be impossible to create a 2 story warehouse, a city block, a street and a car crash... People fail to realise we have limited system memory, and we cannot simply create an entire city block with that much...
  3. FreemanHL2

    Da Physics Room

    This was an ON THE SPOT concept... I have worked in a mod team before... and i still am, lol. People seem to be taking the BENCHMARK idea to seriously, this is first and foremost an INTERACTIVE benchmark. Instead of looking at 3dmark and gong WOW look at those graphics! I want to be able to...
  4. FreemanHL2

    Da Physics Room

    \/\/o\/\/ You are thinking like an action movie director! I like your style son, its... FULL ON ACTION! i really have no clue what an gun-workshop looks like... i will look into it. If it has the kind of detail i am after, I will think about it.
  5. FreemanHL2

    Da Physics Room

    I don't know what you could stick in a warehouse... CRATES! lol, i was thinking of something a little more complex... remember when you are modeling, if you are going to use textures, double the texture res of Counterstrike source ok, we are creating detail here. You can basically model...
  6. FreemanHL2

    Da Physics Room

    I have some ideas... We are going to create an abondoned house, lots of atmospherics, lots of grime... we can have rodents and insects swarming everywere. Creaky old doors, lots lighting, maybe a crack with some projection lighting beaming through the wall... some fog outside the windows, water...
  7. FreemanHL2

    Da Physics Room

    ofcourse... Our house needs to be creative, maybe a regular house gone to the dogs... like a dump with grime and filth everywere, lol. I don't know how big it is going to be though. This is good for ppl who don't have a lot of experience because we are sticking to man-made objects mostly, maybe...
  8. FreemanHL2

    Da Physics Room

    Yes i know what you mean, but I was kinda hoping i would get ppl giving THEIR opinions about a location. Personally I believe a virtual house would be cool. I know I would have fun destroying an entire house... Things like cathedrals have already been done before, and i don't want to make this...
  9. FreemanHL2

    Da Physics Room

    So if anyone is interested in modeling... let me know...
  10. FreemanHL2

    Da Physics Room

    OK, everyone has been going on about how bad the graphics in source have been so far. What ppl fail to realise is the potential of the engine, I don't see why SOURCE isn't capable of rendering everything seen in the unreal 3 vids... From a technical viewpoint source can handle extremely large...
  11. FreemanHL2

    best modeling program?

    XSI is the best i have used... it is targeted at games. MAYA is designed for high poly work...
  12. FreemanHL2

    am i the only one?

    You have to remember this is a multiplayer game, the idea is to get everyone running the game @ 80+ fps. Both me and a lot of other mod teams are working on MP mods with better graphics, if you don't mind 30fps... You can get all the bump mapped goodness you want then. A god example of this is...
  13. FreemanHL2

    CS:S hiccup when interacting??

    Deos it only happen the first time you shoot something? If it only happens THE FIRST TIME then it is a memory issue... You would have to know about swapping and memory... LIKE ME!!!
  14. FreemanHL2

    PlanetGabe o___O

    No Comment...
  15. FreemanHL2

    There might be a HL2 MP...

    I remember gabe saying that HL2 MP was going to have vehicles... He also said he wasn't going to be releasing any details on it... This description deos not fit counterstrike source at all...... Do you think Valve are keeping it from us????? PS: Do you remember those levels in CS...
  16. FreemanHL2


    It is russian... The first part is him thanking ppl for looking at his website.
  17. FreemanHL2


    No idea, some guy just drew it. I'd like to know...
  18. FreemanHL2


    Anyone Seen this FanArt? I think its kool. :thumbs:
  19. FreemanHL2

    PC Zone 97%

    mmm... Alyx is... Ugly
  20. FreemanHL2

    Do you own a DVD drive?

    A lot of ppl are getting annoyed with the 6 cd's HL2 will need to install. I am getting the DVD version, how many ppl here actually have a DVD drive?