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  1. FreemanHL2

    high quality hl2 vids in new pc gamer

    I speak for everyone when I say. WE ARE GETTING PISSED!!! I no longer remember who started this forum, but it was obviously posted to torture ALL OF US. Because that is exactly what you are doing!!! We are all going to take action into our own hands if you don't upload within 24hours!!!!
  2. FreemanHL2

    What Box Will You Get?

    How did i know that gordon was going to be in the lead??? :D
  3. FreemanHL2

    Dreams about Half Life 2 anyone?? POST 'EM HERE!

    I have noticed something... The majority of ppls dream are about something bad hapening. This is a good look at human pychology. We have been waiting for HL2 for so long, our worst fear is to actually have the game and for something to then happen to prevent us from playing. Our PC blows up...
  4. FreemanHL2

    high quality hl2 vids in new pc gamer

    OK, ARE YOU THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So the plan so far is to NOT upload the video, right? Are you even thinking about uploading the video??? If i come back later an the video hasn't been hosted you are gong to DIE. Are you deliberatly trying to get us angry. WE NEED THAT VIDEO UPLOADED...
  5. FreemanHL2

    Is half-life 2 at par with Doom3 and farcry...graphically?

    In reply to darkside55 we really don't need you on our forums, you are a stain on our community. You are NOT a half-Life fan, you give in and download a half-textured, half-animated, peice of half-done half-life 2 (thats a mouthfull) and you think you can call yourslef a part of this...
  6. FreemanHL2

    When you finally have Half Life 2... what are you going to do?

    As boring as this sounds, i actually think i'll just play the game till i get too fatigued and have too look away from my cheap CRT monitor (i'll have you know the brightness is bad and it's really affecting my general computing experience). First i'll look at the box (5min), then i'll read...
  7. FreemanHL2

    I preordered Half-Life 2 CE!!!

    I tried pre-ordering the CE. i don't think it is possible, you just walk in and select your preference?
  8. FreemanHL2

    Is half-life 2 at par with Doom3 and farcry...graphically?

    DOOM III doesn't really have any good outdoor scenes. HL2 manages better graphics when it actually comes to rendering something besides a dark hallway. Does anyone here know how good the source engine can render a simple dark corridoor? the answer is really well, most anything can really. we are...
  9. FreemanHL2

    Half Life II Purchase Delay

    So you wait an entire year, then wait some more just for a bit of spitefullness??? CRAZY!!!
  10. FreemanHL2

    PLEASE HELP. 3Dsmax

    I'm used to ISX. It's great, I love the render tree, it makes life easy.
  11. FreemanHL2

    PLEASE HELP. 3Dsmax

    Hey, i started by using maya then quickly shifted to ISX. I am one of the few people actually using ISX for everything i do. However i have never tried 3Dsmax? should I try it? what should i use? I really want to try 3Dsmax, but i go to their site and they only offer a 30day demo. This...
  12. FreemanHL2

    EA Hires CryTek

    I don't give a shit, they're only the publisher. For all i care they could publish half-life, it deosn't change the game, VALVE still make it. It's the same deal with all the other games. GROW UP AND LEARN SOMETHING.
  13. FreemanHL2

    Game Prices

    In Australia all new games cost $89.95. With our current economy the EXACT price we should be paying is $70.0463 AUD. That means all new games should cost $69.95 That means we are paying $20 more than we should!!! How do you all feel now??? I know i feel like shit.
  14. FreemanHL2

    HL Logo remodeled ;)

    Modelling Programs Try Softimage/EXP, that's what the modellers at HL2 use! You'll also me able to make modells for the game in the EXP! :thumbs:
  15. FreemanHL2

    Cw:mp: Aek-971 [wip]
