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  1. B

    What everyone is thinking

    i'm pretty sure Valve have never promised anything, we've had a lot of 'aiming' fors and 'hope to's but i dont recall a single 'we promise' at all... if you want to read more into it than that thats your problem :) btw, if you had a clue about gamedev in general you'd understand why things...
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    Data Structure - Big O Theory

    i'll give 'im this much, Big O is related to data structures, knowing your access times to elements is very important when deciding which data structure to use for what purpose
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    Source Engine

    Close, Nvidia tried to push a 32bit DX9 spec and MS rejected it in favour of a 24bit version, which ATI then followed, I think Nvidia then threw a paddy over it or something like that.... either way, they lost out by trying to push their vision... as for the NV40, we'll see.. until i see hard...
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    Source Engine

    tbh, with proper engine-game seperation you can keep adding and refineing stuff as long as you dont change the interface the game is using (unless you have a REALLY good reason). I'm guessing part of the reson for the Vampire game being delayed is updates to the engine they will probably get as...
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    OpenGL in HL2

    My ATI drivers are currently showing an internal version of 1.4, however based on the OpenGL Extension Viewer ( ) they are full 1.5 core complient (the number tends to lag a bit). The spec tends to get updated about once a year, its then upto the IHV to write...
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    OpenGL in HL2

    meh, it was only 2 days ago so i'll correct something, MS pulled out of the ARB sometime last year (or maybe even the year before) since they have stopped blocking everything things have progressed. The Core of OpenGL has been updated numerous times, thus OGL1.5, its only the lib and dll...
  7. B

    Clean code

    for(;;) std::cout << "Pimpypoo r teh lose!!!!" << std::endl;
  8. B

    Clean code

    popular misconception, the trick is to know WHEN to use them, i admit i've never come across a point where a goto has been a logical choice, normaly a small rewrite of the code does the job, however there are cases and i belive both the STL and Boost libraries use goto in them :)
  9. B

    OpenGL or Direct3D ?

    I'm guessing the reason they went with D3D over opengl was because, at the time the project started, OpenGL was lacking some things such as vbo and other features d3d had, however times have changed since then (remember, we are talking a fair few years ago now) re:vbos The only problems i've...
  10. B

    Clean code

    'clean code' is as said, code which is easy to read; A couple of important points; Dont over comment - comments are important but too many can detract from the code, really your code should be clear enuff that reading it gets the point across Consistance varible naming, this includes...
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    IRRLICHT(Source engine)

    BSP would work in space, but the fact it has to be 'fully enclose' does make it annoying... Oct-trees are an alternative however an ABT (adaptive Binary tree) might well be better, as i've got some free time coming up i'll be reading up on them... Ground based is likely to use a mix of...
  12. B

    OpenGL or Direct3D ?

    Right, at this moment in time OpenGL and D3D are as good as equal, there is nuffin you can do in one which you cant do with the other. OpenGL is infact updated FASTER than D3D as venders can add extensions to the API at any time to access new functions of the cards, however this is a mixed...
  13. B

    Why always C and C++ for games?

    not really a bother, the program i've written for work has zero memory leaks thanks to the useage of boost::shared_ptr<>s and various STL containers. i'll have to read up on a GC, but the preception that its for 'sloppy programmers' isnt quite that true, it does have advantages and...
  14. B

    help plz

    you'll have to use one of the win32 functions, althought the name of it escapes me atm
  15. B

    Will Visual C++ 5 Enterprise do?

    you'd be better off forgetting a book which teaches any perticular IDE and just get one which teaches proper C++ (something after 1998 as that was when the last C++ standard was completed)
  16. B

    What's up with that?

    shouldnt that be : while(sdkNotAvailable) { // loop } or even while(sdkNotAvailable == true) { // loop } :cheese:
  17. B

    hello world

    Coz that is wrong wrong wrong. the headers such as <iosteam.h> are for old programs only. Go out and learn proper C++, drop the .h and use namespaces how you are ment to.
  18. B

    Why always C and C++ for games?

    Dont count on it. For one thing the GC can be disabled so when you enter your critcal loop the GC doesnt kick in. Also, the GC only really comes into effect when you have deleted something, and frankly its bad coding practice to be creating and deleteing objects in your critcal loop as well as...
  19. B

    Game engine

    *hopes onions takes his own advice :E
  20. B

    Why always C and C++ for games?

    .Net stuff ISNT interpreted, on first run the code is JITed to the machines binary format and run from that. However, games which say run on the Unreal engine show that interpreted code is fast enuff and was some time ago and given the majority of games released now use scripting in some form...