Game engine


Oct 7, 2003
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First of all this has nothing to do with half life 2 is just I though I could get more help out of this forum then any other. I know a bit of C++ and am going to learn some more in the coming months. Im having a little trouble deciding what game engine to use for my game. (just a hobby not a commercial game) It would be nice if it had network support so I can play my brother over the lan. The game is more or less and RTS. Is there any game engines out there that are like the engine that powers warcraft 3. Preferably free. And it has to be "friendly" because I dont know a lot of c++. And it would be nice if it had a click level editor. (as in no programming just drag and drop kind of thing)
Level editors generally don't involve programming :)

But quite a few game engines are good & free, but unfortunatly, they wouldn't be 'friendly'. Sorry.
You should try making a simple 2d sprite engine and make your game on that. I'd recommend using ClanLib (, takes a lot of the hassle out of making a game like this :)
It may be a better idea to learn more c++ first however.
Good luck :)
But ClanLib ist (as you can find out from the name) a library, so you have to code everything - including a level editor if you want to have one.