Search results

  1. r4z0r_bl4d3

    The Wonderful Thread of Random!

    Here are some good ones, hopefully I dont screw up the file attachment stuff. edit: horray for not screwing up. the last two are photoshops from some other forum, cant remeber where.
  2. r4z0r_bl4d3

    U.S. Military Draft

    How dare you tell any american to leave america! This war in Iraq is not a war, it was an unprovoked attack by good old President Bush. We attacked Saddam and Iraq becuse we thought Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. Well WHERE ARE THEY? Now the official cause of attacking Iraq is...
  3. r4z0r_bl4d3

    Neo-Cold War Paranoia

    All very interesting. My view of this is just christians and muslims (and jews in israel) duking it out, trying to prove which religion is right (both are warped and corrupt in my view) Anyway, religion aside, I must add that fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity. The more you...
  4. r4z0r_bl4d3

    Caption Competition #1

    "anytime is a good time for IHOP"
  5. r4z0r_bl4d3

    Has a parent ever found your pr0n?

    *cough* CD burning, then label it *cough* and have a folder with like 20 empty folders with numbers, and one with the pr0n, but only you know which numbered folder contains the pr0n.
  6. r4z0r_bl4d3

    Under-Rated Sci-Fi movies.

    the starship troopers thing is really good, if you've read the book(which you SHOULD) the CG followed it almost perfectly. with some of the bug designs from the crappy movie. Equalibrium is by far the most underrated SF movie EVER! It combines alot of dystopian ideas, and tons of two fisted...
  7. r4z0r_bl4d3

    RIAA might get its comeuppance.

    BA-ZING! I hope this goes through, it just pisses me off, the whole RIAA thing.
  8. r4z0r_bl4d3

    Worst man Addiction EVER!

    dude, dont you use a ***rag or an old sock, much less cleanup. My frineds are having a contest to see who can go the longest without polishing thier rocket, thier up to 38 days(I think they can hit 90 days, then they might break down). I on the other hand (seriously I use my left!) knew I...
  9. r4z0r_bl4d3

    Can you escape from the room?

    yeah I cant find the other ring either. someone help.
  10. r4z0r_bl4d3

    half life rally

    are any of you interested or care or what?
  11. r4z0r_bl4d3

    company coputer guy

    this was somewhat funny, I thought
  12. r4z0r_bl4d3

    Giant Robot mods.

    Do you guys know if there are any giant robot mods for half-life Quake3 UT UT2k3 or any other popular engines? I ask because I have been watching Big O on adult swim and have a craving for some robot fighting.
  13. r4z0r_bl4d3

    Hl2 Fanfic

    man, how did this get to the second page? good work guys, this might just inspire me to start up a fanfic. keep it up.
  14. r4z0r_bl4d3

    Whats your most hated company?

    Micro$oft AOL FOX (have you ever watched fox news, most biased media EVER) GAMESPY!! Ambercrombie viacom (you know, the people who own MTV and are brainwashing today's youth) Disney The US Goverment (although not an official company, they sure act exactly like M$. Hypocrites) Bank One...
  15. r4z0r_bl4d3

    The worst news headlines ever

    I don't get it, thats not funny.
  16. r4z0r_bl4d3

    What will you do with the SDK?

    wait wait wait......... YOU CAN COMPILE MAPS, AND RUN AROUND IN THEM??? AS IF IT WAS IN THE GAME!!!!! *jaw drops* OMG I want the SDK!!!
  17. r4z0r_bl4d3

    Are there any zombie type games

    *cough* this mod is for half life, scariest crap I ever played
  18. r4z0r_bl4d3

    woo this is soo cool

    sorry about that one guys, I just couldn't resist. It scared the crap outa me when I saw it, and I had headphones on!!!!
  19. r4z0r_bl4d3

    woo this is soo cool

    this one is pretty good (need speakers on to be effective) subliminal messages
  20. r4z0r_bl4d3

    President Bush To Address Getting Back Into The Space Race!!!

    There are a lot of problems in creating a permanent base on the moon. 1. we need a faster way to get there (we could have a earth space station as a launching pad, and a moon space station to land on. Then we need a fast way to get from the earth station to the moon station, say nuclear...