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  1. Penfold

    Steam Ticket User ID Problem Since Update/Free Weekend News

    Hi all, This lunchtime I got annoyed. Very annoyed. The reason? Day of Defeat Source wasn't working, by which I mean I could not get onto a server to play. I thought I had sorted the problem when, I realised the update would've changed the hl2.exe DOD: S uses, so I made sure it was allowed -...
  2. Penfold

    where can I download the HL1/HL2 in 1hour/hours video(s)?

    I think you 'use' the Scientist, then push him into the door -he opens it. You can then ush the lever to open the blast door. I have tried this, and it works.
  3. Penfold

    A title for HL-fans!

    We are all Citizens of
  4. Penfold

    Re-arranging Steam Games List?

    Coz I like to have a small Steam window showing only the games I use regularly. I don't like to boast how many Valve games I own :o.
  5. Penfold

    Re-arranging Steam Games List?

    Ok, I won't bother messing with any code. Just thought it would be a nice idea. Thanks for the link, will use that. Also - I know how to make transparent TGA's, so they will look good. Thanks I have found the 16x16 tga file for CTF it's here: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\HL2...
  6. Penfold

    Re-arranging Steam Games List?

    Hi, hope this is the best place to put this thread. Is there a way of re-arranging the games list in Steam? I say this because I have just installed HL2 CTF, and it has been put at the bottom of the list, below ricochet TFC etc, an I would like to put it further up, nearer DOD: S and CS: S...
  7. Penfold

    City-17's location

    I'm not actually that interested in 'where HL2 is', but just got bored and thought some people might wanna see this... I have linked several images here of Shkotovo (in Russia) that I took from Google Earth (the yellow lines are roads): ___________________________________________________...
  8. Penfold

    Black lines

    That looks like a texturing problem. Have you used a custom autexec.cfg file in your DOD folder? Some config files contain a line that disables the smoothing between textures, thereby leaving small gaps, cracks etc.
  9. Penfold

    What makes the HL series so unique?

    I know exactly what you mean. I think it's the slightly mysterious storyline, but mainly the fact that there is no video footage in either of the games. Granted, there are scenes where you can't move etc., but you are always 'in the game' and the Half-Life/Source engine is always running...
  10. Penfold

    computer and half-life

    Rofl. I remember helping someone having difficulty installing a program years ago. They just couldn't figure out how to install it. They said they'd tried to run the install several times, but it would not work. I then found out they were running the uninstall executable. :laugh:
  11. Penfold

    Laptop controls...

    I've always wanted to try using my Tablet for an FPS, just to see what it's like, guess I never found the time :rolleyes:
  12. Penfold

    Laptop controls...

    Yeah, you should always have your Windows mouse sensitivity slider set to the middle point. Anyone who has trouble, wants help with or needs to ask about all things Razer, head over to the Razer Blueprints community here (the forums are very helpful). If you are having 'twitchy' problems with...
  13. Penfold

    Laptop controls...

    I personally find that the Logitech mice fit your hand 'too well'. This might sound strange to some, as you might think "that's the whole point", but in fact it isn't completely. Anyone can create an object that fits the hand perfectly comfortably, but that doesn't necessarily make it a good...
  14. Penfold

    Laptop controls...

    Rofl. :rolling: No seriously, you need a mouse. I highly recommend a Razer mouse as well as the Razer eXactMat. You can find them here. I personally have the DiamondBack and eXactMat. :thumbs:
  15. Penfold

    City-17's location

    Btw, where on earth (pardon the pun :laugh:) did that screenshot come from? Is it a pre-HL2 release screenshot? Either that, or I must've gone through the game with my eyes shut :sleep:
  16. Penfold

    Halo3 cover

    Especially the 'Extermination' bit :laugh: lol
  17. Penfold

    Im new..but I beat HL2 so beware!!!

    *whispers to nearby forumites* "Whoa, he must be good" No seriously, "Hi" *keeps an eye on AWalkInThePark*
  18. Penfold

    No Multiplayer out of the box?

    Also, buying the CD/DVD versions doesn't necessarily mean you have to use the CD/DVD itself. I know this because I bought HL2 on DVD (Bronze Package) a year ago and had to use the DVD, which was very annoying. I have recently installed Steam on another pc, logged into my account and was able to...
  19. Penfold

    No Multiplayer out of the box?

    I agree, but I suppose they supply a version of the game without the multiplayer part for those poor people who only a a 56K connection and do not want to pay for a multiplayer game they will never use. Maybe. Perhaps?
  20. Penfold

    New DOD Source Server for HL2.Netters :D

    Hey Devvo - I work in Chelmsford (live in Braintree). I get to play DOD:S in my lunch break (1:00 -2:00pm GMT), so I'll join you when I get a chance. Will look forward to playing on your server, if you have it set-up by Monday, I'll hopefully play then. :cheers: