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  1. Penfold

    Editing posts

    Hi, I'm probably not technically a newbie, but I'll probably sound like one after this. :cheese: I've been wanting to edit (well actually, just add an image to) a post that I posted about 4 days ago, but the edit button isn't there. I assume that this is because there is an 'post editing time...
  2. Penfold

    Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?

    This is a quote that has been discussed thoroughly in it's own thread, hope I get it right :D "I've told you a hundred times how I'm opposed to pushing this equipment beyond the test levels"
  3. Penfold

    New to 2

    I'm pretty sure I know the bit you're at (loads of manhack's yeah?). Well, you need to get a barrel standing up near the balcony above, jump on it, get to the balcony. In the room next-door there are quite a few pipes - what you need to do is drop gradually down several pipes until you get to a...
  4. Penfold

    Highway 17 bridge forcefields

    Take a look at this post (just 5 posts up from here):
  5. Penfold

    Highway 17 bridge forcefields

    I am just coming up to this bit now in my second Half-Life 2 'run' (I'm getting across the bridge). I have tried putting rockets in a wash basin/bath (from settlement next to bridge) then picking it up normally / holding it with grav gun, but neither works because the rockets just fly out every...
  6. Penfold

    Highway 17 bridge forcefields

    That's it. It's pretty simple really - but here's what I did:
  7. Penfold

    Maxthon vs. Firefox

    Yeah, you've got the gist of it. Problems occur with displaying pages in Firefox because designers have to use all sorts of workarounds that shouldn't be necessary. This, you could say 'confuses' other 'proper' browsers, making them look rubbish, where in actual fact, it is all Microsoft/IE's...
  8. Penfold

    Maxthon vs. Firefox

    Good for you, keeping your PC secure and all, but actually, people don't use Firefox just for security. Firefox (or FireRodent as you call it) also handles web pages properly, whereas to design a site/page for IE, you quite often have to use 'workarounds' because it has all sorts of display...
  9. Penfold

    Maxthon vs. Firefox

    Yeah, I use Firefox - every time I am forced to use IE at college it just slows your browsing/surfing ability right down :frown: . Tabs are brilliant, makes you think "why wasn't this introduced years ago?" (by Microsoft). I don't think I can use a portable version of FF at college, because the...
  10. Penfold

    New Steam Icons

    The last one (this is the one I use):
  11. Penfold

    New Steam Icons

    The second one:
  12. Penfold

    New Steam Icons

    Yup, they are definitely worth a try, even if you decide to go back to the original (make sure you keep a backup). I'll post the png's separately below as they are too big to attach together. Here's the first one:
  13. Penfold

    New Steam Icons

    Hi all, these are three variations of the Steam sysyem tray icon, all created by Nero. I take no credit whatsoever for these icons - the original readme is included along with the icons. I have removed the .png's as these made the zip too big to attach here) He hasn't said he doesn't want them...
  14. Penfold

    Posting Attachment (.zip)

    Thanks, I'll try again. (and again) :upstare:
  15. Penfold

    Posting Attachment (.zip)

    Hi all, didn't know where else to post this. I have just tried uploading an attachment (.zip) to while creating a new thread in the art & design forum. The zip contains an Illustrator file (.ai), and a Photoshop Document (.psd). The problem is that when I try to upload it, an error...
  16. Penfold

    CS_Compound: Out the map video

    Nope Thanks, that worked. :D
  17. Penfold

    Awesome HL2 videoclip

    Do you mean the short clip at 3:16 in the video? It's possibly the bit nearer the end of the whole 'hovercraft' section of the game - when you fight the helicopter in that big open lake.
  18. Penfold

    CS_Compound: Out the map video

    That link doesn't work for me... ;(
  19. Penfold

    Mesh does Half-life Video 4

    I watched the Doom 3 videos a while back, they were hilarious :laugh: . Downloading the HL2 videos now - I've got a feeling they won't be quite as good/funny, but I'll certainly watch 'em :thumbs:
  20. Penfold

    Awesome HL2 videoclip

    That was pretty good. To begin with I didn't think the lip-sync was great, but I soon got used to it. The video really felt like a real music video :thumbs: . Last but not least... that song was brilliant :O !