Search results

  1. Penfold

    turret strategy in Nova Prospekt

    A little off-topic: I've been meaning to download a speedrun of HL2, do you mean this one? It's certainly a whopper - 1.1gb :eek: I got the HL1 speedrun and watched it - I never realised the game could be exploited so much, he missed whole...
  2. Penfold

    Half-life 2 Story: We need to know!

    Yeah, that site is very good. It's nice to see all the important info in one place and in chronological order - as opposed to loads of different threads in a forum with hundreds of different peoples theories, where people can't remember what has happened exactly (no offense to anyone here :) )...
  3. Penfold

    turret strategy in Nova Prospekt

    In the prison sequence: Firstly I tried to hide myself in one of the turret 'cupboards', but this did not work well as soldiers kept throwing in grenades, and too many would come at once for me to keep reloading my shotgun. I then placed all three turrets in a cell entrance, with me behind...
  4. Penfold

    Half-life 2 Story: We need to know!

    This is a well produced site called the 'Half-Life Saga Story Guide' - it clears up a few things and consolidates all relevant info into one easy read :) :
  5. Penfold

    First Submission - Opinions Please...

    Not at all, that's why I've put it here :cheers:
  6. Penfold

    "Underneath And Overhead"

    Yeah, I did a 10 hour exam over two days in my art GCSE (a couple of years ago, where does the time go :upstare: ). We were allowed to take in walkmans, personal stereos etc., which I did, but I ended up wishing I hadn't because time seems to fly by if you listen to music - so, I'd recommend you...
  7. Penfold

    First Submission - Opinions Please...

    Thanks for the suggestion pomegranate - I see what you mean, although I was trying to 're-invent/replicate' the Ravenholm mood and thought that the image of the tree suited the twisted and evil organic feel of Ravenholm. I might try using some similar images to those (most of those aren't big...
  8. Penfold

    Dissapearing Guns

    Yeah - I know that the guns have disappeared since an update several months ago (I was really disappointed with this change), but since the recent 'big' update, the guns stay where they spawn - very handy as I play on aim maps a lot. :bounce:
  9. Penfold

    Your desktop wallpaper

    This is a thread in which I have links to several versions of the same desktop that I have made. Hope you like 'em :) .
  10. Penfold

    Half-life 2 soundtrack

    Actually, I think if you either have the original Half-Life CD, it's on that or, you can open the Half-Life gcf file and it's in there. :bounce: If you have the CD, it's track 10 (you can get the track names with Media Player before ripping) and it's called 'Valve Theme (Long Version)'.
  11. Penfold

    Half-life 2 soundtrack

    That's the one - I've used it, and it's brilliant! The music is also great :D . I wanted the music a while ago and heard about GCFScape, downloaded it (took a little while to find it though) and unpacked the files. I highly recommend it - it's an essential for any HL2 fan. Obviously, you...
  12. Penfold

    Models White= Help

    Ha, that could be quite an advantage you've got over other players there ;) . Not that I'm encouraging cheating or anything...
  13. Penfold

    First Submission - Opinions Please...

    Yeah, it is pretty dark, especially that last one. To see it properly, make sure you're in a dark room - with eyes like these -> :eek:
  14. Penfold

    DM_Depot RC2Preview(Big update-56k warning)

    Agreed. Totally. :thumbs: I recommend you trying CS:S if you don't play it, it's a great game. brisck1, your map looks great. I look forward to it's release. I don't play HL2: DM much at the moment, but I might now! :bounce:
  15. Penfold

    First Submission - Opinions Please...

    Here is a darker background version (the jpeg's never seem to be as dark as the psd looks!) :angry:
  16. Penfold

    First Submission - Opinions Please...

    I have darkened the overall background, as well as adding a gradient overlay (black) from the bottom. I think this gives the image a little more mood. I have lightened the red again as well as adding a slight drop shadow behind the logo to 'bring it out' from the background. The image in the...
  17. Penfold

    First Submission - Opinions Please...

    Thanks for the comments. :thumbs: I've darkened the background slightly, centred the 'circle' of the lambda logo and made the red a bit lighter. I did the grunge effect using a mask over the logo with various dirty/grunge brushes in Photoshop. Here it is, hope you like it: Tell me what...
  18. Penfold

    Stuck in Blue-Shift, help please

    Thanks Venmoch, me and my older brother play CS:S loads. He is called 'Danger Mouse', I am 'Penfold'. :E The avatar is actually part of my CS spray!
  19. Penfold

    Hi, i'm pretty new here - 1 question

    KetelOne - me and my older brother play CS:S loads. He is called 'Danger Mouse', I am 'Penfold'. :E
  20. Penfold

    First Submission - Opinions Please...

    Thanks people, I'll re-do/touch-up parts then submit another one.