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  1. C


    1/2 ≈ PHI 2/3 ≈ PHI 3/5 ≈ PHI The further down the sequence you go the more accurate.
  2. C

    Check out this short vid! Cat FREAKS out in zero-gravity test

    You mean accelerating at 9.8m/s²
  3. C

    Why you can't go the speed of light ( for some people who asked)

    There is no such thing as completely stationary, only stationary relative to another object. The way I understand it is that there is no space-time grid/co-ordinate system that you can be stationary or moving relative to, just other objects.
  4. C

    Why you can't go the speed of light ( for some people who asked)

    I've just been thinking, we all know that the universe is huge and even at the speed of light it would take thousand of years just to fly across our galaxy. So we would need some FTL travel (Wormholes etc.) to explore the universe right? But going almost C, for the travellers in the spaceship...
  5. C

    A riddle!

    Yeah but 5400 miles? thats further than the river is, the whole circle will be 10800pi=33900miles. You won't need it any bigger than 100-200 miles.
  6. C

    A riddle!

    Good idea, find your old tracks, is that allowed SLH? But why do a circle of radius 5400? You'd just do a small circle then follow the tracks back to the river.
  7. C

    A riddle!

    hmm.. just thought I had it: drive 1000miles in any direction then make a circle of 1000mile radius around where the tornado hit you, but that would require like 2000pi + 1000= 7283 miles.
  8. C

    A riddle!

    Thnx :) For that one you just have to go through all possible options so it's not that hard. Now this one is harder :o Do you know the diameter of the planet? And does the river 'cut the planet in 2 halves', so that the land on both sides of the river are equal sized (length of the river...
  9. C

    A riddle!

    Go to the sack labeled apples and oranges, if you pull out an apple then thats the apples sack, and the sack named apples will be the oranges sack (since the sack named oranges can't be the oranges sack) and the sack labeled oranges will be the mixed one. If you pull out an orange, then it's...
  10. C

    A riddle!

    oops, too slow to edit post again.. Moppe, I think that answer is correct for the riddle but it won't actually work in real. I did some calculations and to catch and throw the 3 idles you will exert the same force on the bridge as if you were carrying the 3 idles, that is if you're applying...
  11. C

    A riddle!

    I think you missed something, isn't it that you can't go back across the bridge, only enough time to go across once. I heard it before but forgot the answer. hmm... Edit: too slow
  12. C

    A riddle!

    I havn't heard that one before, but you're right, it is easy. All four walls face south=house on top of north pole, therefore bear is white (ie. a Polar bear)
  13. C

    A riddle!

    The man is the son of the guy who's talking/asking the question.
  14. C

    A riddle!

    Yeah, I think I heard a similar riddle, all I can remember is a guy in a lighthouse killed himself because a ship crashed. It seems to fit this riddle..
  15. C

    A riddle!

    He lives in a lighthouse and he saw a ship crash cos he forgot to turn on the light so he kills himself :)
  16. C

    Does infinite really exist?

    That doesn't sound right, I always thought that it is actually space expanding and 'stretching out' the matter in it. It isn't expanding from a single point, the big bang doesn't have an epicentre, everywhere is the centre of the big bang just stretched out into a larger area... err volume.
  17. C

    The X-prize has now been won! There you go... :)
  18. C

    You, Citizen! Come with me!

    <... parts unknown...>
  19. C

    something i noticed in the revenholm bink

    Nah, Gordon is weak, it's just his HEV. :)
  20. C


    Half life doesn't use the quake 3 engine, it uses a modified quake 1 engine.