A riddle!


Oct 3, 2004
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G'day just thought there may be a few people interested in a riddle...


first person to post the correct answer wins!
no editing of posts! - cheating
no spamming, or any form generally abusing a goodwilled game!
do not try googling... that is not good willed! common have a go! I suggest not to scroll down and read other posts... have a read first and try to solve it!


There is one room with one door, inside there is light bulb. You cannot see inside any way unless you open the door.

There are three light switches outside the room.

You can only flick a switch/s upto a maximum of three times. (ie on and off counts as two!)

You may only enter to check the light bulb once, after that its over! You cannot flick another switch!

Your job is to figure out which switch controls the light bulb!

good luck

spacing here to stop people reading other posts :) cheers!
You turn on the one closest to the door. That's usally the one.
Flip the first switch, wait about half an hour, flip it off, go inside and see if the bulb's warm. if so, right switch!
Otherwise, flip a second switch and go in the room, light on = yay! light off = the only remaining switch.

What do i win? :p

nope :)

crushenator 500 said:
Flip the first switch, wait about half an hour, flip it off, go inside and see if the bulb's warm. if so, right switch!
Otherwise, flip a second switch and go in the room, light on = yay! light off = the only remaining switch.

What do i win? :p

nope, you entered the room twice....
Also, take one of the bulbs out... I think that's how it went.
rammstein said:

nope :)

nope, you entered the room twice....

What crush said instead of entering the room the second time look at the space between the door and the floor to see if theres light coming from the room.

There is only one light bulb!!

No, I said before that you cannot see any other way unless you open the door.

Keep thinking guys ! :)
Ok I've got it. You flick two switches up and let it run for a while so the bulb gets hot. You flick one down and go in and see if the lights on and if it is its the one you didnt flip down and if it's hot it's the one you flipped down. If it's cold it's the third switch you didn't flip. PRAISE ME MOTHER ****ERS.
It took me a minute to think of :p.

Edit: Give me a new riddle to pwn.
Yep that's correct riddle....

People were getting very close :p
omg i know the answer to this but i cant bloody remember it!!!!

ok sorry to break up the guessing but heres an even better one:

a man lives next to the ocean.
one night, he is awoken by an almighty crash outside.
he gets up, and looks out his window.
he then spins around, turns on the light, and gets out his gun from his cupboard and shoots himself in the head...


good luck with that one lol.
dying to see if anyone gets my riddle first time lol
it is kind of. its actually a matter of asking questions where the person who asked the riddle can only say yes or no.

but give it a shot anyway lol.
I know! Because he forgot to put his $300,000 car on parking and it rolled into the ocean and sunk? :(
ok how about something obvious like:

you are heading toward a dark room.
all you have is: an oil lamp, a match, a candle, a piece of wood.

rofl which do you light first?
A riddle usually has one sound answer. This could be any number of things, but the answer is what the teller wants it to be.
JunkieXL said:
I know! Because he forgot to put his $300,000 car on parking and it rolled into the ocean and sunk? :(

nope not even close lol.
Pureball said:
omg i know the answer to this but i cant bloody remember it!!!!

ok sorry to break up the guessing but heres an even better one:

a man lives next to the ocean.
one night, he is awoken by an almighty crash outside.
he gets up, and looks out his window.
he then spins around, turns on the light, and gets out his gun from his cupboard and shoots himself in the head...


good luck with that one lol.

A wave killed his wife and destoyed his car?
The match, but whats the answer to the ocean one I'm curious.
Pureball said:
ok how about something obvious like:

you are heading toward a dark room.
all you have is: an oil lamp, a match, a candle, a piece of wood.

rofl which do you light first?
The match
So the question is: what did he see from his window? Something so disturbing he decided to take his own life...

Let's see here, he lives near the ocean and he hears a loud crash.

I have no ****ing clue :LOL:
I know it was his brand new 3 million dollar boat blowing up, so he shot himself.
He lives in a lighthouse and he saw a ship crash cos he forgot to turn on the light so he kills himself :)
C4-Explosive said:
He lives in a lighthouse and he saw a ship crash cos he forgot to turn on the light so he kills himself :)

If that's the right answer then theres no way you could have figured that out other than hearing it before or it being a complete guess. Personally if I lived and a light house and didn't turn the light on I wouldn't shoot myself.
A man arrives in a field with a package. He immediately dies, without opening the package.

Why did he die?
SLH said:
A man arrives in a field with a package. He immediately dies, without opening the package.

Why did he die?

He had a heart attack
SLH said:
Possibly, why?

Plaque buildup in his veins and arteries do to a bit too much McDonalds in his lifetime. Close?

I honestly don't know :p