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  1. R

    Map Version is 0, expecting 19!!!

    Bump so there aren't repeat posts.
  2. R

    What The F

    Welcome to flavour country!
  3. R

    Map Version is 0, expecting 19!!!

    Yeah, I don't think it is hardware either.
  4. R

    This just in:

    I second that... P.O.S! Way to go VALVe :|
  5. R

    Map Version is 0, expecting 19!!!

    I have an X800 Pro 256Mb I also preloaded when I had the chance to.
  6. R

    Map Version is 0, expecting 19!!!

    Nope, didn't work :( I don't understand... CS S never done this to me... Why should HL2?!
  7. R

    Map Version is 0, expecting 19!!!

    Reinstalling the previous version of the drivers, hopefully that could fix it. Doubt it tho :-\
  8. R

    Map Version is 0, expecting 19!!!

    Nope, rolling back the drivers didn't help at all :(
  9. R

    Map Version is 0, expecting 19!!!

    Yeah it did.
  10. R

    Map Version is 0, expecting 19!!!

    I never had a problem with Doom 3. And can't give me that crap about a new card coz this game has had heaps of dev time after the X800's and 6800's were released. They could have easily fixed any problem relating to video cards. Althought just before install I did install the 4.12...
  11. R

    Map Version is 0, expecting 19!!!

    Shouldn't need a patch ffs How long has it been sitting there gathering dust?!
  12. R

    Map Version is 0, expecting 19!!!

    Engine Error, followed by; HALF-LIFE 2:hl2.exe - Application Error The instruction at "0x241f8977" referenced memort at "0x00eff5c0". The memort could not be "read" Click on OK to terminate the program :O WTF!?!?!
  13. R

    5 DAYS 9HOURS to go!!!!!

    7pm, but DST brings it down to 6pm
  14. R

    5 DAYS 9HOURS to go!!!!!

    It unlocks on the 16th at 6PM here in Oz Admin :)
  15. R

    Wtf Half Life 2 Server!?!

    Still up for me... Can't see info or anything tho... Not that I ever could ;o
  16. R

    Wtf Half Life 2 Server!?!

    emporio does also what gPc does As a theory, I entered doozy as the password and it done the exact same thing. Password has no relevance at the moment.
  17. R

    Wtf Half Life 2 Server!?!

    Yep, added the IP to favourites, entered the password: gPc Then it tried to launch HL2 but said it's still locked :S
  18. R

    Unlocking Half-Life 2... sounds dodgy.

    I have checked on the Suprnova forums and yes it is just a ploy to get peoples Steam UN/PW. Lock the thread :)
  19. R

    The 12 days of half life 2

    re·tard1 v. re·tard·ed, re·tard·ing, re·tards v. tr. To cause to move or proceed slowly; delay or impede. v. intr. To be delayed. n. 1. A slowing down or hindering of progress; a delay. 2. Music. A slackening of tempo. The release of HL2 was retarded, but he is not.
  20. R

    Hl 2 Released ????!

    If someone truely wanted to proove they had a retail copy of HL2, they would spread the contents of the box out on a surface. Nice little showcase and then take a photo with zero obstructions. Oo yay, I can take a nice high res picture of the box, print it out and take a photo of it with...