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  1. BigJack

    The physic system is now many games , why is it special in hl2?

    it includes friction, which is uncommon in most games. (its the lack of it that makes the physics of other games seem unrealistic, like bodies sliding all over the place ) Also, uncommonly the texture system is linked to the physics, so each texture has predetermined physical attributes. This...
  2. BigJack

    Where the Striders Really Come From

    we've got to remember that war of the worlds is a book, and any realization of the strider creatures in the book is merely an artist's impression. OF course the general idea of a strider is nicked from the book, but the artist render is highly original. And anyway, since when was taking a...
  3. BigJack

    A Sound HL2 Release Estimate

    since they said the cs source beta was a little test for the source engine, and its comeing out on the 10th of august, we have to allow at least a month (thats a very low estimate) for testing of the engine on all the participants of the beta. That means the games RC wont be ready until at the...
  4. BigJack

    easter egg ???

    when wathcing the higher quality vids in slow mo it is almost impossible to deny there is a frightened man in the bin, with his hand up against the side of it
  5. BigJack

    Discussion of the Improved E3 2k4 footage.

    watchin the new higher quality vids it seems even more obvious that there is someone hidin in that ol trashcan
  6. BigJack

    Who wants to see Gordon's legs in HL2?

    if the legs were in the player would realise those twiggy nerdy hev clad legs wernt theirs, and also realise that what they were playing was just a game, then run outside and play with some real people.