The physic system is now many games , why is it special in hl2?

the only thing they could do to make it better is to have fluid dynamics, and if they make a opposing force 2 they most likely will.
since i play almost none of the new pc games that demonstrate this kind of physics system hl2s grfx and physics are the best thing since slice bread for me to look at.
I heard Valve isn't actually using the regular physics engine of Havok called Havok '1' or '2' but the latest physics engine build by Havok. Atleast Valve and/or Havok tweaked the code extremely and that payed off. HL2 has the best physics engine ever made at this moment.

I played the physics level from E3 (leaked beta) and it was just incredible. So realistic. Everything what you expect in rl is there in the game.
sharp said:
I heard Valve isn't actually using the regular physics engine of Havok called Havok '1' or '2' but the latest physics engine build by Havok. Atleast Valve and/or Havok tweaked the code extremely and that payed off. HL2 has the best physics engine ever made at this moment.

I played the physics level from E3 (leaked beta) and it was just incredible. So realistic. Everything what you expect in rl is there in the game.

No, Valve is technically using the Havok 1 engine. However, they have heavily modified it so it has added functionality (for the specific purpose of HL2). IIRC, the physics engine in HL2 has better physics in several areas than Havok 2, but doesn't have all of the functionality (and features) of Havok 2.

This modified physics engine is like what they did with Half-Life. They licensed the Quake engine and then heavily modified it for their use.
Hi all :)

This thread brought my intention.
Far Cry had more than rolling barrels.
- I once shot chains holding a container midair, making it fall down on the enemies.
- I transported a jeep between two islands using a boat connected to a raft. (too bad the jeep didnt have a handbrake since it sometimes rolled off and sunk :))
Far Cry is a great game:tup:

So what did i want with this?
1. Dont badtalk a game because it doesnt "fit your world" a good game is a good game is a good game....
2. Valve has no doubt played FC as all real gamers should, trying to top it.
And looking at all the media it seems they will succeed doing that making all gamers winners.

With Doom3 (a very good game altho not in my taste) come and gone i cant wait to put my hands on HL2.

So, flame away :)
Don't forget people that guys like me will take advantage of the physics system and push it to its limit when making maps in Hammer. Heres an exhample: A stone piller a thousand feet high being held up by only some wooden braces shoot 1 out and it starts to lean oooo shoot another 1 out and the rest brake under the now leaning piller and it going down, "O SHIT RUN FOR UR LIFE" :E :E :E
i am sure phsics in hl2 was the first to happen....

then new games heard about hl2 having phsics so they copyed it or got the source engine.

also the phsics engine in hl2 took like 5YEARS to make so this phsics system is going to be out of this world! i mean objects have weight on them, you if you stand on them too heavy then it will brake.

i only heard of phsics in games after hl2 was annonced last year.
HL1 had a physics engine, but nowhere near what HL2's will be like.
commando said:
i am sure phsics in hl2 was the first to happen....

then new games heard about hl2 having phsics so they copyed it or got the source engine.

also the phsics engine in hl2 took like 5YEARS to make so this phsics system is going to be out of this world! i mean objects have weight on them, you if you stand on them too heavy then it will brake.

i only heard of phsics in games after hl2 was annonced last year.

Devastation which was released before HL 2 was out had a physics system too, tho it worked poorly online.

And how do you know it took 5 years to make ? Its the havok physics engine. Not something Valve created. They just improved it.
Hum, most games nowadays are based on havok. So it only matters in wich forum you ask. I would say that Farcrys physichs is awsome, play with the level editor and figure out things to do with the physichs. We made a springboard (dont know if thats a word). Well you take a barrel, over the barrel you put a huge wooden door. Then you put alot of units on one side and a heavy barrel in the air at the other side. Then turn on the physich. Woaila, a primitive cataoult.
yes the physics are implemented into the gameplay but you gotta remember that valve seems to be experimenting what you can visualy do with the Dx 9 technology. so image physics and dx 9 getting together and you have machines that visually signify that they are getting hot, or that if you 'melt ' metal it will warp and goo out..

this game is gonna own.. provided it comes out

cs:s is bringing hl 2 down
Like Valve said (and I paraphrase) whatever makes the gameplay more immersive and better we put in the game, whatever does not give any boost to the gameplay we ignore. And since physics is a fandamental part of everybodies life, I would say they better make it pretty damn good in HL2 (more than just tipable chairs, that's getting old :) ).
Half-Life2's Physics engine are going to be the best physics in a game so far for one main reason...

Everything in Half-Life is physically intemplated! Even you!

Quite a huge difference from Doom3, which has nearly everything bolted down...

Also gameplay features in Doom3 were very scarce, ex/ the shattering of glass to the outside martain climate, shooting lights often will not do anything. Even perfect dark made it so you could shoot any lights in an area.

Also Doom3 made it so most materials do not have attributes, so that you can't shoot holes in glass or walls, it just doesn't change, and the physical events in Doom3 were mostly scripted.
it includes friction, which is uncommon in most games. (its the lack of it that makes the physics of other games seem unrealistic, like bodies sliding all over the place )
Also, uncommonly the texture system is linked to the physics, so each texture has predetermined physical attributes. This means objects like metal and concrete react realistically, like sparks being created and high levels of friction.
Thats all i can think of at the moment, but im sure theyve added other stuff!
That friction feature sounds really good.
Way back when UT2003 introduced ragdolls it was really cool but the sliding always "bothered" me.
what would be interesting is if bodies behave like real bodys, if a grenade explodeds at someones feet will they just fly across the floor or will they clip it making there body twist and flex like it should? and if they hit a wall too fast will your hear there spine break?

if someone fell from a very high hight into a cheesewire net would they get sliced?
king John I said:
what would be interesting is if bodies behave like real bodys, if a grenade explodeds at someones feet will they just fly across the floor or will they clip it making there body twist and flex like it should? and if they hit a wall too fast will your hear there spine break?

if someone fell from a very high hight into a cheesewire net would they get sliced?

I have no idea what you're talking about for that first part, but I can tell you that the cheesewire thing won't happen in any game for a looong time. Not unimaginable, but I'm pretty sure there are technical limitations stopping us from dicing enemies.
So far, Max Payne II seems to have the best physics implementation (both coding and usage). Half Life 2 will deffiently be better. Doom 3 and Far Cry use it like glitter, it is basically pointless.
Well having....a certain version of HL2 on my and having played it...on my friends computer yes...they'll believe that

I can say that the physics in HL2 are definately the best in any game to date. The only thing that comes close is STALKER
Like many people have stated: HL2s physics are a big part of the gameplay. Further more, HL2 physics are very realistic and exists (I hope) troughout the entire game. Take D3 for instance, many of the objects were static and not much of the levels could be changed. Altough the small objects in D3 what were simulated by physics were just small boxes. And to tell the trough, the physics in D3 weren't that great. May times a barrel would get stuck or just wobble forever in some insane loop... Altough the graphics were totally awesome but that don't just cover it anymore. I want story, gameplay and characters to interact with. Hopefully HL2 will do better than D3...
i know doom3 has physics but i was very unimpressed with them, you bumped into things and they just kind of seemed to bounce up at you, not realistic at all. also there are very few items that actually move.
GuNzABlaZiN said:
Oh god, maybe if you did skim through, you would realise that HL2's physics system is much more advanced than anything to date.

May I ask you how?
May I ask you how?

maybe he played the beta like so many others have, and i can tell u from my expierience it is by far the best physics in any game i've seen.
Just look at the world in HL2. Hell, he knocked over a trash can onto the combine with a well placed grenade. You can actually hurt things by throwing stuff in them. That's advanced, and it's not done in many games.
ANy1 remeber when gordon through the nade at the combine in the barricade video, i've played almost all games with havok in it and haven't seen anything that comes close to that scene in the barricade video.