The physic system is now many games , why is it special in hl2?

One thing I've not seen mentioned is Valve's materials system. Each "material" (i.e. texture) in the game will have an impact on how the object it's applied to reacts. For instance, stick a wood material on a cube and you'll have a wooden crate that will float in water, splinter when hit, break apart when slammed into a wall, and so on. Take that same cube and simply apply a metal material and the cube will sink, spark when struck by bullets, and do more damage if hurled at adversaries. Friction is also modeled, so, for instance, corpses will roll down inclines instead of sliding in a ridiculous fashion (you can see this in the bugbait video when the ant lion queen whomps a soldier and he tumbles after hitting the ground).

There's also the fact that Valve appears to be going out of their way to make the player aware of and able to interact with the physical gameworld. For instance, they give you the manipulator which just screams "Use the physics!" They've also said that NPCs will perform various actions as a way of cluing in the player as to what sorts of things are physically possible. Finally, every object in the game is a physically simulated object meaning the there will insane amounts of interaction. No longer will a grenade tossed into an enclosed area simply leave scorch marks on the floor; rather, boxes will be destroyed, tables upended, and general mayhem will be the satisfying result.

Yes, my friends, we are in for a treat when Half-Life 2 hits our hard drives. Now if only Valve would hurry up and release the damn game!
Stingey said:
im sick of the people talking about far cry "physics"
its just a pile of boxes, doesnt even act natural.

have u played all they way through far cry? i doubt it , coz its physics r not bad
Silent_night said:
have u played all they way through far cry? i doubt it , coz its physics r not bad

Farcry's physics arn't BAD, its just that they're not as detailed or as realistic as HL2's. And you cant use the physics as much. Once i wa son top of a stairway and I knocked a barrel down the stairway where i guy was and it just hit him dead on and nothing hapened...
I think the difference is they don't just turn into rag dolls when they die?..
There were a couple of scenes in FarCry where I rolled barells down a hill and when I hit the soldiers there died and went into rag doll mode; ie, they slid down the hill and interacted with the barrel for a short time.
Uh, is everyone forgetting Tresspasser? I believe that's one of the first games to have what you call "physics puzzles" and having it be a necessary part of gameplay. ;)
theres no inertia in the Far cry physics. I made a big swinging log in the map editor and was very dissapointe that it didnt swing back and forth it just basically stopped in the midle :/

HL2 is MUCH MUCH better. In fact i would say the physics are slightly exagerrated but it makes it good and looks much more realistic that the far cry stuff.

Trust me your going to have alot of fun blasting barrels at zombies ;)
Silent_night said:
i am not dissing hl2 so relax b4 u start flaming , it is just a question what is diffrent from hl2's physic system then far cry , max payne 2 , utk4.........etc.

The Physic System in Half-Life 2 is Way More Complex in than that of farcry.
And its fully implemented in the gameplay.
He got banned just for saying hi, or did he make a new account after being banned already?
Crusader said:
He got banned just for saying hi, or did he make a new account after being banned already?
It's a new account, the original accountholder is on a ban.
what is diffrent from hl2's physic system then far cry
The word you're looking for is 'than'.

****ing shits me.

Anyway yeah, the physics in hl2 are meant to be part of the gameplay, so they're less of a gimmick.
Letters said:
Half-Life 2 looks to fully integrate it into gameplay... it's not just there to look cool.

Letters your avatar went from sexy to frightening
The biggest difference as other people have stated is that it's integrated into the game play of the game. It's not primarily used for eye candy. Look at FarCry sure that uses Havok 2.0 or whatever, but how often do you use it as a part of the game? the only use for it in FarCry is for ragdolls, I never had to use physics in that game once as a part of the game play. Not even for barrels. Max Payne 2 uses Havok 2.0 purely for eye candy, Painkiller uses it for eye candy. The Ion Storm games uses it in game play but not realistically or well. HL2 is the first game to bother going to the effort of making it one of the most important factors in the game. I gather you haven't seen the e3 video's? If you haven't you really should see for yourself what I mean.
*Example#1* run behind a box, and find someone behind a stack of barrels, shoot the barrels and they tumble on them and kills him *Example#2* grab an manipulator and pick up some barrels with it, then put them in a line so you can use it as a barricade. *example#3*a bunch of wooden boxes are blocking your way, but you want to get rid of them fast, so you toss a grenade and when it explodes, debris and wood flys everywhere and pieces may possibly kill you (end of examples) imagine all of these examples in multiplayer....
wow i only just read that grand unified theory article. how greedy.
instead of being hailed as genius he'd prefer to make a grab for cash.

edit: oops forgot /joking tag
HL2 will probably make me design a map with a bunch of Combines, barrels, and wood planks. And the only weapon I'll have is the Manipulator. Can't wait to see the results of that :stare:
put like 1000 combine in small room and havea crane drop a huge crate on all of them lol
Someone may have already posted this, but also remember that in HL2, they making it so that the enemy AI is aware of the physics and can use it to their advantage. That is pretty revolutionary to me.
BigNamek said:
Someone may have already posted this, but also remember that in HL2, they making it so that the enemy AI is aware of the physics and can use it to their advantage. That is pretty revolutionary to me.

Definietly. Imagine if you were in the combines position in trapdown where there was the wood planks tied up on wall and the combine used that to kill you w/ out simple scripting. That would be awsome. Though realy I wouldnt mind scripting ther just as long as there were like 10 scripts so it'd be different.
It was somthing special a year ago. Now it's somthing great & in a another year it will be good. Is that hard to understand?
BigNamek said:
Someone may have already posted this, but also remember that in HL2, they making it so that the enemy AI is aware of the physics and can use it to their advantage. That is pretty revolutionary to me.

I remember hearing somewhere, long ago, that the zombies in Doom 3 could hurl barrels at you. Did that ever end up in the game?

Anywho, HL2 will be like Max Payne 2, in the way that everything small enough can be knocked over, shot down and pushed.

But: you can also pick things up, throw them, launch them, and generally manipulate them better than any other game.

Also, all these objects will actually behave realistically. Proper weight, buoyancy, friction, etc.
nope, for some reason the doom3 ai was tuned down, or they never made it as good as they made out, they also said that if you ran into a room, shot all the lights and hid a zombie wouldnt find you, but ive yet to see that in the game.

I guess they were going for the whole scary thing, although i must have screwed that part up by playing the game in my underwear... :p
There was AI in doom 3?

I liked the game and all, but there was no AI, none at all, you could'nt hide from anything, everything was just programed to run at you and shoot, or claw etc whatever they do, the most AI I saw was when a zombie with a gun used cover once. But that might of been a scripted thing.
max payne 2 physics cool but..

u never use phisics in max payne 2 but they r cool
in monas fun house u can stand on a teter toter and experiment and roll balls around. the whole level was desingned 2 show off physics. in dx2 physics are useful tho
Now, imagine if you could pick up the ball, hurl it at the back of some bad guy's head and then hit him in the face with the teeter-totter's plank.

That's HL2.
AJ Rimmer said:
...screwed to the ground with big long bolts that go deep, deep into the ground.

Kryten, could you just double-check that chair for me? :afro:

Sorry it's 6 pages late...
Didn't feel like skimming 6 pages of replies, so sorry if it's been said:

Concerning the very thread title, "The physic system is now many games , why is it special in hl2?", the fact is that HL2 is kind of getting old for the physics. When it was supposed to come out, a year ago, that would have been a real breakthrough, but many games came in between that showed off the physics capabilites.

Oh, and don't get me wrong, I want HL2 as bad as anyone else, I'm not talking about how HL2 is old, just the physics system.

Although the real breakthrough is how physics will affect multiplayer. That'll be something fresh and new.
Stillwell said:
Didn't feel like skimming 6 pages of replies, so sorry if it's been said:

Concerning the very thread title, "The physic system is now many games , why is it special in hl2?", the fact is that HL2 is kind of getting old for the physics. When it was supposed to come out, a year ago, that would have been a real breakthrough, but many games came in between that showed off the physics capabilites.

Oh, and don't get me wrong, I want HL2 as bad as anyone else, I'm not talking about how HL2 is old, just the physics system.

Although the real breakthrough is how physics will affect multiplayer. That'll be something fresh and new.

Oh god, maybe if you did skim through, you would realise that HL2's physics system is much more advanced than anything to date.