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  1. P

    Stuck on the last bit (Typical)

    I'm looking forward to EP2 or HL3, I can see why it won. I'm playing other games now, on 1 of them, the door needs hacking. in order to do so I need too use the movement keys, interact and a time limit are used, as yet it beats me and theres no cheating can be used. Ive just finished...
  2. P

    Stuck on the last bit (Typical)

    I didn't know about brainGate, its fantastiic technology, I'll try and see if a UK person can trial it,(Me), thanks for that.
  3. P

    Stuck on the last bit (Typical)

    I'm a realist and accepted my fate years ago, in 5 yrs time Ill be fed through a tube, but I do have 2 kids 8 and 9, I'm hoping drugs can stop them developing the symptoms, stem cell research will be the key I think.
  4. P

    Stuck on the last bit (Typical)

    No nothing, not even a single drug, has been developed yet, I don't work because I can't, I'd love to work, I'm not one of those scamers to pretend to be I'll.
  5. P

    Stuck on the last bit (Typical)

    More rambling, Hectic Glenn, have you played EP2.
  6. P

    Stuck on the last bit (Typical)

    Being friendly is not rambling, just because, your a sour grape doesn't mean I am.
  7. P

    Stuck on the last bit (Typical)

    Finished it, grat fun, I've fallen for Alyx
  8. P

    Stuck on the last bit (Typical)

    Not anymore, I have 2 battles 2 deal with, 1 Ataxia. 2 Severe brain damage, my memory and sorting out things are now stupidly silly.
  9. P

    Stuck on the last bit (Typical)

    Yes I finished I'm now plying EP1, stuck on the bit where you press a button and loads of those magnetic mines pop out, I'm looking for a walkthrough on this site.
  10. P

    Stuck on the last bit (Typical)

    Blimey EP2 as well.
  11. P

    Stuck on the last bit (Typical)

    Because of my Ataxia I can't work, so all I do now is play games, HL2, took about 2 wks of nearly solid play, eBay are selling EP1's for about £12.00. is that good.
  12. P

    Stuck on the last bit (Typical)

    Id love to play it, but I'll be posting stuck threads every 5 mins lol, actually in fact, ill use noclip, in tight spots, I'm allowed to cheat. What is episode 1, an expansion pack or a separate game.
  13. P

    Stuck on the last bit (Typical)

    I wish had was the word, have and getting worse each day is more like it, it does make hard moves impossible, at times.
  14. P

    Stuck on the last bit (Typical)

    Thanks Hectic Glenn, usinng the no clip gave me plenty of time, I even shot down those 2 annoying gunships.
  15. P

    Stuck on the last bit (Typical)

    It doesn't work frpm there.
  16. P

    Stuck on the last bit (Typical)

    Great console, you can copy and paste, I can't fly using noclip, I'm doing something wrong, I'll look later, thanks.
  17. P

    Stuck on the last bit (Typical)

    No I can't I've tried it, Ive got to go now so thanks everybody.
  18. P

    Stuck on the last bit (Typical)

    Ill do noclip later, can you fire from here.
  19. P

    Stuck on the last bit (Typical)

    If i saved now, it's ould be pointless, I'm to late.
  20. P

    Stuck on the last bit (Typical)

    Can I be to slow getting up, most times I'm to late, he gets away.