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  1. C

    Disabling/disallowing grav gun

    Occasionally on the HL2 dm server i'm running I'm adding in NPCs - the players love it, however it can cause a server crash if the player is hit (eg. rammed by an antlionguard, smacked over the head by a zombie) while carrying something with the grav gun. I want to be able to temporarily...
  2. C

    Adding Jeep on HL2DM servers

    ok well that's basically what i was trying to figure out.. i can get it working if i host my own local server, but not with a server i have rcon access to.. oh well :(
  3. C

    Adding Jeep on HL2DM servers

    maybe it's like the combinegunship and can only be spawned on certain surfaces... will have to give that a go.
  4. C

    Tutorial: Working with NPCs in DM

    i had trouble creating the gunship at the start - whenever i used "give npc_combinegunship" it would spawn half in me, half in the ground.. i'd have to suicide, but even then it wouldn't be able to move... the "npc_create npc_combinegunship" command works, however only on certain outdoor ground...
  5. C

    Adding Jeep on HL2DM servers

    ok so i've been mucking around as a server admin for a few weeks now - i've added in npc baddies and stuff and it's all been good (apart from a few bugs but i've minimised them).. now I thought it might be cool every now and again to add the buggy into a map. If i run my own local server it's...
  6. C

    Tutorial: Working with NPCs in DM

    seems that if you're holding something with the grav gun and you get hit (like rammed or smacked over the head, not shot) then the server will crash will do further testing but seems pretty consistent.
  7. C

    Adding stats tracking

    I've seen on some hl2:dm servers people are able to see their rank/stats Can anyone link me to somewhere which shows how to set this up (or alternatively, explain it to me). Thanks.
  8. C

    Tutorial: Working with NPCs in DM

    FYI - not sure if this has been said but if an antlionguard charges you while you have the grav gun and are holding something with it - the server will crash (well it has for me the last few times I've tested it). Possibly also happens when u throw something at it from close range. I think...
  9. C

    Map rotation issues / Weapon/ammo spawn issues

    found the command.. sv_hl2mp_item_respawn_time (x) now I need to figure out how to make it run at the end of the level :S
  10. C

    Map rotation issues / Weapon/ammo spawn issues

    Hi guys Currently running hl2:dm server - one of the only in Australia that actually runs custom maps (i mean seriously, how many more times can you play overwatch or lockdown??). Anyway - one of the maps I'm running is warpath (i think it's ctf_warpath_b3e) - and everyone really enjoys it...