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  1. G

    Download Bugbait Pre-Make

    Thanks for the tip, Dux. (This is actually the first map I've released, sorry I'm acting like a dope) :)
  2. G

    Download Bugbait Pre-Make

    Ugh, this has been one of those days. It really works now, I tested it on a different comp, so it shouldn't have any more problems. Sorry about that. Click the link above edit: It would be nice if you could just say "Poof" and threads like this would disappear.
  3. G

    Download Bugbait Pre-Make

    D'oh! I didn't even use any textures from that wad. Alright, gimme 20 minutes
  4. G

    Download Bugbait Pre-Make

    Alright, just click on the link above
  5. G

    Download Bugbait Pre-Make

    It would appear that my ftp has suddenly gone down for no reason. I will upload the map as soon as it comes back up.
  6. G

    Download Bugbait Pre-Make

    oops, my bad I'm recompiling now check back in like 15 minutes
  7. G

    Download Bugbait Pre-Make

    Ok, it's done. Didn't really seem like anyone cared, but oh well, it was fun to make I guess. You can dl it here: stuff/ (2.25 MB) Enjoy.
  8. G

    HL2 Bugbait "Pre-make"

    Following ChuckStar's lead, I decided I would make my own version of the Bugbait video for HL1. Obviously the gameplay will be different, but I am going to try to make it an interesting experience anyway and maybe add (or subtract) a few things here and there to make it fun to play. I included...
  9. G

    PC Zone UK out tomorrow with HL2 Exclusive

    Here is a site that has a little info on the new issue.
  10. G

    Factions, organisations and loners

    That makes loads of sense. The Nihilanth and the controllers are probably part of one race and they have enslaved the Vortigaunts, who are the indigenous "Alpha Race" of Xen. The grunts are genetically engineered, as they were the product of the factory on Xen. The Vortigaunts are probably...
  11. G

    questions to drive you insane..

    For one thing, it would be impossible for us to see nothingness, because our existence would negate nothingness, so in other words it is impossible for us to ever comprehend nothingness. On the repeating decimals: with every iteration, the amount that is added gets smaller and smaller, so...
  12. G

    There is nobody Looking out for us

    Well I don't know you, but I have also lost loved ones in my life, so here is my advice to you. Try not to feel sorry for yourself. If it weren't her time to die, she wouldn't have. Regardless of whether or not God exists, if you let yourself believe Brooke died meaninglessly, then your life...
  13. G

    hl2 not so far off in the future...

    Keep in mind those are European cars, which are usually smaller and boxier than American cars (Mini Cooper). EDIT: Oops, skipped Death's post. BTW, usually military innovations come from the side that is winning-- Humanity looks to be kind of desperate in HL2, and when desperation sets...
  14. G

    Fragmaster Leaves PHL, Thanks

    I don't really have a problem with that guy, but maybe the reason Valve chooses to send info to mags over websites is because whenever sensitive info (delays) gets out to the sites guys like Fragmaster decide to tell everyone about it. Valve had their reasons for the delay, and I can hardly...
  15. G

    Some of my photos

    Very nice work bro-- Try messing with these in Photoshop. I could see some nice things being done with the first one and the snowy one with sepia tones or some color correction here and there. Rockin good photos, tho.
  16. G

    Gordon In anime?

    Guess what? That could describe any kind of cartoons or animation. All anime means is Animation from Japan- Hell, Anime isn't even a Japanese word, it comes from French. What you described are traits of typical anime. What Snowball drew is not anime because he isn't from Japan and it isn't...
  17. G

    G-Man does new Klipsch add in PC Mag

    What language is "weilcomen?"
  18. G

    Hl2 Vs Fc

    That's the first time I've seen that video- All I can say is "Damn." I think that engine looks great, which makes me wonder if perhaps Valve will add the virtual displacement technology to the Source engine somewhere along the way-- That would mean good things for HL3 and maybe even for mods.
  19. G

    Do the combine need their masks to stay alive?

    Well it can't be that they don't feel like making facial models, because in numerous interviews Gabe has described their technology that automatically blends pre-authored facial features together to create unique faces- That is how all of the resistance guys look different.
  20. G

    Worst thing that can happen

    Oh, ok then, no hard feelings bro :cheers: