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  1. L33731

    Real or Not

    Not Glaring enough for you ?? Sorry I will try and be funnier next time.
  2. L33731

    Well its over.

    I have his DVD and it shows ( with no camara trick photography ) that he can float off of the ground.. He also does that trick were he writes someones name on a card then flings them all toward the person, and their card magically apears in a beer bottle they are holding in there hand, and...
  3. L33731

    Real or Not

    It doesn't sound like you found my post amusing... Maybe because this hits a little too close to home ??
  4. L33731

    Real or Not

    Deleted by user: Reason = Flame
  5. L33731

    preorder confusion

  6. L33731

    Real or Not

    LOL this picture is like 2 years old atleast.. I know, it suxs waiting for HL2.. And you are probably sulking around your one bedroom apartment with no couch, a 10" Black and White TV on a milk Crate, a mattress on the floor in your bedroom, and a $2,000.00 PC with a Plasma Flat...
  7. L33731

    It's about time I'm back!

    Pentium P4 3.2 GHZ 512 DDR RAM ATI Radeon 9800 I have the same gfx card.. How do you like it/?? Edit:// I will give a working ( not banned ) CD key for HL to the first person to tell me what my avatar says !! Good Luck....
  8. L33731

    Gotta love American lawsuits...

    That happend in my home town.. Talk about some funny sh|t.. There were also 2 other lawsuites in Ky.. Someone found the tip of a hypodermic needle in there egg mCmuffin.. And Someone found a half Rotted tooth in there mCFrosty.... MMmmm Micky Deez
  9. L33731

    mapquest results: the shire to mordor

    ROFLMFAO.... Sounds like an interesting trip !! :thumbs:
  10. L33731

    70-19 on CS tonight!

    Man I love that server.. I played it all the time.. My Aliases were: bTx ! aC|d r4n3 UnStABLe MiNd b|zZaR3 r|D3 2 tH4 pH4RcYd3 You probably saw me there I am sure.. As far as net connection goes there is NOTHING better then Cable.. My ISP is also my Digital Cable Provider and I...
  11. L33731


    For all you peeps that like rap and have a P2P program then download this old rap song.. It has been my favorite for along time.. Artist: Dre Dog TiTle: SMoke dope and Rap It's the w|p !
  12. L33731

    Graphics Tables - Wacom - Oppinions?

    Yes I was burnt by the same CO.. It seems like all of there products are crap... !!!
  13. L33731

    Incredible websites!

    My bad, didn't know.. He asked so I provided.. Won't happen again !
  14. L33731

    kazaa firewall getaround?

    No Direct Connect is a P2P Program, just like Kazaa...
  15. L33731

    Weirdest Computer Experiences...

    I really wouldn't be too concearned by what you have just told me, as these could be happening at random without the intervention of a hacker.. What you really need to look for: Your PC turning on and off without you touching it.. Your mouse arrow moving around without you touching...
  16. L33731

    kazaa firewall getaround?

    Sorry to do this to you dude.. But steam, does in fact, have spyware in it.. A good hacking friend of mine by the name of j00lz uncoverd it when the Final version of Steam was released.. I will post a link to the thread here a little la8er. but their website is currently receiving numorous...
  17. L33731

    recently at valve headquarters...

    That's some funny sh|t r|gH7 7hUr... LOL
  18. L33731

    Weirdest Computer Experiences...

    I had someone remote access my home PC and I came home one day only to find some jackass sorting through my personal files.. But he got his.. I was able to hunt down his IP, afterwards I contacted a hacker friend of mine and he, well, lets just say he got owned !!!
  19. L33731

    kazaa firewall getaround?

    Yea I am downloading it now, personally can't stand kazaa.. Not only does it contain spyware ( as does Steam ) but they have contaminated half of the damn songs with an ear jerking sound that is sure to piss anyone off.. Kazaa = Sh|t
  20. L33731

    Incredible websites!

    FLS-EDIT: Do not link to porn