Real or Not

I wouldn't be surprised if it was real, some people can be incredibly stupid sometimes, especially when put in charge of a vehicle or computer :)
The real question is what were they going to do with a load of wood and concrete?? they don't have the equipment to transport it so they proberly don't have the machinery to mix it either.
u can do lots of things with that stuff without machinery
You dont need machinery to mix concrete...I've done it myself by hand. Good, hard work, never did me any harm....
considering that they had ten bags of the stuff and you don't use pure concrete, I think they really do need machinery. Unless of course they have a small workforce at there disposal who don't mind spending alot of time mixing up buckets of concrete.
LOL this picture is like 2 years old atleast..

I know, it suxs waiting for HL2..

And you are probably sulking around your one bedroom apartment with no couch, a 10" Black and White TV on a milk Crate, a mattress on the floor in your bedroom, and a $2,000.00 PC with a Plasma Flat screen moniter, Leather Chair, and Monsterous Computer desk..

But it will be out soon..

In the meantime try to find something to consume your time other then posting pics older then your grandma..

Try taking up masturbation, it's not very constructive but it's one hell of a good time ! :dozey:
compared to sleeping and colledge, masturbation takes up a supriseingly small percentage of my time.
Originally posted by L33731
LOL this picture is like 2 years old atleast..

I know, it suxs waiting for HL2..

And you are probably sulking around your one bedroom apartment with no couch, a 10" Black and White TV on a milk Crate, a mattress on the floor in your bedroom, and a $2,000.00 PC with a Plasma Flat screen moniter, Leather Chair, and Monsterous Computer desk..

But it will be out soon..

In the meantime try to find something to consume your time other then posting pics older then your grandma..

Try taking up masturbation, it's not very constructive but it's one hell of a good time ! :dozey:

Youve got to be joking. Please leave.
Youve got to be joking. Please leave.

It doesn't sound like you found my post amusing... Maybe because this hits a little too close to home ??
OLD is in itslef old , it gets annoying friend.

PS - subtle sarcasm doesnt work over the internet , make it glaring sarcasm or use internet tags :p
PS - subtle sarcasm doesnt work over the internet

And you are probably sulking around your one bedroom apartment with no couch, a 10" Black and White TV on a milk Crate, a mattress on the floor in your bedroom, and a $2,000.00 PC with a Plasma Flat screen moniter, Leather Chair, and Monsterous Computer desk..

Not Glaring enough for you ?? Sorry I will try and be funnier next time.
News Flash. Not every one has surfed the net because their parents made them work not give them every freaking thing they wanted.
So please keep your conments about stuff to funny or not. dont spam this thread.