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  1. P

    help plz =_=

    Just add sv_consistency "0" to your autoexec.cfg or config.cfg and that should take care of the problem. It worked for me when I had installed some custom skins.
  2. P

    My first Attempt at a Frag Video

    cl_crosshairscale **** (I use 2500)
  3. P

    what constitutes a M-M-M-M-MONSTER KILL kill kill...?

    cl_downloadfilter "-nosound" will stop the customsounds from being downloaded from the server if I´m not mistaken.
  4. P

    Your favorite map?

    When palying as T a couple of smokegrenades down the middle will solve the AWP problem :naughty:
  5. P

    validating files

    I think (not sure though) that he has to delete the game from his HD and then download it again in order to get the patches. What I would try first though would be to go here...
  6. P

    Model inconsistency (terror.mdl)

    You could try putting this into your config: sv_consisteny "0" That worked for me when I installed som custom skins.
  7. P

    Please post your favourite CSS servers here

    RadicaLes Puben #1 [NO AWP] Ip: RadicaLes Puben #2 [Dust2 Only] Ip: RadicaLes Puben #3 [AWP ON] Ip: Located in sweden (northern europe/scandinavia), no downloads, no bad language or spawn camping...
  8. P

    Consinstency error

    The strange thing is that I have been able to play both online and offline before with this skinpack installed.
  9. P

    Consinstency error

    I have been using a skinpack for a while now, but after the latest uppdate I keep getting a message that the is a consistency error in one or more of the models. I´m not able to connect a server or even create my own server for a botmatch because of this error. I have tried validating my game...
  10. P

    Simply unplayable!! Laggy as h...

    You could try this: In dxdiag click the sound tab and change the hardware acceleration setting to "None" or "Basic". It worked for me and my fps are up around 70 - 100.
  11. P


    Ok thanks that´s what I was thinking too but I wanted to see if there was another way to fix it before I did that.
  12. P


    Sometimes when I play I get these messages in the console: Performance warning: Mark bone 'ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand' in model 'player/terror.mdl' as being used by bone merge in the .qc! env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: de_piranesi/walltrim01 Failed...
  13. P

    css_assault by Tank

    Thanks alot Tank! I´ve just had a quick look at your map and it looks just great. I can´t wait to play it
  14. P

    css_assault by Tank

    Great looking map but here´s a really stupid question: Where do I put the .bsp file after it´s been downloaded?
  15. P

    Reporting a player

    I was afraid that there wasn´t much to be done about it :x thanks for answering anyway guys *mega big sigh*
  16. P

    Reporting a player

    Can anyone tell me how the f**k I ca report a player who constantly TK´s everyone? This piece of sh*t has totally ruined what looked to be a very good round of CSS for me today. In my opinion assholes like that should be banned for life from online games. :flame:
  17. P

    Bots in CSS

    True, but I used botmatches to improve my skills a bit when playing UT a few years back and it worked fin for me then so I thougt I´d give it a shot. Also I like to be able to play a quick game without going online every now and then.
  18. P

    Bots in CSS

    Is there anyway to play a botgame in CSS? Since I´m a newbie at CS I REALLY need the practice :laugh: any tips om this are most welcome.