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  1. C

    Funniest what-Iwould-do-if-HL2-didnt-work

    Well i think not everything is perfect. Maybe i bought the cd which was corrupted. So i will go back to the shop and change another cd. If come back home and still cannot work, i will go back to my hardware vendor and i scream on them :devil: If i cannot contact my hardware vendor...
  2. C

    Can my new computer play HL2 properly?

    I heard 3d mark 2003 can benchmark my 3d card. Just wonder, what other benchmark i can do for my ATI card? What software i can download for free and test? Yeah i am using windows xp. I think i will update soon as memory is pretty cheap now. Thanks.
  3. C

    Can my new computer play HL2 properly?

    Motherboard BIOS.. hmm.. do we need to update these too? Hmm... ok i will try to update everything. Thanks. It is really low budget. I would expecting ATI Radeon 9800 Pro or XT. I am saving up money now. Regards, Chua Wen Ching :p
  4. C

    Can my new computer play HL2 properly?

    This is my computer specs. Intel P4 2.6c (support hyper threading technology) 256 MB DDR PC400 Intel 865PE ChipSet ATI Radeon 9600 Pro Ultra 128MB (1st batch - more efficient) 17 inch LG Flatron F700B Casing with 450 watts (i think so) I am really scard if i use this machine and...
  5. C

    Writing a business proposal for games?

    unreal Tournament 2003 fails? Why? I think it is a great game... I don't think companies nowadays accept game ideas from people outside of the company. --> I don't quite understand, has this related to submit a business proposal? I am blur! Thanks.
  6. C

    Writing a business proposal for games?

    Well it is okay.. haha! I don't mind listening your comments. I did do some game programming with an existing engine and i won 3rd in one of the game competition before. So you means is that i submit a business proposal attached with a game design doc and some game early screenshots (with...
  7. C

    Writing a business proposal for games?

    Hi thanks a lots. I had think about my game. I do notice that it is so similar to half life 1 or unreal games.. haha! Well, at first i design too much like doing a clone.. i think i need mod here and there... But again, how will a vecture capitalist so confidence that i can finish my...
  8. C

    Writing a business proposal for games?

    Hi there, I need some tips on writing a business idea for a game First Person Shooter. I know what game i want to implement, if if i talk too details about what my game have, there is no business value. How normally ppl like Dungeon Siege can tell their publishers that their games is...
  9. C

    Why HL2 is made in c++?

    Thanks for the comments... sounds if i really want to a game programmer (full time), i need to have c++ strong! Thanks.. i will force myself into c++ for games, and c# for business apps :) Thanks again. Ok, now i finally understand why hl2 is in c++ .. satisfied with the outcome.. haha!
  10. C

    Why HL2 uses Havok?

    water had related to physics???
  11. C

    Why HL2 is made in c++?

    I'll post my version of MATLAB HL2 here when i finish --> you kidding? Wow is mathlab right?
  12. C

    HL2 AI not as good as Halo1/2

    Haha... okay well nevermind i do receive comments.. I don't want to involve myself into any fight... yeah, my own opinion (my own), if a trailer does not convince me, why should i play it? I am not looking at the graphics. I am looking on the AI (the major reason) and other elements too...
  13. C

    HL2 AI not as good as Halo1/2

    Hmm.. how come some of you all are zombie, headcrabs and etc? how you all change it?
  14. C

    Why HL2 uses Havok?

    Ok.. i see! Thanks for the info.
  15. C

    Why HL2 is made in c++?

    Well no.. no c# for ps2.. haha! Well, again someone can create.. why not? They can create for c++ like codewarrior why not on ps2... hehe! Why too many factors to consider? Maybe what youguys say might be true... Thanks for the comments too.
  16. C

    Why HL2 is made in c++?

    Funny most ppl critize they hate microsoft, uses windows xp at home.. i had a friend in college, he is a true hard core linux fan.. ask him all linux question and he can answer... but when i went to his house, he does not have linux at all.. only windows xp.. the worst part he had an...
  17. C

    HL2 AI not as good as Halo1/2

    well different ppl have different taste... maybe they are really hard core gamers. 1 day 20 hours game and 2 hours full time job 2 hours sleep + eat! Haha!
  18. C

    HL2 AI not as good as Halo1/2

    Well i judge a game normally by a trailer... i had no idea and never even tested the game at all... So normaly trailer than makes me convince into playing good games... i hope the later release Half Life 2, will have better AI.. wonder they use finite and fuzzy state machine for...
  19. C

    HL2 AI not as good as Halo1/2

    Well what i know is this. Halo is a well rated game here.. used in almost all events i ever seen example Teched 2003 and even more... hehe! Warcraft 3 here are hot.. i heard many ppl from UK.. they say that game sux.. I also wonder why? Hard to explain here.. maybe different ppl in...
  20. C

    Why HL2 is made in c++?

    java are not meant for only internet games (applets).. maybe this is last time.. java can be used in mobile games.. well more off topic.. okok c# vs c++.. just wonder, why can't someone from valve give comments on this?