Writing a business proposal for games?


Oct 9, 2003
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Hi there,

I need some tips on writing a business idea for a game First Person Shooter.

I know what game i want to implement, if if i talk too details about what my game have, there is no business value.

How normally ppl like Dungeon Siege can tell their publishers that their games is original and something new from Diablo 2?

I was giving an example, and i had no idea how does ppl can convince ppl/publishers to play/publish their games.

I was to write a business plan for some technoentreprenuer in my country, Malaysia.

But i think to develop a game in Malaysia, it is not worth it. Can i say in my business proposal (not business plan), that my target market is US?

And if i develop a game with an existing 3D Engine, do you think Vecture Capitalist will allow me to do so?

I just want to create a game.

But i still had no idea what to write to maky my game unique. You know games like Half Life 2 and Doom 3, both have the same feature kill everyone you see. So what is so special?

Except Half Life can work on lower end and high end machines and had good physics. That is my opinion.

Any tips?

I need some cool tips to get me started please. Thank you.

Oh ya i was suppose to hand in the business proposal as the dateline of the technoprenuer is finishing soon! So i can't wait to develop a game now. I don't want to miss the chance.

Below is the format which i am going to follow:

Executive Summary

Goals and Objectives

The Business Idea
What is it about?

Why is it special? // what is the uniqueness?

What and whose need to be satisfied?

Business model
Key Technology
You should look up some information on "design documents".

Here is a website that has a bunch of examples of design documents.

Do you actually have an idea of what you want to do?
The first questions you should ask yourself when you have a basic design are:
- Would it be fun?
- Would it offer something that other games don't offer?
- Would it be possible on the hardware that will be common when it is finished?
If it fails any of those you should re-evaluate your design.
Hi thanks a lots.

I had think about my game. I do notice that it is so similar to half life 1 or unreal games.. haha!

Well, at first i design too much like doing a clone.. i think i need mod here and there...

But again, how will a vecture capitalist so confidence that i can finish my game in time? How will they know this project is a success or failure one?

Oh does design document had to submitted together with my business proposal?

Well i suppose they want to see something business value stuff!

A design document is typically what is used to propose your idea once you have it fleshed out.

The thing you are talking about might want something else though...
Ok apologies in advance for sounded rude, but if your planning to go ahead with this as it currently stands, then I wont be the last

Nobody will touch it with a ten foot pole. There are no guarantee's you can do what you propose. No company or individual will invest serious amounts of money until you can prove 100% that you can do what you say. Also many investors will expect you to meet them half way. Banks especially. Most wont even consider it unless you put up the same investment your asking from them. If your not risking anything, they wont want to either. Your best bet is to actually create this 3D engine you mention, and create a good demo off your own back to prove you can do it. This will get you half way. To really get them interested you need to sort out a cashflow forcast and prove to them that they could make atleast double what they invest in your project. Without a cashflow forcast banks wont touch you and other investors will be still very unsure. Don't waste time explaining how cool the game is to them, what weapons it will have etc. They don't give a hoot about that, all investors want to know is that if they invest in you, you'll make them more money. If you can prove that, your sorted.. It's probably a good idea to use the already created parts to try secure a distribution company. Most will distribute the work if it doesn't cost them anything in actually making it.. So again you'll need to prove to them they'll make their money back and then profit on top of that

Unfortunately reading what you've wrote. You don't yet have an idea of what you want to do. So again, sorry if this sounds rude but your trying to run before you can walk. May I ask, do you have any experience in the fields of video games? If not then I'd suggest putting your plans on a backburner and getting a job at any games company and learning from the ground up, soak up as much information as you can. Nobody will want to take some guy off the street seriously, but if you can show you've got very far on your own and tons of experience then they will atleast listen to you. Then you can hook them with the cashflow forcasts

Sorry if its not the sort of thing you wanted to hear, but it'll help if your deadly serious about what you plan on doing
Well it is okay.. haha! I don't mind listening your comments.

I did do some game programming with an existing engine and i won 3rd in one of the game competition before.

So you means is that i submit a business proposal attached with a game design doc and some game early screenshots (with the engine)?

Is that what you mean?

Hmm.. what i know when i submit abusines proposal, normally i am not encourage to do any development, and once my business proposal is approved and move to my business plan, maybe i can create a prototype to do presentations.

Well, maybe the prototype looks ugly at first, but this project will be more than 1 years. As long i had the right 3d guys in my team, then it is easier.

Any tips.

Thanks again.
I don't think companies nowadays accept game ideas from people outside of the company.
Raven Software for one I know does not accept ideas from others.
I believe it's some legal issue.
But, however, for every game, including FPS's, the game needs innovation. That's what Unreal Tournament 2003 failed to achieve.
unreal Tournament 2003 fails? Why? I think it is a great game...

I don't think companies nowadays accept game ideas from people outside of the company.
--> I don't quite understand, has this related to submit a business proposal? I am blur!
