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  1. C

    Why HL2 uses Havok?

    Hmm. since half life 2 already did a in house game engine why not their own inhouse physics engine.. many games did that... not necessary use any existing physics engine.. the reason save cost! You see as a game developer (more to hobbyist), i would not think that my game will even sell if...
  2. C

    More info about HL2 morphing characters?

    Well hammer is a map editor..u place entities in there.. like where is the player start position and 3d objects... well i don't think you can model anything in there.. well that is what i know.. correct me if i am wrong! Thanks.
  3. C

    HL2 AI not as good as Halo1/2

    well maybe.. ok.. i think i will give further comments when hl2 is done... :)
  4. C

    Why HL2 uses Havok?

    Oops.. sorry is tokamak, go to Their demo is quite convincing.. see the physics don't see the graphics... well, i am doing a .net wrapper for it.. but it will take more time.. My english is bad.. well maybe i am an Asian that is why? Sorry if i don't...
  5. C

    Why HL2 uses Havok?

    Hi there, I think i never can even buy Havok 2 as a dynamic game physics engine. It is so expensive. And i wonder is havok 2 better than engines like Tokaman and ODE? Why? I see the features are so similar? And i believe Half Life 2 choose Havok 2 for some hell good reasons.. and...
  6. C

    HL2 AI not as good as Halo1/2

    Might be scripted who knows? well i had no idea.. i am guessing...
  7. C

    More info about HL2 morphing characters?

    hmm.. i dont think so.. bsp and portal are different.... Hmm.. nevermind..i went off topic! Thanks everyone.
  8. C

    HL2 AI not as good as Halo1/2

    stuck into position... traptown is all broken.. what does that mean? I never play any beta.. so i not sure what you guys mean.. can share? As long we don't talk anything illegal should be ok.. :)
  9. C

    More info about HL2 morphing characters?

    well if all the map are in bsp.. probably it is bsp... and based on hammer tool, I can convert map -> bsp!
  10. C

    More info about HL2 morphing characters?

    hmm ok.. i heard of terrain paging where you page a certain area ... and the performance is increase...
  11. C

    HL2 AI not as good as Halo1/2

    Yeah halo2 is amazing.. but i simply like hl2 physics... well i hope i can do more physic like... blasting every single buildingi see in the city... with a gun and grenades... more realistics.. i can use the buildings to kill those tall tall monster (scanners is it?) I just wonder what are...
  12. C

    HL2 supports GeForce2MX?

    Oh scard me.. i wonder where my topic went.. Thanks for doing the right job! :) Any help on my previous reply.
  13. C

    More info about HL2 morphing characters?

    PVS? what is PVS? I think hl2 use bsp.. right? Correct me if i am wrong!
  14. C

    HL2 AI not as good as Halo1/2

    In half life 2, everything can be used (i mean when you press 'e') i saw when u ride on a jeep and move in the landscape (the trailer).. somewhere near the cliff of the hill.. there is a tank.. wonder can i drive that tank.. or can i use that special gun and lift up the tank and throw to...
  15. C

    HL2 AI not as good as Halo1/2

    Oh could be possible... I hope the AI will be better and think more than i do.. but don't take my role as a hero.. haha! Later i can't kill anyone... :(
  16. C

    More info about HL2 morphing characters?

    I see.. ok.. i think hammer 3.4 and hammer 3.5 are the same.. only each serve different game versions.. Thanks. Just wonder, isn't bsp gonna obsolete, why not hl2 do portal rather than bsp! i heard the next coming quake will be base on portal.. i think so! Not that sure!
  17. C

    HL2 AI not as good as Halo1/2

    Well really? But halo 2 preview is more convincing... the bad guy jump on top of the jeep, and try to drag you out of the jeep... well i don't think HL2 can do that.. coz i never see it in the trailer... I think black and white AI are even better.. i don't think HL2 is suitable game to...
  18. C

    Somebody please help ->A.I.

    Any idea where i can know more about the beta.. which part of the forums? I am interested to have a try. Can someone direct me to somewhere please?
  19. C

    HL2 AI not as good as Halo1/2

    toned down? What you mean?
  20. C

    HL2 AI not as good as Halo1/2

    huh? like that also can? I never know that.. i would prefer realistic behavior AI.. maybe as good as Black and White... but hl2 physics are superb! No kidding.. they make my jaw open wide! Thanks. I never play the beta, i am worried the AI are scripted! and it will be no fun.