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  1. S

    Lot of activity lately...

    I've hoenstly just stopped thinking about HL2 - stopped posting in the forums and really only come to check on the "info from Valve" thread. Its helped me deal with the lack of HL2 increadibly well. I fear I may be getting too excited and getting my hopes up again .. rofl :P Anyway, the...
  2. S

    Hl2 Specs :S

    No. It will be a horrible, horrible experiance. Even on the lowest quality settings. My advice; buy a brand new system. At least 3 ghz with a gig of ram and a radeon 9800 pro - oh, and broadband - at least a T1 line. gg
  3. S

    When is Half Life 2 available to buy from steam?

    I'm sure thats what he ment ... cause, its just been stated too many times otherwise. Right? eh? *nudge nudge*
  4. S

    ****Steam Now Works Perfectly****

    I found that sometimes in the beta version of Steam, my version of CS would just sit there saying "getting ready to launch", even though I had originaly downloaded all the files. At that point, I'd just simply delete the CS cached files and then re-download them. That always seemed to work fine.
  5. S

    Help send Asprin to Gabe!

    :D I'll help in any way possible :D
  6. S

    The New Steam....

    Steam, does not suck. Halflife 2 will include Steam. Steam was thought up with Halflife 2 in mind. What your experiencing now are reffured to as "bugs". They will be fixed.
  7. S

    Final Release Date Resolution

    Thats 75.3704% ... ... in case anyone else was wondering .. ;)
  8. S

    Final Release Date Resolution

    sure, but they can't expect people to have intenet access 100% of the time to play SP. Thats just stupid. I guess we'll all find out soon enough though :p
  9. S

    Final Release Date Resolution

    you know, I have no idea - its something that Valve will deffinatly have to figure out. However, I honestly can't see them making a requirement you be online to play single player. It's limiting their market too much - the oposite of what a business wants to do ...
  10. S

    Final Release Date Resolution

    I'm putting my money on chached files. You need Steam anyway - its a part of HL2, you cant have HL2 and not have steam. I see no issues with having them as a chached file.
  11. S


    Question; Is knowing that HL2 has been delayed going to make it any better? My point is, so the **** what if it is delayed - its not like theres something you can do about it. So, sit back, take a god damn chill pill and dont think about it. I havn't thought about HL2 being released on...
  12. S

    tf2 was set to be standalone 5 years ago

    I think hes just being an ass .. ;P
  13. S

    tf2 was set to be standalone 5 years ago

    Damn straight .. preach it brotha! :afro: :cheers: :D
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    tf2 was set to be standalone 5 years ago

    lol well, hopfully a few more people will be educated of TF2's history and pull their heads out of their asses ..
  15. S

    N00b Question about DX9

    rofl ...
  16. S

    HL2 solutions... Important stuff.

    dscowboy isnt one to start rummors ... lol hes just pointing out that Valve are the ones saying it will be released the 30th - Sierra on the other hand, have doubts - obviously - and are telling the retailers to push the dates back. your quote should have read like;
  17. S

    TF2 concept needs to STAY like TFC

    Personaly, I think TF and TFC are completely different, the only thing they share is the class system and the weapons.
  18. S

    TF2 concept needs to STAY like TFC

    I hope to god TF2 is nothing like TFC. TFC isn't even that close to TF anymore. smilez hit the nail on the head. Personaly, I want it more realistically based, more tactical but with the different class systems in place, ala TF. If anyone has been following any kind of progress on...
  19. S

    What mods are you most looking forward to?

    <3 even if its just a port with the same models and basically the same code .. it will just be oh-so-sweet.
  20. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    eh, I wasn't pissy .. sorry if it came off that way .. rofl I just ... find it increadibly hard to believe that you think Valve would let you have HL2 for $9.95 ...