TF2 concept needs to STAY like TFC



Gee this makes me wonder I play TFC and I love it the way it is right now. Hopefully when TF2 comes out it may be just like TFC except with a few changes like better graphics and the new physics. Maybe some new weapons and classes. But I don't this game to end up being like battlefield DC or anything with vehicles. TFC is unique because of its type of game play. Its action all the time with no respawn delay times like CS or bf1942. Its a game that is fast paced. I hope when TF2 is released they don't make it a realistic type of game like CS or BF. TFC and most of it's concepts are not realistic, but thats what makes the game fun. Concing, rocketjumping, and even granadejumping from places to places is fun and unique unlike any other game. Please Valve do not ruin the concept of this game and keep it similar to TFC as it stands now, I'm sure theres gonna be a better CS for HL2 and similar mods of "realistic" type play. So we don't need another, make TF2 unique like TFC is now.
Bit hard to read there, but yeah, i agree, TFC is a fun game for a change from the mega "realistic" games out there, i enjoy shooting grens or firing rockets at my own team and watching them Fly, I laugh so hard my back snaps, i really hope TF2 is like TFC...

But i dout it :(
I think, TF2 will be just as good as TFC but it will be something different. From the old info though, it seems that there will be similar elemnts in the game, such as the class stucture. I remember reading a long time ago how valve said, they wanted an aspect of realism in the game but not so much that it wasnt fun to play.
My guess is that TF2 will have much similarity with RTCW:Enemy Territories. With the addition of vehicles of course, which adds a new dimension to gameplay.
yeah and its more war oriented by what i know... meaning instead of carring the 'flag' to the 'capture zone' its more like, escort this tank across the north bridge.. and but what i remeber, it rewards working in squads like a mofo! so many bonus's for players that stick together.
TFC is like a bugs bunny cartoon... scouts bouncing around, other funny characters doing larger than life things

I hope TF2 is what its name suggests, a sequel to TF1 for Quake, but with source power...
i think the game could use a face lift, probably make things a little more realistic but not that much. Right now you can hit a man quare in th face with a RPG and he'll be fine...i think a few changes could afford to be made.
From what I remember of TF2, it was going to have a Commander Class similar to Natural Selection.
deffinatly hope it stays CTF and instant respawns but im happy for them to add vehicles etc.
Well i think its obvious they will keep CTF, but they will probably add whole new gameplay types. I really hope it turns out well.
it needs vehicles

it needs vehicles

without them it would suck, it needs more realisum, and i hear that there will be no more concing, or rocket jumps at last. and one shot to the head should kill you.

atm hw's can take 3 rockets to the face how stupid is that?
TFC is the saddest mod ive ever played

I hope TF2 is more war-like and not stupid like tfc is :[
TFC is awesome--however, the last know info about TF2 was that it would be substantially different.
As long as they include a few 'Hunted' style maps, I'll be more than happy! :rolling:
well they are so obviasly not going to make it to close to the original. Basiclly because tfc classic already exists. Obviasly they will change it. TFC Classic already exists so I can see them having a hole new concept for tfc2 but kinda on the same tracks. But nothing like what your saying with like exactly the same kinda game. That would just be stupid.
I agree with you. It's something special about TFC. :)
eh i hope its different i dont care for tfc that much. i want it to be a lil faster, skillful, and SLIGHTLY, yes slightly more realistic, in terms of how many bullets one man can take. at the most 4 slugs would bring down any human, vest or no vest.
No TF2 will be a strategic military mod and it s like that since 4 years.
Want tfc with source make a mod.
but guys TFC was already realistic!

rocket jumping, conc, jumping, grenade jumping, pipebomb jumping, spawn blocking, sniper-scout boosting, air swimming, dispenser destroying, mirv spamming, emp ground zero with full ammo surviving, charge up sniper rifle, hopping like a crazy kangaro, being hit with a team specific plague, changing clothes without having to need a wardrobe, and knivesdo more damage than an autocannon.

so realistic
I hope to god TF2 is nothing like TFC.

TFC isn't even that close to TF anymore. smilez hit the nail on the head.

TFC is like a bugs bunny cartoon... scouts bouncing around, other funny characters doing larger than life things

I hope TF2 is what its name suggests, a sequel to TF1 for Quake, but with source power...

Personaly, I want it more realistically based, more tactical but with the different class systems in place, ala TF.

If anyone has been following any kind of progress on TF2, they'd see that was the dirrection they were going in anyway. From what I can remember - its going to rely heavily on team work - which is a good thing.

TF2 being anything close to TFC, in terms of gameplay, would be a major let down.
When TF2 was supposed to be released a few years looked like modern war gameplay. A lot like America's Army if anyone has played that. I'm not sure if they decided to change it or not...I sorta lost interest in it. I'll have to try it before I buy it though. It depends on how much it costs
TFC was crap, TF was awesome
well they are so obviasly not going to make it to close to the original. Basiclly because tfc classic already exists. Obviasly they will change it. TFC Classic already exists so I can see them having a hole new concept for tfc2 but kinda on the same tracks. But nothing like what your saying with like exactly the same kinda game. That would just be stupid.

you don't know what you're talking about. TFC is team fortress classic. TF2 is not gonna be TFC2, it's gonna be Team Fortress 2. The sequel to the quake mod.
Valve has said that TF2 will be more realistic than TFC and said that there will for example be no rocket jumping, and damage taken by players will be somewhere between CS and TFC. TF2 is meant to simulate modern day warfare as well as to be a "social" game, where the focus is set on cooperation between players.
I have a funny picture of TF2 being almost exactly like FLF, which is a good thing.
sounds like their going to try to make RTCW:ET with vehicles to me, thats got to be good!

BUt yeah i hope everything (includeing the graphics) are more realistic this time round, TFC plays and looks like a cartoon.
Originally posted by Jerjerod
sounds like their going to try to make RTCW:ET with vehicles to me, thats got to be good!

BUt yeah i hope everything (includeing the graphics) are more realistic this time round, TFC plays and looks like a cartoon.
Comparing TFC with TF2 again, eh? I still dont see how that connection can be made. Both starts with TF. Connection ends there. Unaimed will probably have more in common with TFC than TF2.
that's what i think about cs.

cs2 be nothing like it.
If TF2 was just like TFC, it wouldn't be a retail product. It's going to be much different.

Valve isn't stupid, TF2 isn't going to be a "realistic" CS clone. As the information was 2 years ago, it was going to "look" realistic, but play more like TF. I'm 100% positive that changed with the popularity of CS and the CS-clone mods and CS-clone retail games. There is no way in hell TF2 is going to be anything like CS or "realistic" in that way. It's going to be true to the TF universe, but completely different from TF/TFC.

Everything said about TF2 from everyone on this thread is pure speculation. A lot changes in 2 years, you know. RTCW ripped off TF2 ideas from interviews Valve used to do on it. They used to have interviews where they would talk about all the awesome features of TF2... but since that was so long ago, a lot of other retail games and mods have those ideas in them now.

For those who don't know: TF and TFC are the same thing for two different games. TF was made for Quake; TFC was for Half-Life, but both are essentially the same thing. Thats why its called TF Classic... because its a remake, not a sequal... TF2 is a sequal for TF/TFC. If there was anything called TFC2 in the future, it would be a TF2 remake for another game.
Originally posted by Gordon'sFreeman
Bit hard to read there, but yeah, i agree, TFC is a fun game for a change from the mega "realistic" games out there, i enjoy shooting grens or firing rockets at my own team and watching them Fly, I laugh so hard my back snaps, i really hope TF2 is like TFC...

But i dout it :(

"realistic" should never be used to describe CS , ever.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
"realistic" should never be used to describe CS , ever.

Agreed. That why I use "realistic" in quotes. Because it isn't realistic.
Originally posted by Slash
If TF2 was just like TFC, it wouldn't be a retail product. It's going to be much different.

Now why wouldn't it be a retail prooduct? I don't understand where your coming from. Unreal for the it has "Unrea" is a very active retail product that has sold millions of copies around the globe. Why do we need more "realistic wannabe games" in the gaming industry if theres plenty to choose from (bf1942, CS, America's Army, and I can go on and on). We need variety in the gaming industry and believe it or not TFC is a very popular team based mod that is still alive after almost 5 years.
Originally posted by Slash
If TF2 was just like TFC, it wouldn't be a retail product. It's going to be much different.

Valve isn't stupid, TF2 isn't going to be a "realistic" CS clone. As the information was 2 years ago, it was going to "look" realistic, but play more like TF. I'm 100% positive that changed with the popularity of CS and the CS-clone mods and CS-clone retail games. There is no way in hell TF2 is going to be anything like CS or "realistic" in that way. It's going to be true to the TF universe, but completely different from TF/TFC.

Everything said about TF2 from everyone on this thread is pure speculation. A lot changes in 2 years, you know. RTCW ripped off TF2 ideas from interviews Valve used to do on it. They used to have interviews where they would talk about all the awesome features of TF2... but since that was so long ago, a lot of other retail games and mods have those ideas in them now.

For those who don't know: TF and TFC are the same thing for two different games. TF was made for Quake; TFC was for Half-Life, but both are essentially the same thing. Thats why its called TF Classic... because its a remake, not a sequal... TF2 is a sequal for TF/TFC. If there was anything called TFC2 in the future, it would be a TF2 remake for another game.

Personaly, I think TF and TFC are completely different, the only thing they share is the class system and the weapons.
Originally posted by d1ngd0ngX
TFC is the saddest mod ive ever played

I hope TF2 is more war-like and not stupid like tfc is :[

Tfc can was fun for about a week, but other then that I agree.