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  1. S

    Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

    TF, TFC and TF2 history ... wee .. ooo k.. Some people don't understand the history of TF, TFC or TF2 ... at all. Some think Valve created TFC, some think TF2 if in fact TFC2 .. some think TF2 is a mod ... Heres a bit of history; Back in the good old days, there was a game called...
  2. S

    Has Valve learned from HL1 Multiplayer ?

    I'm pretty sure he means alias and bind commands. such as creating an alias to change the fov (feild of view) of your crossbow, to zoom in really close for a better shot with the press of one button, then be able to return to normal view by pressing it again. There are a lot of alias and...
  3. S

    Crazy Idea

    Interesting ...
  4. S

    Counter-Strike Classic

    Blah. TFC was just something they ported over because they originally said TF2 was going to be a mod for Half-Life. That’s honestly the only reason I bought the game. Course, when I heard that TF2 was going to be its own stand alone game, I felt cheated. In retrospect, I'm glad I bought...
  5. S

    Half-Life 2 CounterStrike (CS2)?

    yea ... if people dont like what you dont like, then F*'n A man ... they're not F*'n right! Cause, everyone knows that your always the 'normal' person and everyone else is just F*'n insane ... So, every single one of you that dont like what I like, dont act how I act or do what I do - stop...